Feb 14, 2018 · Z-courses are classes that do not require students to purchase a textbook. The textbook will be provided for free online. My experience with Z-courses has been wonderful. Not having to spend money on textbooks is considered a win. For example, I’m a business major and I have to take a psychology course to fulfill one of my general education requirements.
Sep 12, 2017 · Z-courses, as defined at the U of S, are courses where students have zero or minimal ($35 of less) direct costs for learning materials. This can be achieved through the use of an open textbook or other OER, resources from the Library, instructor notes, or other such materials in place of commercial textbooks, or as a results of no textbook being necessary for …
A- Z Courses. Academic English (AE) Accounting (ACCT) African and African American Studies (AFAM) Anthropology (ANTH) Applied Information Technology (AIT) Arabic (ARAB) Art and Visual Technology (AVT) Art History (ARTH) Arts Management (AMGT) Assistive Technology (EDAT) Astronomy (ASTR) Athletic Training Education Program (ATEP)
Selected Topic Courses. Selected topic courses are academic credit-bearing courses in the Cal Poly catalog that provide a generic course vehicle to offer special topics on an "as needed basis." The most common selected topic courses, 270, 470, 471, 570, 571, are available to all academic programs, and have the same generic course description.
A Z on your transcript indicates that the Professor never reported a grade for you. This most often happens in Independent Study or Honors courses when students hand in a paper late. If you see a Z on your record, contact the professor of the course immediately.
Z-courses are sections of a course which have no required textbook purchase because the instructor is making use of Open Educational Resources (OER) or other materials which have no cost to students.
The Schedule of Classes is publicly available at schedule.arizona.edu ; students wishing to register for a semester can view the Schedule of Classes using the Search for Classes button found in the UAccess Student Center.
In-state tuition 10,254 USD, Out-of-state tuition 14,034 USD (2019 – 20)Montgomery College / Undergraduate tuition and fees
Course load refers to the number of registered course credits for a session. For undergraduate students, a 100 per cent course load in the Fall/Winter session is 15 credits in each term.
44,831 (2017)The University of Arizona / Total enrollment
Students must be eligible to enroll in classes and then will utilize UAccess Student Center to manage their enrollment and academic record. Class offerings for each semester are available in the Schedule of Classes. There are a number of Enrollment Tutorials available including: Searching for Classes Video Tutorial.
Subject-area course lists indicate courses currently active for offering at the University of Louisville. Not all courses are scheduled in any given academic term. For class offerings in a specific semester, refer to the Schedule of Classes.
Some courses may carry fees beyond the standard tuition costs to cover additional support or materials. Program-, subject- and course-specific fee information can be found on the Office of the Bursar website.