How do I go about making a course officially incomplete? You need to get permission from your instructor. If you don’t get your instructor’s approval to get an Incomplete, you will receive an “F” for the course.
University of Florida coursework that is repeated is counted in the computation of your UF grade point average as many times as grades for that course are recorded, although credits will be awarded only once. When you earn a C (2.0) or higher in a course, you will not be allowed to repeat that course.
An incomplete can help you deal with an unexpected situation, but the ultimate goal is to allow you to finish your coursework in a way that best supports your academic goals. Lucier, Kelci Lynn.
If you entered UF with credit for Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) courses and you then repeat and pass the equivalent course at UF, you will receive a grade for the UF course and no credit for the prior work. Grades received at other institutions will not be averaged with grades received at the University of Florida.
Don't let unfinished Incompletes pile up. If you accumulate too many Incompletes, the extra workload can drag you down and cause you to fall behind in your current classes. This situation can easily snowball and make your current quarter unmanageable if you're not careful. Sign up for fewer units to keep your workload manageable.
How do I take an Incomplete in my classes? Contact your instructor(s) to discuss your request. If the professor approves, fill out the Assignment of Incomplete and Requirements for Completion Form and give it to the professor to fill in the respective section.
Grades and Grading Policies For general purposes, passing grades are A, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D- and S. Failing grades are E and U. However, note that C- is not a passing grade for courses in the major, General Education, or Gordon Rule credit.
However, if an emergency arises, an incomplete is often available and can provide the opportunity to pass a class but with more time given to catch up on assignments.
In contrast to a withdrawal (or a failing grade), incompletes can be changed on your transcript once the required coursework is completed. You will usually be given a certain amount of time to finish the course requirements, at which point you will receive a grade just as if you'd never stopped and restarted the class.
UF does not have a grade forgiveness policy. The grades you earn stay on your transcript, even when you repeat a course. Therefore, please make yourself familiar with University policies and procedures to ensure your success.
S/U grading is a student-selected option for a course that is normally designated with A-F or P/F grading. The course instructor does not know if a student selects a course for S/U grading.
How It Works. You don't so much take an Incomplete as ask for one. The procedure is pretty straightforward: you need to discuss the possibility with your instructor by the last day of class. If your instructor is willing, then the two of you will work out a plan to complete your remaining work in the course.
Incomplete Courses The following are not considered passing grades: F, NC, WU, or W. Incomplete (I) grades are not included in the GPA calculation and are considered a noncompletion of attempted coursework until the grade is replaced with a permanent grade and academic progress can be re-evaluated.
Students have three possible options to resolve Incomplete grades:Complete & Replace an Incomplete Grade. An Incomplete or I grade is meant to act as a placeholder grade. ... Request an Extension for an Incomplete Grade. ... Retain/Freeze an Incomplete Grade.
Retake The Course Some schools will allow you to retake a course for a better grade and will delete the F from your transcript entirely. Others will allow you to re-take the class for a higher grade but will keep the F on your transcript, though will not calculate it into your GPA.
Failing or taking an incomplete grade in courses can impact your financial aid in multiple ways. The 3 main impacts may be owing money back for the current term, losing federal aid eligibility for future terms, and not meeting the renewal criteria for scholarships and institutional aid.
According to Academic Senate Regulations, the grade of Incomplete ('I') may be assigned when a student's work is of passing quality and represents a significant portion of the requirements for a final grade, but is incomplete for a good cause as determined by the instructor; good cause may include current illness, ...
One year is the maximum time that the university allows for a student to complete an Incomplete. For example, an Incomplete taken in Autumn Quarter this year must be completed by the end of Autumn Quarter next year.
If you accumulate too many Incompletes, the extra workload can drag you down and cause you to fall behind in your current classes. This situation can easily snowball and make your current quarter unmanageable if you're not careful.
For Incompletes involving missed exams, instructors will commonly ask the student to take the final exam the next time the course is offered (for example, in the following quarter).
If you feel intimidated by asking for an Incomplete, your Academic Advisor can coach you on how to write a courteous email request to your professor.
You don't so much take an Incomplete as ask for one. The procedure is pretty straightforward: you need to discuss the possibility with your instructor by the last day of class. If your instructor is willing, then the two of you will work out a plan to complete your remaining work in the course.
You do not earn the units for an Incomplete course until the class is completed successfully. This also means that if you do not meet your minimum academic progress requirements because of the Incomplete, you may become a candidate for academic probation (or a more elevated status if you are already on probation).
