what is incomplete course

by Drake Rutherford DDS 6 min read

INCOMPLETE COURSES. If a student has been doing satisfactory work until near the end of a term, and then because of illness or other unavoidable circumstances has been prevented from completing the work, the instructor may give the student an "Incomplete" and extend the privilege of completing the work by a later date.

Taking an incomplete in a college course is exactly just what it sounds like: Your participation in the class is incomplete. You were unable to finish the required coursework by the time the semester or quarter concluded.Nov 25, 2019

Full Answer

What is an incomplete grade?

Incomplete Courses Academic Regulation “The instructor gives a grade of “I” (Incomplete) to a student who for a valid reason is unable to complete a substantial portion of the work of the course. The determination of a “valid reason” rests with the instructor, but examples of valid reasons include a serious health, family, or personal ...

What do I do if my course is incomplete?

INCOMPLETE COURSES. Source: Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Incomplete Grade -- Use of the Grade "I" If a student has been doing satisfactory work until near the end of a term, and then because of illness or other unavoidable circumstances has been prevented from completing the work, the instructor may give the student an "Incomplete" and …

What does it mean to take an incomplete in college?

An Incomplete Grade (“I”) is a non punitive grade given only during the last one-fourth of a term/semester and only if a student (1) is passing the course and (2) has a justifiable and documented reason, beyond the control of the student (such as serious illness or military service), for not completing the work on …

Can I re-enroll in a course if I have an incomplete grade?

Instructors are encouraged to use the Report of Incomplete Grade form as a contract with the student as to what course work must be completed by the student for the I grade to be removed and replaced with a grade. On the form, the instructor states: (1) which assignments or exams should be completed and when; (2) how this work will be graded; and (3) how the student's …

What is an incomplete grade?

“The instructor gives a grade of “I” (Incomplete) to a student who for a valid reason is unable to complete a substantial portion of the work of the course. The determination of a “valid reason” rests with the instructor, but examples of valid reasons include a serious health, family, or personal problem arising late in the semester. A grade of “I” must be removed by the instructor’s submitting the new grade to the Registrar no later than 14 days prior to the first day of classes of the fall semester of the next academic year following the awarding of the grade of Incomplete. After this date, the grade of “I” shall be changed to a grade of “F”. In order for a senior to graduate at the May commencement, all of a student’s Incomplete grades must be removed by the beginning of the spring examination period.”

When should incompletes be given?

Incompletes should only be given when there is a reasonable expectation that a student can and will complete the work by the deadline. Incompletes should not comprise the majority of the work expected throughout the duration of the course.

When does an I grade have to be removed?

A grade of “I” must be removed by the instructor’s submitting the new grade to the Registrar no later than 14 days prior to the first day of classes of the fall semester of the next academic year following the awarding of the grade of Incomplete. After this date, the grade of “I” shall be changed to a grade of “F”.

Do professors have to check in with students?

It is recommended that the professor check in with the student at various points of time to see if progress is being made on the incomplete.

What does "incomplete" mean in a course?

INCOMPLETE COURSES. If a student has been doing satisfactory work until near the end of a term, and then because of illness or other unavoidable circumstances has been prevented from completing the work , the instructor may give the student an "Incomplete" and extend the privilege of completing the work by a later date.

Why do instructors assign grades of IP?

In courses designed to extend beyond the term of registration, e.g., thesis research, instructors may assign a grade of IP to indicate "in progress" toward completion. In courses not designed to extend beyond the term of registration, instructors may assign a grade of I to indicate a student's course work was incomplete due to documented ...

What is IP grade?

An IP or I grade is replaced by a regular grade when the course work is completed. The grade point average for the term in which the course was registered, as well as for subsequent terms, and cumulative grade point averages will then be retroactively computed using the regular grade replacement.

What happens if you don't receive a grade change?

If a grade change is not received by the deadline, the "I" grade will automatically be changed to an "F" grade, unless a default grade was entered on the Incomplete Contract, with both the semester and the cumulative grade point averages adjusted accordingly. (See Section IV-E for grade changes after the deadline).

Who is responsible for putting the grade of I on the grade roster?

Instructors are responsible for entering the grade of "I" on the grade roster. In no case should the "Incomplete" be given to students who, through their own fault, failed to complete the requirements of a course on time or who failed to report for the final examination as scheduled.

