what is platoon leaders course like today

by Dr. Amira Fahey 4 min read

What is PLC? The Marine Corps Platoon Leaders Course

Officer Candidates School

The United States Marine Corps Officer Candidates School is a training regiment designed to screen and evaluate potential Marine Corps Officers. Those who successfully complete the period of instruction are commissioned as Second Lieutenants in the United States Marines. Unlike t…

(PLC) is an alternative for NROTC or OCS for college students who wish to become commissioned officers in the United States Marine Corps. College students can enroll in PLC when they are freshmen, sophomores, or juniors in college.

Full Answer

How to become a platoon leader?

Usmc Platoon Leaders Class - XpCourse. Top www.xpcourse.com. The Platoon Leaders Class (PLC) offers two entry-level paths that lead to commissioning as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps.The first is the Guaranteed Aviation Program. The second program is the Ground Officer Program.

What is it like to be a platoon leader?

The Platoon Leaders Class (PLC) offers two entry-level paths that lead to commissioning as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps.The first is the Guaranteed Aviation Program.The second program is the Ground Officer Program.This program encompasses all military occupational specialties not directly related to piloting aircraft or guaranteed law.

What are the duties of a platoon leader?

The Platoon Leaders Class (PLC) undergraduate commissioning program allows college students who are currently enrolled full time in any accredited college or university to pursue a commission in the Marine Corps without interrupting academic careers.

What is Platoon Leaders Class like?

Apr 14, 2010 · So I am 14 and am looking to join the Marine Corps after college, but I intend to go to PLC throughout college. I want my MOS to either be Infantry or Artillery. I was just wondering what officer training (PLC,The Basic School, etc) is like. What can I expect, all that good stuff. Thanks in advance. :usmc:

What is the Platoon Leaders Course?

The Marine Corps Platoon Leaders Course (PLC) is an alternative for NROTC or OCS for college students who wish to become commissioned officers in the United States Marine Corps. ... Students who enroll in the program as juniors attend one 10-week summer course at OCS.Oct 16, 2019

Is Marine PLC hard?

Marine Corps Officer Candidate School is one of the most difficult and demanding military training schools in the world. Located in Quantico, VA, Marine OCS is where aspiring young men and woman go with hopes of commissioning in the Marine Corps. Getting selected is competitive and an accomplishment in itself.

How competitive is Marine PLC?

Candidates with PFT scores 260 or higher tend to get selected about 80% of the time. They can also get pre-selected at similar rates to regular ground. Air & Law - If your PFT score is 260 or higher, your chances of being selected are 90%.Oct 8, 2021

How do you get accepted into PLC?

BASIC REQUIREMENTS Applicants for the PLC program must: Be at least 17 years of age and less than 31 at time of appointment to commissioned grade (ground applicants). In short, this means that all pre- commissioned training and degree requirements must be completed before age 31.

Is Marine OCS harder than boot camp?

It was tougher than boot camp physically probably not mentally. The final event at OCS was a killer.Aug 9, 2018

How long is PLC training?

How long does PLC programming take to learn? Depending on a student's background and experience, basic PLC programming skills can be learned in as little as 30 to 40 hours of training.Mar 2, 2020

What GPA is required for Marines?

How high of a GPA do you need to join the Marines? The minimum required high school GPA is 2.5. Besides, you must score no lower than a 920 on your SAT and 19 or more on your ACT.

How hard is Marine officer training?

How Hard Is Marine OCS? Marine OCS is one of the most difficult officer training programs out there. It requires you to be physically and mentally tough while running on little sleep.

Is it hard to get into the Marine Corps?

Marine Corps basic training has the reputation of being the toughest of all the services. It most certainly is the longest, at about 12 1/2 weeks. It has been said time and time again by former Marines that Marine Corps recruit training was the most difficult thing they ever had to do in their entire lives.Mar 26, 2019

What weight do you have to be to be a Marine?

Height & Weight Charts: Marine CorpsMenHeight (inches)Min Weight (pounds)Max Weight (pounds)58911325994136609714121 more rows

Do you get paid during Marine OCS?

Candidates are paid at the pay grade of E-5 (Sergeant pay grade), “or the highest pay grade achieved if” entering… “directly from current service at a pay grade above E-5.” This means you will be paid at least as an E-5, but current Marines will not get a pay cut.Sep 4, 2017

How long is a Marine aviation contract?

Aviation contracts fluctuate between six to eight years — depending on an individual's assigned aircraft type — and it begins on the date an officer receives their wings. By the time an aviator's initial contract is finally complete, it is not uncommon that they are on the promotion board for major that same year.Jul 31, 2019

Platoon Leader Careers

The platoon is an important constituent of any country's army. The soldiers of a platoon have various roles and abilities that they expect to accomplish a mission. Just like any other team, they need a leader too for guidance and leadership. Platoon Leaders are their heads who motivate and inspire them to complete a mission.

