what does john proctor come to understand in the course of the play

by Dr. Henriette Runte 9 min read

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How does John Proctor change throughout the Crucible?

John Proctor is a character from the Crucible, a play by Arthur Miller, Throughout the play he changes from being a troubled, self-exiled, sinner to becoming a person of high moral standards. The characters in this play are simple, common people that live in the town of Salem in the year 1692.

What kind of character is John Proctor?

A limited time offer! John Proctor is a character from the Crucible, a play by Arthur Miller, Throughout the play he changes from being a troubled, self-exiled, sinner to becoming a person of high moral standards. The characters in this play are simple, common people that live in the town of Salem in the year 1692.

How does John Proctor speak his mind in the play?

Instead, John Proctor speaks his mind when he recognizes injustice. Throughout the play, he openly disagrees with the actions of Reverend Parris, a choice that ultimately leads to his execution. Despite his prideful ways, John Proctor describes himself as a "sinner." He has cheated on his wife, and he is loath to admit the crime to anyone else.

What internal conflict does John Proctor face in the play?

John Proctor was faced with strong internal conflict regarding his reputation. This internal conflict drives his transformation as a dynamic character, which is a character whose traits or personality transform as the drama unfolds due to intense conflict.

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What does John Proctor represent in the play?

The character John Proctor seems to represent and show the viewpoint of a real man, unaffected by hysteria; a difficult thing to portray during the 1950's in the USA, due to the fear and hate of Communism and the 'witch' hunt for communists. John Proctor is the central character of the play.

What did John Proctor do in Act 1 of The Crucible?

John Proctor, a local farmer, enters Parris's house to join the girls. Proctor disdains hypocrisy, and many people resent him for exposing their foolishness. However, Proctor is uneasy with himself because he had conducted an extramarital affair with Abigail.

What is John Proctor's main motivation for coming into the court?

John Proctor's motivation to go against the court and trials is that he loves his wife. Once Elizabeth got accused things became very real to him. Besides the fact that he cheated, confessing to the court showed a lot about his character. It showed he is willing to suffer for Elizabeth's innocence.

How does John Proctor change throughout the play?

This leads to an important change of his personality: John Proctor changes from a normal citizen and a sinner to a tragic hero, a person of high sense of morality. This evolution of his character is due to many situations he is faced with and which aroused strong feelings and beliefs.

How does John Proctor's great dilemma change during the course of the play?

How does John Proctor's great dilemma change during the course of the play? Proctor, the play's tragic hero, has the conscience of an honest man, but he also has a secret flaw—his past affair with Abigail.

What is John Proctor important in The Crucible?

John Proctor was an extremely important character in The Crucible. The story would not have had a plot of conflict without him. He changed through his character developing, through his decision making, and through the conflicts and obstacles. John Proctor was a cheater, but changed to the Salem Hero.

What did John Proctor believe in?

Proctor is a member of the Puritan religion, which is actually a whole community centered around a specific belief system. This is a culture grounded in the values of the Christian faith, hard work, self-denial, and simple living.

What is John Proctor main conflict?

John Proctor's main conflict is internal and he is a protagonist. This is because he realizes that he is able to stop Abigail's disturbance throughout the city, but only by admitting he had an affair with her. Mr. Proctor has an outstanding reputation, but admitting his secret would surly destroy it.

What is John Proctor passionate about?

His lust for Abigail Williams led to their affair (which occurs before the play begins), and created Abigail's jealousy of his wife, Elizabeth, which sets the entire witch hysteria in motion.

How has Proctor changed from the beginning of the play?

Answers 1. Proctor certainly matures. He laments his behavior with Abigail, Instead of blaming his wife Elizabeth, for his affair, he places guilt squarely on his own shoulders. By the end of the play John has gone from self-righteous philandering to trying to keep any good that is left in his name.

How does John Proctor show power in The Crucible?

Taking out his past mistakes and flaws, John Proctor has true power in Salem. At the start of the play, when the girls are caught dancing in the woods, Proctor's power is high and mighty and continues to be just until his wife is arrested.

What is the purpose of Proctor's change in character?

His change is important because it shows how much he wants to prove to Elizabeth that he loves her and not Abigail. This is because he chose to stay with his statement which said that Abigail was a fraud and he chose that which would get him hung.…

How does John change when Elizabeth appears?