Can you change your regular grade to IP?

A regular grade cannot be changed to an IP or I on a temporary basis. With the exception of 799 Thesis Research, course work must be completed within one calendar year from the time the IP or I grade was assigned. Students may petition instructors for extensions of this deadline.

What happens if you get an incomplete in a class?

A grade of Incomplete (noted “I” on the transcript) may be assigned when a student in good standing in a course has completed and passed a majority of the work required for a course but, for reasons beyond the student’s control, cannot complete the entire course.

Does an incomplete affect your grade?

An incomplete grade does not reward the student with academic credit and so is not included in grade point average computation. If students do not meet that deadline, most schools convert the grade to an F, which is then included in the student’s GPA.

Can you withdraw from an incomplete course?

In contrast to a withdrawal (or a failing grade), incompletes can be changed on your transcript once the required coursework is completed. You will usually be given a certain amount of time to finish the course requirements, at which point you will receive a grade just as if you’d never stopped and restarted the class.

What does incomplete mean on grades?

An Incomplete Grade (“I”) is a non punitive grade given only during the last one-fourth of a term/semester and only if a student (1) is passing the course and (2) has a justifiable and documented reason, beyond the control of the student (such as serious illness or military service), for not completing the work on …

Is it better to get an incomplete or an F?

An Incomplete doesn’t mean you’ll have to retake the course, and you definitely won’t want to fail the course and take it again, because that F will be on your record. An F on your record is worse than an Incomplete. You should check with your professor about what he would have you do to make up the incomplete.

Does an incomplete go away?

The Incomplete comes with an expiration date; if the work doesn’t get done by a particular date, the grade reverts to an “F.” It’s not a Get Out of Jail Free card; it’s just an extension.

How do you get an incomplete grade?

An I (incomplete) grade is awarded only when a student has completed the majority of the work of a course and the student’s work has been of acceptable quality (C or better for undergraduate students, B or better for graduate students), but the required amount of work has not been completed because of illness.

What is an incomplete grade?

What is an Incomplete (I) Grade? An Incomplete Grade ("I") is a non punitive grade given only during the last one-fourth of a term/semester and only if a student (1) is passing the course and (2) has a justifiable and documented reason, beyond the control of the student (such as serious illness or military service), ...

How long does it take to remove an I grade from UNT?

A student may remove a grade of “I” within one year by completing the stipulated work. After completion of the stipulated work the instructor of record records the final grade on a UNT Grade Change Form and obtains the department chair’s signature.

What happens if you take an incomplete grade in 1977?

Effective Fall Semester 1977, if the incomplete grade is not removed by the instructor within one year the I grade will convert to a failing grade. For undergraduate courses, the one-year limit may be extended for one additional year if approved  by the instructor and student's college dean.

When is a grade of I awarded?

"The grade of I may be awarded only at the end of a term, when all but a minor portion of the course work has been satisfactorily completed. The grade of I is not to be awarded in place of a failing grade or when the student is expected to repeat the course; in such a case, a grade other than I must be assigned.  Students should make arrangements with the instructor to receive an incomplete grade before the end of the term."


What Is An Incomplete (I) Grade?

  • An Incomplete Grade ("I") is a non punitive grade given only during the last one-fourth of a term/semester and only if a student (1) is passing the course and (2) has a justifiable and documented reason, beyond the control of the student (such as serious illness or military service), for not completing the work on schedule. The student must arrange with the instructo…
See more on registrar.unt.edu

How to Get An Incomplete (I) Grade

  • An "I" grade is a non-punitive grade given only during the last one-fourth of a semester and only if a student (1) is passing the course; (2) has justifiable reason why the work cannot be completed on schedule; and (3) arranges with the instructor to finish the course at a later date by completing specific requirements that the instructor must list on the electronic grade roster. All work in the …
See more on registrar.unt.edu

How to Remove An Incomplete (I) Grade

  • A student may remove a grade of “I” within one year by completing the stipulated work. After completion of the stipulated work the instructor of record records the final grade on a UNT Grade Change Form and obtains the department chair’s signature. The instructor’s academic dean completes processing with the Registrar’s Office, where the grade point average is adjusted acc…
See more on registrar.unt.edu

Additional Resources

  • For more information about Removal of "I" grades, please see the Academics section of the UNT Catalog.
See more on registrar.unt.edu