Platoon Leader Career Paths

In addition to switching up your job search, it might prove helpful to look at a career path for your specific job. Now, what's a career path you ask? Well, it's practically a map that shows how you might advance from one job title to another. Our career paths are especially detailed with salary changes.

Platoon Leader Resumes

Designing and figuring out what to include on your resume can be tough, not to mention time-consuming. That's why we put together a guide that is designed to help you craft the perfect resume for becoming a Platoon Leader. If you're needing extra inspiration, take a look through our selection of templates that are specific to your job.

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PLATOON LEADERS CLASS PROGRAM GENERAL The Marine Corps looks to the nation's colleges and universities for its officers. Primarily, because one of the main prerequisites for obtaining a commission in the Corps is a college degree. The Marine Corps also obtains a limited number of its officers through the Naval Academy and the NROTC program.

What is a PLC in the Marine Corps?

· The Marine Corps Platoon Leaders Course (PLC) is an alternative for NROTC or OCS for college students who wish to become commissioned officers in the United States Marine Corps. College students can enroll in PLC when they are freshmen, sophomores, or juniors in college .

What is a platoon leader?

The platoon leader (PL) – platoon sergeant (PSG) leadership team is a unique and influential pair of roles that exist in the Army. In order for a platoon to succeed, an effective partnership must exist between the PL and PSG. Current Army training, however, does not focus on teaching leaders how to effectively partner together.

What is Kormar platoon exchange?

The KORMAR platoon exchange program between Indonesia and the U.S. involves each country sending a platoon of Marines to live and train together at the other's military base. This program enhances...

What is a PLC in the Marine Corps?

· The Marine Corps Platoon Leaders Course (PLC) is an alternative for NROTC or OCS for college students who wish to become commissioned officers in the United States Marine Corps. College students can enroll in PLC when they are freshmen, sophomores, or juniors in college.

How many weeks of PLC training is required for Marine Corps?

The Platoon Leaders Class is the most common path to becoming a Marine Officer. Open to college freshmen and sophomores: Must complete two six-week training sessions at OCS. College Juniors: one 10-week combined PLC training session at OCS.

Where is Lt Col Goldberg?

He holds a degree in Political Science from Villanova University near Philadelphia, PA. LtCol Goldberg received the Marine Occupational Specialty of Ground Intelligence Officer in 2002 after completing the training pipeline in ...

What is OCS in the Marines?

(Redirected from Platoon Leaders Course) The United States Marine Corps Officer Candidates School (OCS) is a training regiment designed to screen and evaluate potential Marine Corps Officers. Those who successfully complete the period of instruction are commissioned as Second Lieutenants in the United States Marines.

What is the 16401?

U.S. Code. Notes. prev next. (a) Authority.—The Secretary of the Navy may provide financial assistance to an eligible member of the Marine Corps Reserve for expenses of the member while the member is pursuing on a full-time basis at an institution of higher education a program of education approved by the …

What is a platoon leader?

The Platoon Leaders Class (PLC) undergraduate commissioning program allows college students who are currently enrolled full time in any accredited college or university to pursue a commission in the Marine Corps without interrupting academic careers. PLC is the most common path to becoming one of us and all training sessions take place in Quantico, VA. This path has two training options:

Where is PLC training?

PLC is the most common path to becoming one of us and all training sessions take place in Quantico, VA. This path has two training options: Two six-week summer training sessions for college freshman and sophomores. One ten-week training session for college juniors.

What are the battles that Marines are determined to win?

For freedom and against tyranny. For justice and against every obstacle in the way of our Nation’s prosperity. These are the battles Marines are determined to win—but make no mistake: no Marine Officer leads alone.

What is the training for a Marine?

The two most common paths to becoming a Marine Officer are the Platoon Leaders Class (PLC) and the Officer Candidate Course (OCC).

What is equipment accountability?

Equipment accountability is a joint task between yourself, your platoon sergeant, and your Soldiers. In the end, the commander is signed for everything, so do her or him a solid favor by being organized. At the end of the day, it’s about being ready to accomplish the mission. You can’t do that if your equipment is broken or missing.

How to play nice with your peers?

File this alternately under “play nice with others.” Having a good relationship with your peers is important. One, they are experiencing the very same things that you are; exchanging information can be mutually beneficial. Two, you have a pretty good shot at working with them again at some level in the rest of your career. It is a small Army, so be very careful before you burn a bridge, because that person just might be someone you need to work with closely someday. Third and lastly, you’re going to need friends to help you stay sane. And no, that handle of Jack Daniels does not count as a friend at the end of the day.
