Click the Course Details tab. Choose Image Click the Choose Image button. Upload File To upload your own image, drag and drop your image in your browser [1]. Or, to browse your computer and locate an image, click the browse your computer link [2]. Images will automatically upload, but larger images may take a few seconds to process.
Any user in the course can participate in a chat conversation. All content in a course chat can be viewed by anyone in the course. Currently there is no load limit for a course chat, but larger numbers of course users may affect performance. A user must be actively viewing the chat tool to appear in the chat list.
If you cannot view the Chat tool, Chat has not been enabled for your institution. When Chat is enabled at the account level, it is enabled by default in all courses within the account. To disable chat in your course, you can disable the Chat link in Course Navigation. Safari 13.1 contains an update that may cause issues with chat alerts.
View Course Chat. Chat is a course tool that is available to all students in the course. Chats cannot be limited to specific students. Instructors can use the chat tool to allow students to contact them when online, create virtual office hours, conduct group discussions or study sessions. All users in the course can also access the chat history.
The Chat tool can be used for real-time conversation with course users. Any user in the course can participate in a chat conversation. All content in a course chat can be viewed by anyone in the course. Currently there is no load limit for a course chat, but larger numbers of course users may affect performance.
When you open the Chat page, you immediately join the chat. Chat discussion appears in the content window [1].
To send a chat message, enter your message in the chat window [1]. To add an emoji to your message, click the Emoji icon [2]. Then click the Send button [3].
To send a chat message, enter your message in the chat window [1]. To add an emoji to your message, click the Emoji icon [2] . Then click the Send button [3].
Once Chat has been enabled as an LTI tool in your course, the Chat tool can be used for real-time conversation with course users. Any user in the course can participate in a chat conversation and view all chat content. Currently there is no load limit for a course chat, but larger numbers of course users may affect performance.