His emotions suddenly change when Elizabeth appears. He turns into a caring man when they are taking her away: “I will bring you home, I will bring you home soon” This language shows that John can be caring, as he has forgotten about Mr. Hale and Cheever and is now concentrating on his wife. Proctor has faith that his wife ‘never lies’. She confessed that she doesn’t believe in witches even though her religion says she should believe in them. At the end of act 2 John feels quite scared as he is trying to make Mary overthrow the court and she doesn’t want to do it: ” My wife will never die for me!

Why is Mary Warren more than John's servant?

Mary Warren is also more than John’s servant in the house as he tries to get her, along with himself, to overthrow the court to free Elizabeth. This also enables him to get revenge on Abigail for accusing his wife. If I were producing this play then I would have Mary trying to run away shouting that she ‘won’t do it’. This would indicate that she is scared of John and doesn’t feel safe near him. His anger also is shown in this Act as he ‘rips the deputy governors warrant’ up.

Why did John stay away from Elizabeth?

This could suggest that he stayed away longer because he wanted to avoid Elizabeth due to the fact that he has a guilty conscience: “What keeps you so late its almost dark” In a production of this play I would have the room very dark with just a few candles on the table. There would be food on the table but it would not look appetising, as it would have gone cold. There would be family pictures on a dresser at the side. This indicates that john is a family man, or so Elizabeth thinks.

Who Is John Proctor?

John Proctor is one of the key characters in " The Crucible " and can be considered the leading male role of the play. Because of his importance, we know more about him than almost anyone else in this tragedy.

What would happen if John Proctor didn't have his flaws?

Proctor's flaws make him human. If he didn't have them, he wouldn't be a tragic hero. If the protagonist were a flawless hero, there would be no tragedy, even if the hero died at the end. A tragic hero, like John Proctor, is created when the protagonist uncovers the source of his downfall.

What is John Proctor's kindness?

Proctor's Kindness and Anger. John Proctor is a kind man in many ways. In Act One, the audience first sees him entering the Parris household to check on the health of the reverend's ill daughter. He is good natured with fellow villagers such as Giles Corey, Rebecca Nurse, and others. Even with adversaries, he is slow to anger.

Why is Proctor a sympathetic character?

Still, he remains a sympathetic character because his anger is generated by the unjust society which he inhabits.

What is Arthur Miller's inspiration?

Arthur Miller drew inspiration from Greek tragedies in his plays. Like many of the storylines from Ancient Greece, " The Crucible " charts the downfall of a tragic hero: John Proctor.

What is the character of Proctor?

Proctor's character contains a caustic blend of pride and self-loathing, a very puritanical combination indeed . On the one hand, he takes pride in his farm and his community. He is an independent spirit who has cultivated the wilderness and transformed it into farmland. Furthermore, his sense of religion and communal spirit has led ...

Did John Proctor build the church?

In fact, he helped construct the town's church. His self-esteem sets him apart from other members of the town, such as the Putnams, who feel one must obey authority at all costs. Instead, John Proctor speaks his mind when he recognizes injustice.

What does Proctor do in the final act?

Proctor redeems himself and provides a final denunciation of the witch trials in his final act. Offered the opportunity to make a public confession of his guilt and live, he almost succumbs, even signing a written confession.

What is the significance of Proctor's confession?

Proctor’s confession succeeds only in leading to his arrest and conviction as a witch, and though he lambastes the court and its proceedings, he is also aware of his terrible role in allowing this fervor to grow unchecked. Proctor redeems himself and provides a final denunciation of the witch trials in his final act.

Why does Proctor refuse to give a false confession?

Proctor’s refusal to provide a false confession is a true religious and personal stand . Such a confession would dishonor his fellow prisoners, who are brave enough to die as testimony to the truth.

Who is the hero of the Crucible?

The Crucible. In a sense, The Crucible has the structure of a classical tragedy, with John Proctor as the play’s tragic hero. Honest, upright, and blunt-spoken, Proctor is a good man, but one with a secret, fatal flaw. His lust for Abigail Williams led to their affair (which occurs before the play begins), and created Abigail’s jealousy ...

Can Proctor stop Abigail's rampage?

