what is faculty course questionnaire

by Mrs. Bernadine Dach 10 min read

​Each semester we ask students to evaluate their courses and instructors using a questionnaire called the Faculty Course Questionnaires (FCQ ).

What do course evaluation survey questions ask?

Nov 25, 2015 · In the academic world, faculty members often use their students as research subjects, and surveys are a useful and frequently used method of collecting data. Faculty members may also use surveys as a teaching tool. Then the end of the term comes, and students are asked to complete faculty and course evaluations, which are most frequently surveys.

How do I run a faculty satisfaction survey?

One of the most common course assessment methods is the course evaluation survey. The following best practices are intended to guide departments and programs in creating or revising course evaluation questions. Clearly state the purpose at the top of the course evaluation. Meaningful input from students is essential for improving courses.

How many faculty respond to survey 1 and 2?

Faculty satisfaction: survey template and example questions. 3 min read If you’re trying to understand how your faculty feel, the first step is running a satisfaction survey. Here’s a survey template to get you started and a guide to how you should run the process.

How long does it take to conduct a faculty survey?

for faculty and staff. consists of two separate surveys, an institutional questionnaire which audits institutional policies and practices and a “higher education insight survey” designed to measure faculty and staff satisfaction. the higher education insight survey consists of approximately 90 items measuring faculty/staff satisfaction with a …

What are Fcq's?

What are FCQs? Every term, students on the Boulder, Colorado Springs and Denver campuses evaluate each of their courses and instructors using a questionnaire called the Faculty Course Questionnaire (FCQ).

What is Fcq Boulder?

Faculty Course QuestionnaireThe Faculty Course Questionnaire (FCQ) is a tool used by students on the Boulder, Colorado Springs and Denver campuses to evaluate their courses and instructors.

Who is Fcq?

Participants were recruited through Foster Care Queensland (FCQ) a peak body for foster carers. Following is a discussion of the findings from the questionnaires, interviews and analysis of the FCQ's completed by students....FCQ.AcronymDefinitionFCQFree-Channel Queue8 more rows

What is an indirect course assessment?

Meaningful input from students is essential for improving courses. One of the most common indirect course assessment methods is the course evaluation survey. In addition to providing useful information for improving courses, course evaluations provide an opportunity for students to reflect and provide feedback on their own learning. Review an example of a digital course evaluation survey in AEFIS that was created by Testing and Evaluation Services.

How to get better feedback on a course?

Meaningful input from students is essential for improving courses. Obtaining student feedback on their learning is important to you. Create questions that are clear and focused in purpose. Guide students to the specific type of feedback you are looking for. Students, like anyone answering questions, tend to provide better feedback ...

Why do students give feedback?

Students, like anyone answering questions, tend to provide better feedback to more specific questions. Asking about a specific type of activity, or asking students to share the most important point they learned during the semester, may provide more useful feedback. Example: instead of asking “How useful were the instructional materials ...

Why is it important to ask open ended questions?

Asking open-ended questions can help you gain insight you may not otherwise receive. Research by the University of California – Merced is finding that coaching from peers or near-peers can help students provide more effective feedback to open-ended questions.

What is a survey questionnaire?

A survey or questionnaire can help conduct a critical needs assessment about where your students are and what they want to accomplish in your course. Because this takes place “behind the scenes” and is only shared with the instructor, rather than in a public discussion forum, you may be more likely to receive candid responses.

What is an academic integrity quiz?

Academic Integrity Quiz: For courses at the beginning of a program, where you’ll have many new students, or writing-heavy courses such as capstone classes, an academic integrity quiz can be a great way for students to brush up on university policy, course expectations, and citation style.

What are prerequisite skills quiz?

Prerequisite Skills Quiz: In some courses, it is very important for incoming students to have prerequisite knowledge; say, basic algebra skills prior to beginning an accounting course. In a context like this, you might develop a brief “brush-up” quiz which tests skills students will need to be successful in the course.

How many substandards are there in the Quality Matters rubric?

The Quality Matters rubric contains a General Standard on the Course Overview and Introduction, including nine substandards. Of these, the first two can be directly bolstered by incorporating a recall-based pre-course survey or questionnaire in your course.

When do students reflect on their course?

Often, students reflect only as they complete the ubiquitous Course and Teacher Evaluations (CTECs) at the very end of a quarter. Giving students an opportunity to reflect early on in your course through a pre-course survey or questionnaire can help set the stage for successful course-completion strategies.

Do students like feedback?

Some students prefer direct feedback and others a balance of successes and opportunities. Some students prefer annotations throughout and others prefer endnotes. Some students would love an audio recording or screencast with feedback. If you know your students’ preferences, you can tailor your responses to maximum effect.

What are the attitudes of faculty towards online learning?

