a golf course has frequent players whose demand is

by Janet Emard 9 min read

A golf course has frequent players whose demand is Qf = 260 - 0.4P and infrequent players whose demand is Qi = 10 - 0.1P. Combined market demand is Q = 34 - 0.4P. The marginal cost and average total cost of providing a round of golf are $20.

Why are so many people playing golf online this year?

The fact that people can play safely, get outdoors, social distance, etc. is certainly positive. Although retail has experienced an uphill battle this year, we've seen tremendous demand in our online channels," Adidas Golf President Jeff Lienhart told the NGF.

What's happening to the golf industry?

Equipment sales also surge. The industry hit an all time high of $388.6 million in sales in July, according to Golf Datatech. "It's amazing to see the growth the sport has experienced -- even in the face of a global pandemic. The fact that people can play safely, get outdoors, social distance, etc. is certainly positive.

Why don't golf courses share fairways?

The holes may share fairways and sometimes greens (such as at St Andrews to economize on land use, but in modern times this is rare due to the potential for injury from balls coming the other way.

How popular is golf these days?

It indicates how popular golf is today, especially as an ideal social distancing activity. Newcomers are coming into the game, existing golfers are playing much more, and those who once played but left for a while are returning, which is the perfect combination to drive rounds played and spike equipment sales at retail."

What is perfect price discrimination in monopoly?

Natural monopolies: First-degree price discrimination, or perfect discrimination, is the highest level of price discrimination, in which each unit of production is sold at the maximum price that the consumer is willing to pay for that specific unit.

What is the consumer surplus under perfect price discrimination?

There is no consumer surplus. There is no deadweight loss. Everyone pay the highest price they are willing to pay for each unit purchased.

How to calculate profit perfect price discrimination?

PS is equal to the area under the demand curve and above the supply curve or PS = (1/2)($1000 per unit - $100 per unit)(450 units) = $202,500. DWL = 0 since with perfect price discrimination the allocatively efficient amount of the good is produced.

What conditions are necessary in order for a monopolist to be able to successfully price discriminate?

The seller must have some control over the supply of his product. Such monopoly power is necessary to discriminate the price. The seller should be able to divide the market into at least two sub-markets (or more). The price-elasticity of the product must be different in different markets.

What consumer surplus means?

Consumers' surplus is a measure of consumer welfare and is defined as the excess of social valuation of product over the price actually paid. It is measured by the area of a triangle below a demand curve and above the observed price.

What is meant by perfect price discrimination quizlet?

Perfect Price Discrimination: Perfect price discrimination occurs when firms not only charge different consumers different prices, but also charge each person the maximum that they would be willing to pay for a good.

How is the inter temporal pricing a form of price discrimination?

Intertemporal price discrimination provides a method for firms to separate consumer groups based on willingness to pay. The strategy involves charging a high price initially, then lowering price after time passes. Many technology products and recently- released products follow this strategy.

What is meant by price discrimination and briefly explain the types of price discrimination?

Price discrimination is a selling strategy that charges customers different prices for the same product or service based on what the seller thinks they can get the customer to agree to. In pure price discrimination, the seller charges each customer the maximum price they will pay.

How is peak load pricing a form of price discrimination can it make consumers better off give an example?

Peak-load pricing can increase total consumer surplus because consumers with highly elastic demands consume more of the product at lower prices during off-peak times than they would have if the company had charged one price at all times. An example is telephone pricing.

What is the difference between a monopoly and monopolistic competition?

A monopoly is the type of imperfect competition where a seller or producer captures the majority of the market share due to the lack of substitutes or competitors. A monopolistic competition is a type of imperfect competition where many sellers try to capture the market share by differentiating their products.

What are the four conditions of monopolistic competition?

The four conditions to monopolistic competition are a large number of firms, similar but not perfectly substitutable products, low barriers to entry, and less than perfect information.

What is discriminating monopoly when is it possible how price and output is determined under it?

A discriminating monopolist also aims at maximisation of profit. He determines price and output of his product in such a way that he attains maximisation of his profit.

How many people will play golf in 2020?

played golf – both on-course and off-course – in 2020. This includes 24.8 million people who played on a golf course and another 12.1 million who participated exclusively in off-course golf activities at places like driving ranges, indoor golf simulators or golf entertainment venues like Topgolf and Drive Shack.

What percentage of golfers are women?

0 %. of on-course golfers are women. Females represent a disproportionately higher percentage of juniors (34%), beginners (36%) and off-course participants (45%) than they do in the overall golf population. Latent Demand.

Why is golf booming?

Golf is booming because of the pandemic. Players wearing face masks warm up on the range at the Miami Beach Golf Club on April 29, 2020 in Miami Beach, Florida. (CNN) The pandemic has popularized a lot of unexpected activities.

How many viewers will watch the 2020 PGA Championship?

The first round of the tournament averaged 1,246,000 viewers, making it the event's most viewed first round telecast since 2015, and the second best opening round in the last 10 years.

When did golf datatech start recording equipment data?

July and August saw the two best months for golf sales since Golf Datatech started recording equipment data in 1997. "We have never seen a surge like what has happened in the summer of 2020, coming out of the worldwide shutdown from COVID-19," said John Krzynowek, Partner, Golf Datatech in a news release.

Will college gameday be broadcast in 2020?

Even ESPN's College Gameday broadcast from the Masters for the first time ever, and gained a 31% increase in viewership from all of its other shows in 2020, according to ESPN's Bill Hofmeier.

Is golf resurgence?

Thanks to social distancing, the sport of golf has seen a resurgence, too. At the beginning of 2020, golf courses were seeing business as usual. There was no big nationwide increase in the number of rounds of golf played, according to data from Golf DataTech.

What is a golf course?

Aerial view of a golf course ( Golfplatz Wittenbeck at the Baltic Sea, Germany) A golf course is the grounds where the sport of golf is played. It consists of a series of holes, each consisting of a tee box, a fairway, the rough and other hazards, and a green with a cylindrical hole in the ground, known as a "cup".

How many times can you play a round in golf?

When playing on an 18-hole course, each hole is played once; whereas, on a nine-hole course each hole can be played twice to complete a round.

How many markers are there in a golf tee box?

Each tee box has two markers showing the bounds of the legal tee area. The teeing area spans the distance between the markers, and extends two-club lengths behind the markers. A golfer may play the ball standing outside the teeing area, but the ball itself must be placed and struck from within the area.

What is the first section of a golf hole?

The first section of every hole consists of the teeing ground, or tee-box. There is typically more than one available box where a player places his ball, each one a different distance from the hole (and possibly with a different angle of approach to the green or fairway) to provide differing difficulty.

What is the farthest tee in golf?

White – Farther still, typically used by low-to-average-handicap men and low-handicap teenage boys. Black or Blue – The farthest tee from the hole and with the most exposure to any major hazards; typically used only during tournaments or by zero-handicap ("scratch") male players.

How many holes are there in a golf round?

The cup holds a flagstick, known as a "pin". A standard round of golf consists of 18 holes. Most courses contain 18 holes; some share fairways or greens, and a subset has nine holes, played twice per round. Par-3 courses consist of nine or 18 holes all of which have a par of three strokes.

Where is the link in golf?

It is on links land near the towns of central eastern Scotland that golf has been played since the 15th century.