Once the trials begin, Proctor realizes that he can stop Abigail’s rampage through Salem but only if he confesses to his adultery. Such an admission would ruin his good name, and Proctor is, above all, a proud man who places great emphasis on his reputation.

Why does John Proctor rip the confession in half?

Now John has a burning desire to live and is ready to confess, but just as he signs the confession he snatches it up and rips it in half, because he doesn’t want his name to be scorned in the village. It appears as though John Proctor has come full circle and now refuses to hand the confession over to Danforth.

Who is the only voice of reason in the play?

Despite his adulterous behavior John Proctor is a man that often serves as the only voice of reason during the play. In act two, in the scene where Reverend Hale asked John to recite the Ten Commandments, and John recited all except for adultery.

Why do villains choose the people they condemn?

The reasons the villains select the people they do for condemnation are both simple and clear because all of the accusers have ulterior motives, such as revenge, greed, and covering up their own behavior. The three major points I will be talking about in my essay about are as follows: 1 His entrance into the play where he is talking alone to Abigail and trying to convince himself that he is not an adulterer and that they did not have an affair. 2 when John is reciting the Ten Commandments. 3 where John tells Elizabeth that he are going to confess.

What does Miller want to tell us about life?

But in the end he comes to realize that all he can do and must do is to protect the truth, even at the cost of his own life. By doing so he finally saves his own ‘name’, his truth, and his life, in a different way. This is what Miller is trying to tell us, that there are some things more important than life itself.

Did John fear nothing Elizabeth?

Fear nothing Elizabeth. ” Now John has a purpose for direct involvement in the trials, it is the fact that Elizabeth has now been accused of witchcraft. Since John knows she is innocent his statement above shows his will to make sure his wife’s image or life isn’t destroyed by the false accusations of Abigail.

Did John Proctor have an affair with Abby?

But I’ll cut off my hand before I’ll ever reach for you again. Wipe it out of mind. We never touched, Abby. ” John knows that he really did have an affair with Abby, but the fact that he denied it shows how in the beginning of the story, he was a man only concerned with only his own self preservation. Despite his adulterous behavior John Proctor is a man that often serves as the only voice of reason during the play. In act two, in the scene where Reverend Hale asked John to recite the Ten Commandments, and John recited all except for adultery.

What is the significance of John Proctor?

Throughout he tried to hold on to his true Puritan values. Proctor’s life turned corrupt when Abigail accused his beloved ones who ended up being imprisoned or executed. John Proctor a person of high nobility and his pride purified his spirit after he underwent a tragic death. John ended up becoming a symbol of whiteness and honor for others.

Who is John Proctor?

First and foremost, John Proctor is a widely respected man in Salem. John is recognized as a nobleman. People see him as a gentleman of high authority. Everyone is trusting of him and look up to him. He’s a strong person, physically and emotionally.

What was John Proctor's flaw?

John Proctors true flaw was him performing adultery. Lastly, for a character to be classified as a tragic hero, there has to be a series of events leading to their downfall. That’s when they ultimately hit rock bottom and cannot make a come back. John Proctor’s downfall was not his flaw in which he committed adultery.

What is the tragedy in The Crucible?

A tragedy is an event that leads to one’s affliction and downfall. That’s the case in the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller. The Crucible took place in Salem, MA in the 1960s. It’s about how a group of girls dancing in the forest led to a full-on witch trial investigation.

Why did John commit witchcraft?

When John committed to witchcraft it was because he didn’t want to die but the court wanted a written confession from John so that they could show all the people of Salem. John threw everything away for his pride.

Who is the protagonist in The Trails?

The trails led to hysteria and many deaths. One of the protagonists is John Proctor. John is a man in his 30’s, he’s married to Elizabeth Proctor and he serves on a farm. He is one of the most respected people in Salem. John is a flawed character.

What does it mean to be a tragic hero?

According to Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher, for someone to be categorized as a tragic hero, they need to be noble, they also need to have a flaw, they need to have some sort of suffering led by self-awareness and lastly, they need to have a downfall. John Proctor’s pride led to his downfall in the play which demonstrates ...

What does John Proctor do to Elizabeth?

