what is imhotep's distinction? course hero

by Sammy Harvey 5 min read

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Nov 18, 2012 · Question 11 2 out of 2 points What is Imhotep's distinction? Answer Selected Answer: He is the first artist or architect whose name survives. ... Course Hero, Inc. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. ...

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• Question 19 2 out of 2 points What is Imhotep's distinction? Answer Selected Answer: He is the first artist or architect whose name survives Correct Answer: ... Course Hero, Inc. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. ...

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Feb 05, 2021 · Imhotep has been described as 'the world's first named architect', and 'the designer of the world's oldest entirely stone cut building'. He has also been described as 'the world's first named physician' [5] [14] and the 'Patron of Scribes [3]. He was the most famous commoner in 3000 years of ancient Egyptian history.

What was Imhotep's reputation?

Imhotep's reputation in his lifetime was sufficient for him to be given responsibility to run almost all aspects of his country's affairs under the pharaoh. In matters practical, administrative, philosophical, cultural and medical, he was consulted. He had his own staff, and he was showered with honours. It does seem that respect for Djoser's Chief Minister was absolute.

Who was Imhotep's king?

Information is also limited about the man who became forever linked with Imhotep in the history of Egypt - the Pharaoh Djoser. Even his name is in some doubt. Contemporary sources refer to this pharoah as Netjerikhet, but Djoser (also Zoser) is the name by which he became known in later centuries, and it may well have been his birth name, if not his title name as king [6]. He is believed to have been the first or second king of the third dynasty of the Old Kingdom, and he is believed to have come to power about 2650-2630 BC. His reign lasted for at least 19 years, but some circumstantial evidence and later writings suggest that his reign may well have been 29 years, and possibly as long as 38 years [7] [8].

Why was the Step Pyramid important?

Maybe so, but also important for such a massive building to be initiated and successfully completed, was the wealth to pay for the enterprise, a stable government, a huge yet efficiently organised labour force and all their many supervisors, food and water supplies and housing for the workers, communication across country, and technical knowledge in the quarrying, precision cutting and transporting of the stone. Previous construction projects had not only been small by comparison - they had also usually been built of dried mud bricks, locally cut, and much easier to move. The Step Pyramid required skills which made this an enterprise of unparalleled innovation, and that is an aspect which can easily be overlooked in the modern world of telecommunications, computer planning and sophisticated machinery and other conveniences. Imhotep as vizier would not only have designed the building, but he would almost certainly have also had a controlling hand in all these other elements which were essential for its successful completion [2] [3] [6].

What does the name Imhotep mean?

To the man in the street, the name 'Imhotep' - especially when used in conjunction with 'High Priest of the Pharaoh' or 'Curse of the Mummy' - is likely to evoke a fantasy image of an evil malicious sorcerer from ancient times, or at least from the Hollywood version of ancient times.

Where was Imhotep born?

Various suggestions were made by later writers as to his place of birth including a locality in Memphis or possibly Gebelein, a village south of Thebes. His father was recorded as a man called Kanofer, who may have been an architect by profession, and his mother was named Khreduonkh. According to some, he had a younger sister, and it is believed that in later life he had a wife called Ronfrenofert. None of these family relationships however, appear to be based upon very strong factual evidence. Although Imhotep's date of birth is unknown, he was undoubtedly a contemporary of the Pharaoh Djoser [3] [5].

What was the mastaba before Imhotep?

A simple mastaba - Before and after Imhotep these blocks or platforms of stones often covered the entrance to Nobles' tombs. The mastaba however, lacked the impressiveness which Pharaoh Djoser craved

Who was the first architect in the world?

Imhotep has been described as 'the world's first named architect', and 'the designer of the world's oldest entirely stone cut building'. He has also been described as 'the world's first named physician' [5] [14] and the 'Patron of Scribes [3]. He was the most famous commoner in 3000 years of ancient Egyptian history.

Who is David Imhotep?

David Imhotep. Dr. David Imhotep Ph.D. is the author of The First Americans Were Africa n, the groundbreaking book that challenges everything we have been taught about the origins and identity of the people of ancient America. “Dr. David Imhotep brings us the evidence that shows that Africans peopled the American continents before any other people….

How many pages are there in the history of human genes?

It took them that long to put it together. From the information that they learned, he wrote a book about 2,000 pages, a ridiculously fat book, about 4 inches thick, it’s called The History and Geography of Human Genes. On page 145, you can check this; it says that there was no whyte skin before 3,000 BC.

Where were the first mounds found?

DI: Sure, the first mounds of course, like the first people, were found in Africa. They go up to Northern Africa, and then they move to Spain, France, and England. There are a lot of mounds in England for sure and Scandinavia, Greenland, Canada and eastern America and Central and South America in that order.

Who were the first Vikings?

It was the so called Skraeling -“so-called”, that’s just another way to throw you off to who they were- they were the first Vikings. They made the first ships that the Vikings would later copy; the first snow sleigh that the Vikings would later copy.
