what surprised you the most about this course

by Dr. Jazlyn Cole 5 min read

What surprised you most about college?

Learning about different views, cultures, and religions from my diverse community of classmates. Not having to wake up at 6 a.m. every school day. Learning that college students can go out and party “on a school night” Falling in love with caffeine.Jun 12, 2019

In what ways did my students surprise me most?

The biggest trend was simple: most students were surprised by how much they learned. ... Some common student comments included surprise at: The amount of knowledge I could gain by doing research. I am surprised about how much I have learned about my topic.Jan 23, 2017

What have you learned in school?

10 Things You Learn in School That Can Help You Succeed at WorkHow to Respond to Failure. ... How to Utilize Available Resources. ... How to Step Outside Your Comfort Zone. ... Networking Skills. ... Communication Skills. ... Critical Thinking Skills. ... Ethics and Responsibility. ... Interacting With Diverse Backgrounds.More items...

Which of the following can best help to keep your studying bite sized?

Which of the following can best help to "keep your studying bite-sized"? Divide readings and tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks. Overcoming procrastination starts with changing your emotional associations for the tasks you have to do.

What did you learn from teaching?

As a student teacher I learned how important it is to relationships with students, taking the time to know who they are, what they stand for, and what they like, makes a world of a difference. Treating students like people and not like little kids helped create in them a sense of responsibility to meet expectations.May 12, 2016

What kinds of help can new teachers expect from principals and supervisors?

What kinds of help can new teachers expect from principals or supervisors?...Terms in this set (3)Begin now.Keep a teaching journal.Maintain the proper frame of mind.Find a mentor.Make your students' parents your allies.Take evaluation seriously.Take care of yourself.

What do you understand about study skills?

Study skills are an array of skills which tackle the process of organizing and taking in new information, retaining information, or dealing with assessments. They are discrete techniques that can be learned, usually in a short time, and applied to all or most fields of study.

What do you think is the most important thing you can learn in school?

The most important thing I learned at school is that our abilities matter more than our knowledge. Let me explain. When you know how to work with information, when you are responsible and excel in communication, you will learn whatever you want to learn. At school or not, it doesn't matter.

What do you think is the most important skill you learn in school?

While skills like English, mathematics and science are undoubtedly crucial to student development, skills like critical thinking, socialising and empathy, among others, will probably be more common answers.

Which of the following is the best general estimate of how much time you should spend studying group of answer choices?

As a rule of thumb, for each 1 hour in class, it is estimated that students should spend 2-3 hours outside of class studying. Following that rule of thumb on studying, students taking 12-15 credits per semester should plan to study 24-45 hours per week outside of class.

What is the most common location for college fairs?

Where Can I Find a College Fair? College fairs are often held at local community centers, junior colleges or conference centers. Ask your guidance counselor, principal, or teachers about upcoming events in your area.

How much of a lecture's main content do students normally record in their notes?

Thus, it appears that students typically record between 50% and 70% of the main ideas from a lecture. Research also shows that certain conditions of the lecture situation can influence what students note.

How to contact University of South Florida?

For more information about life at the University of South Florida, reach out to the Office of Admissions. Contact us online, or reach us by phone at 813-974-3350.

Do colleges have 8 a.m. classes?

Colleges have 8 a.m. classes, and you might sign up for some, but you have the freedom not to go. Your grades hang in the balance, but you have the freedom to choose – and suffer the consequences.

Can you pull an all nighter in the library?

You Can Pull Pre-Exam All-Nighters in the Library. If you ever pulled an all-nighter in high school for a test, it most likely was at your house or a friend’s. At USF, the library is open 24 hours a day from Sunday through Thursday.

No one really notices my cane

I started using my blindness cane shortly after freshman orientation. I had delayed getting a blindness cane for many reasons, one of which was the worry about social stigma. Maybe it's because there are several other cane users at my school, but no one seems to notice that I use my cane when walking around.

It's easy to drop classes

I attended exactly one class period of a mythology class, and then came to the conclusion my accommodations would not be followed. Instead of filling out a bunch of forms and going to the counselor like I did in high school, I just clicked a few buttons in my student account and chose a different class.

Accessible materials are abundant

Digital materials are extremely common in college classrooms, as is assistive technology. It's easy to make anything accessible, and there are also resources to help students learn how to create accessible materials.

Testing is much easier

I had a few teachers who claimed my large print was unfair to the other students or was an unfair advantage. I have never had a professor say that, but I've also had the resources of the testing center reserved for students with disabilities. Click here to read all of my posts on this topic.

People are proactive, not reactive

My Disability Services file was set up in order to ensure I receive accommodations from day 1- I didn't have to wait until there was a problem to receive my services. Read more about setting up a file here.

Class attendance is flexible

This is not to say that skipping class is a good thing, but if there is severe weather, illness, or other circumstances preventing a student from getting to class, professors are happy to have students attend class remotely or send alternative assignments. This is especially helpful since I get chronic migraines.

Technology isn't just allowed, it's encouraged

As I have mentioned in past posts, my high schools favored pencil-and-paper learning, which make accessing materials challenging. Since technology is used in every career, professors encourage students to bring technology to class and use it to complete assignments. Everyone is using laptops and tablets, not just certain students.