Instead of submitting a grade for you, at the end of the current quarter the instructor will submit an Incomplete notation on your record. At this point, all you have to do is turn in your remaining work, or take the exam that you missed. Do NOT enroll in the course for a second time-- this is not the proper way to finish an Incomplete. Just finish your remaining work. If you can do this by the agreed-upon deadline, the instructor will then change the Incomplete on your record into a grade.
University of Florida coursework that is repeated is counted in the computation of your UF grade point average as many times as grades for that course are recorded, although credits will be awarded only once.
A grade of S is equal to a C (2.0) or better. Grades earned under the S/U option do not carry grade point values and are not computed in the University of Florida grade point average. Courses with a grade of S will count as credits earned in a degree program. Such grades are included in the student's permanent academic record and are reflected on the transcript. After the S/U option is approved, the grade cannot revert to a letter grade.
While H grades for traditional courses become punitive at a date determined by the college, H grades for flexible learning coursework generally become punitive 32 weeks after course enrollment. However, any grade of H received by a degree candidate will become punitive (and calculated as a failing grade) at degree certification.
Grade changes will be accepted and processed by the Office of the University Registrar for one calendar year after the term in which the course was attempted.
If the make-up work does not require classroom or laboratory attendance, the student and their instructor should decide on an appropriate plan and deadline for completing the course. When the course is completed, the instructor will initiate the change of grade.
The Office of the University Registrar records student grades.
For fall, spring and summer C terms, the S/U option deadline is Friday of the third week of classes. For summer A and summer B terms, the deadline is Wednesday of the second week of classes.
Although you might think that the term "incomplete" has negative connotations, taking an incomplete in college doesn't necessarily indicate any kind of mistake or poor judgment on the part of a student. In fact, incompletes can be incredibly helpful for those who find themselves in unexpected, difficult, or unavoidable situations.
Students take incompletes for all kinds of reasons. In general, if circumstances beyond your control prevent you from completing your coursework, you may be eligible to apply for an incomplete. For example, if you came down with a severe illness or were in an accident that required hospitalization or a long recovery period, the registrar and your professor would likely grant you an incomplete.
The language at your school may vary, but whether it's called "taking an incomplete," "asking for an incomplete," "being granted an incomplete," or simply "getting an incomplete," an incomplete buys you extra time to finish your coursework should an unexpected life event come up.
That said, an incomplete is a useful option to pursue because it can keep you from having to withdraw from or fail a class.
Since you had no intention of finishing the required coursework, you'd most likely get an "F" for the class and receive no course credit.
Since incompletes are granted only in unusual circumstances, you'll likely need to discuss your situation with your professor (or professors), your academic adviser, and possibly an administrator such as the dean of students .
Even if you're the most conscientious student, situations can come up that may temporarily interfere with your college life. Something like a family emergency or a personal illness or injury can quickly put you behind on your coursework. It's in situations like these that you may need to request an incomplete. Don't worry: It's something that happens at institutions of higher learning everywhere, and most have a policy in place to deal with student emergencies .
Staying enrolled in the class may result in an “F” for the course which will seriously bring down your GPA.
If you don’t get your instructor’s approval to get an Incomplete, you will receive an “F” for the course.
Withdrawing from a course means you drop a class and are no longer enrolled and are required to complete work, tests, etc.
When you audit a course, you don’t get a grade, you don’t take tests, and you don’t have to turn in homework.
Meet regularly with your instructor to clarify any points that you are unsure of and to ensure that you stay on track in the class.
Too many Withdrawals can affect your Pell Grant and your ETV funding.
A grade of “Incomplete” does not count against you in computing your GPA .
An Incomplete Grade ("I") is a non punitive grade given only during the last one-fourth of a term/semester and only if a student (1) is passing the course and (2) has a justifiable and documented reason, beyond the control of the student (such as serious illness or military service), for not completing the work on schedule. The student must arrange with the instructor to finish the course at a later date by completing specific requirements. These requirements must be listed on a Request for Grade of Incomplete form signed by the instructor, student, and department chair; and also entered on the grade roster by the instructor. Grades of "I" assigned to an undergraduate course at the end of the Fall 2007 semester and later, will default to "F" unless the instructor has designated a different automatic grade. See also Removal of "I" policy.
A student may remove a grade of “I” within one year by completing the stipulated work. After completion of the stipulated work the instructor of record records the final grade on a UNT Grade Change Form and obtains the department chair’s signature.