Surveys by Gallup and Inside Higher Ed in 2014 on faculty attitudes towards online learning reported the following findings among faculty members and school administrators.1 “Faculty who have taught an online course seem more optimistic about the quality of online learning than are their counterparts who have never done so. Faculty who have taught an online course are likelier than their peers who have never done so to strongly agree that online courses can achieve student learning outcomes that are equivalent to in-person courses at any institution.” The report also found that those who have experienced teaching online, and presumably were trained to do so, have quite different attitudes that those who have not. A recently-released 2015 update confirms and adds to these findings.2 These takeaways suggest that the evolution of online learning at higher education institutions is still underway. Additionally, the importance of training faculty is key to the success of online programs. But which parts of training are important in building effective online classes and institutional programs?

What percentage of faculty agree with online courses?

Only 9 percent of faculty members strongly agree that online courses “can achieve student learning outcomes that are at least equivalent to those of in person courses.” Administrators are much more likely (36 percent) to strongly agree.

How many respondents were in the survey 1?

Additionally, other faculty in the training course chose not to take part in the voluntary survey. For these reasons, Survey 1 (prior to training) had 26 respondents, Survey 2 (after training) had 21, and Survey 3 (after teaching an online course) had only 8.

What are the three time intervals?

The three time intervals represent different points in their introduction to or immersion within online learning. • Survey 1: Prior to taking the training class • Survey 2: After the training was complete • Survey 3: Following the completion of teaching an online course .

What are the greatest fears about online learning?

Q5. “Students learn less in distance education courses.”. One of the great fears about online learning is that students will be less engaged because of fewer interactions, and as a result, learn less. The results here are quite clear that faculty gradually saw there can be effective learning in distance courses.

Why did faculty drop the course?

Faculty dropped the course due to a variety of reasons: some lacked the time to take the course, some lost interest in the venue , and some who had intended to teach changed 2015, there were some unable to do so because of enrollment or other outside issues .

Is distance education a viable alternative?

Q1. “Distance education is not a viable alternative for learning compared to face-to-face environments.”. At the onset, only one-third of the faculty felt distance education was a viable teaching environment compared to face-to-face occasions. After the training, this average rose to nearly one-half.

Who is Laura Belmonte?

Laura A. Belmonte, chair of history at Oklahoma State University and co-author of a new textbook, Global Americans, said the global dimension also helps students re-examine aspects of U.S. history with which they’re already familiar. “It’s a different spin,” she said. “They have to fundamentally rethink things.”

Who is Angela Lee?

Angela A. Lee, a teacher of history at Weston High School in Massachusetts, echoed the American history panel, in reverse, saying that she makes specific connections to U.S. history in her world history class. That’s including in a unit focused on Indian Ocean trading patterns.

What method does Dr. Gutiérrez use?

He avoids lectures and uses the Socratic method, and tries to humanize concepts. Many of his students in Arizona are already attuned to immigration, for example, he said, but he also has included in his syllabus a novel about a Mexican immigrant, The Short Sweet Dream of Eduardo Gutiérrez.

Who is Maria Montoya?

Maria Montoya, an associate professor of history at New York University who moderated the U.S. history survey panel, also said many of her survey students are nonmajors, for similar reasons. But historical and critical-thinking skills are still important to instill in, say, business majors, she said.

Who keeps PowerPoints in class?

In contrast, Christopher Capozzola, associate professor of history at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, kept his PowerPoint spare, as he said he does in class. It’s a way to encourage students to search for historical texts and media in class, instead of using social media or otherwise tuning out.

Is grass greener where you water it?

Another session called “The Grass Is Greener Where You Water It: Recruitment and Retention in the Undergraduate History Major” also had implications for the survey course. Moderator Catherine O’Donnell, associate professor of history at Arizona State, said prior to the panel that her department has created freshman courses for majors that aren’t surveys. That’s not because the university is anti-survey, but because many majors test out of such courses through programs they took in high school. For students who do take surveys, the university is developing an early American history course that uses adaptive software and active learning, such as debates and role-playing, to enliven the process.



  • Have you ever wished that you knew a little more about your students, beyond what is shared in an introduction discussion? Have you ever hoped that students might take a moment to reflect on success strategies beforeyour course begins? Would you like to be certain that students have reviewed the materials needed to get started in your class? If so, a pre-course survey or question…
See more on dl.sps.northwestern.edu

Learning About Your Students: What Do You Want to Know About them?

  • A survey or questionnaire can help conduct a critical needs assessment about where your students are and what they want to accomplish in your course. Because this takes place “behind the scenes” and is only shared with the instructor, rather than in a public discussion forum, you may be more likely to receive candid responses. Prior Knowledge: You can ask students about t…
See more on dl.sps.northwestern.edu

How Do I Build A Survey in Canvas?

  • The Quiz tool in Canvas is perfectly suited to build pre-course surveys and questionnaires. You can create a graded or ungraded survey, asking students to respond to questions you set. The Essay question type best serves a free-response survey, but you can also use the Multiple Drop-down question type for Likert scale questions. For something closer to a syllabus quiz or prereq…
See more on dl.sps.northwestern.edu


  • You might also keep in mind that some faculty develop mid-course surveys, or use surveys to help take the temperature of a class every other week. Beyond using a survey at the start or the end of your course, consider how you might implement them throughout the term, perhaps to check that you are meeting your students needs in your teaching practice or as a way to debrief a team proj…
See more on dl.sps.northwestern.edu