As the tragic hero of the play, John Proctor recognizes his mistake and seeks forgiveness for his sins. As Proctor and Elizabeth further discuss his wrongdoing, he seeks her forgiveness in a way in which Elizabeth cannot agree to. Proctor states, “…. I have gone tiptoe in this house all seven month since she is gone.

What does Elizabeth say about John Proctor?

She states, “John, it come to naught that I should forgive you… Whatever you will do, it is a good man does it… it needs a cold wife to prompt lechery.” (Miller 136-137) Elizabeth’s statement to her husband exhibits an understanding of his mistakes and acknowledgement of the good man Proctor truly is. Elizabeth’s forgiveness allows Proctor to forgive himself as well. After being forgiven, John Proctor can now die an honest man, a tragic hero – a man with integrity and goodness.

Why did John Proctor want his wife to forgive him?

John Proctor sought his wife’s forgiveness to regain her trust and to entitle him to die an honest man. He recognized his actions; he simply wanted his wife to recognize them too.

Who betrays his wife in The Crucible?

In Arthur Miller’s timeless play, The Crucible, a well-respected man named John Proctor betrays his wife and struggles to gain her forgiveness and his good name in the village of Salem. Although John Proctor betrays his wife, he remains the tragic hero of the play for he recognizes his faulty actions and dies with integrity and honesty in the end.

Is John Proctor a good man?

He makes his share of mistakes, just as many human beings do. John Proctor is fundamentally a good man, with respectable intentions and an appropriate moral code. He recognizes his own mistakes and makes efforts to repair the damage he has made. He is forgiven, and his honesty and goodness can now be restored.

Who said "The way in which we carry ourselves establishes our reputations, as well as how others identify us?

John Proctor : Tragic HeroAs human beings, we each display specific traits and qualities that define our character and shape our personalities. The way in which we carry ourselves establishes our reputations, as well as how others identify us. We are each prone to making mistakes, and unfortunately, the mistakes we make can affect the way people see us as well.

Is John Proctor a tragic hero?

Elizabeth’s forgiveness allows Proctor to forgive himself as well. After being forgiven, John Proctor can now die an honest man, a tragic hero – a man with integrity and goodness. In Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, it is evident that John Proctor is the tragic hero .Concluding through evidence in the play, it is fairly simple to connect him ...

What does Miller call Proctor?

Miller, in Act One, calls Proctor "a sinner ... against his own vision of decent conduct," and his crises proceed from private to public and back again. Proctor, about to be swept into the maelstrom of the Salem Witch trials, actually believes his crisis is passed as the play opens; having confessed to wife Elizabeth his adultery with Abigail Williams, he has "gone tiptoe in this house all seven month" in repentence; Elizabeth's judgment, he declares, "would freeze beer." As she relents, calling him "a good man," she is accused of witchcraft by the vengeful Abigail.

What does Proctor say to Elizabeth in the scaffold?

Proctor emerges from his dilemmas as a purified saint, gold emerging from the crucible: beyond all crises, he tears his confession and mounts the scaffold, telling Elizabeth: "show a stony heart and sink them with it." She answers, "he have his goodness now," and Miller ends with the marvelously grisly image of death-knell drums that "rattle like bones in the morning air." Miller exemplifies the reason for dilemmas in our lives: they exist for our purification, even in death.

Who is the protagonist in The Crucible?

John Proctor, the protagonist of Arthur Miller's Puritan take on McCarthyism, "The Crucible," is a man who faces several dilemmas, each a sequel to the previous one, showering upon his head like an early American Job. His great dilemma at the outset is adultery, a flaw he is trying to expiate; this segues into accusations of witchcraft.

Who said "are you now or were you ever"?

University of Pennsylvania: Arthur Miller ,"Are You Now, Or Were You Ever?"

Did Miller take artistic license with Proctor's age and position in the proceedings?

Miller took artistic license with Proctor's age and position in the proceedings, but he retained the testimonies of the events , knowing that the audience's intense interest in these would also intensify Proctor's second dilemma.

Essay Example on How Has Proctor Changed Throughout The Play

Miller remains to this day a world renowned playwright with his plays performed globally on a regular basis to this day because of the enduring messages his plays convey.

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How Did John Proctor Change Throughout The Play. (2019, Nov 27). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-7781-john-proctor-change-throughout-play/
