uconn how many credits is a grad course worth

by Phyllis Witting 9 min read

College Board AP Exam Transfer Guidelines

AP Exam UConn Course Equivalent Credits
Psychology PSYC 1000-level 3
Spanish Language SPAN 3178 3
Spanish Literature Spanish Literature 2000-level 3
Statistics STAT 1100Q 4
Dec 2 2021

Full Answer

How many credits do you need to graduate from UConn?

The courses available to a student, and the order in which they can take the courses, is determined by the student's major and academic standing. All students must earn at least 120 credits to graduate from the University of Connecticut. In order to graduate in eight semesters, students must take an average of 15 credits per semester.

How many credits do you need to graduate with a degree?

35 rows · Students should read carefully the course descriptions in the Undergraduate Catalog before they ...

How many credits do you need to graduate from UCC?

Students can earn anywhere from 1-6 credits for their internship (no more than 6 credits per semester). The number of credits is determined by the number of hours worked per week per the specific term. Use the grid below to determine how many credits you should register for.

How do classes work at the University of Connecticut?

In the field labeled Grade, enter the letter grade that you have earned or expect to earn from a given class (e.g. A+, A, A-, B+, etc.). Credits/Hours. Enter the total number of credit hours that your class is worth in the Credits/Hours field. A typical class is 3 …

How many credits are classes at UConn?

In order to graduate in eight semesters, students must take an average of 15 credits per semester. In order to qualify as a full-time student for insurance, scholarship, NCAA, residential life, and financial aid purposes, students must be registered for at least 12 credits on the 10th day of classes.

How many credits is each module worth?

The majority of modules are worth 10 or 20 credits, although projects or dissertations may have a higher credit value.

How many credits are most classes worth?

3 creditsMost single-semester college courses are worth 3 credits, or 9 hours of work per week. If you're hoping to graduate in 4 years, you'll need to average 15 credits (roughly 5 courses) a semester.Aug 25, 2020

What is the maximum amount of credits you can take per semester at UConn?

Maximum Number of Credits Students May Take Per Semester For three-week terms, the maximum is 4 credits. Students who meet the Semester GPA requirement may call the Registrar's office at 860-486-3331 to have their credit limit raised to 18 or 21 depending on the school.

How many credits make a masters?

180 creditsA UK Masters degree is worth 180 credits.Oct 12, 2021

How many credits is a Masters dissertation?

The Dissertation is normally the final piece of work you will undertake and is equivalent to 40, 60 or 80 credits depending on your course and programme of study. You should consult your Course Handbook for further details.

How many credits do you need to graduate college with a bachelor degree?

120 creditsGenerally, to earn a Bachelor's degree, student has to complete 120 credits over a span of 4 years. This means, to stay on track, he / she has to complete 30 credits every year, i.e. 15 credits per semester, which usually means completing 5 courses/subjects every semester of college.Jan 31, 2022

What are 60 credits?

A two –year program equals approximately 60 credits; a four-year baccalaureate equals approximately 120 credits.Jan 2, 2022

How many credits are required for a master's degree in USA?

30-60 creditsUsually a master's degree will take 1-2 years of full-time study to complete, but the number of credits required varies depending on your field of study and your experience in the field. Most master's degree programs require 30-60 credits.Sep 5, 2018

How much is a credit at UConn?

Forms Undergraduate Tuition per CreditUndergraduate Tuition — Cost per Credit *(One Semester Only)1$940$2,0292$1,880$4,0583$2,820$6,08739 more rows

What is the minimum GPA for UConn?

The University requires that all students have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 at the time of graduation. However, some of the schools and colleges require higher averages.

What is considered passing at UConn?

Grades, Grade Points, Credits, and SkillsExplanationGradePointsPoorD1Merely PassingD-0.7FailureF0Pass/Fail PassP@N/A15 more rows

How many credits can you earn in a semester?

Without special permission, students may not register for or earn toward the degree more than six credits each semester in any one or combination of independent study, special topics, and variable topics courses.

How many times can you take a course?

Under no circumstances may a student take a course more than three times. When a student repeats a course, credit shall be allowed only once.

What is advanced placement test?

Various academic deans have approved Advanced Placement Examinations as a basis for granting advanced standing to students at the time of admission. The department teaching the subject matter covered by the test determines whether the student (1) receives full credit for a specific course, or (2) may use a specific course in meeting prerequisite requirements for more advanced courses or in fulfilling course requirements for graduation, or (3) neither of the preceding alternatives. See the College Board AP Examination Transfer Guidelines chart for more information.

What do instructors provide in writing?

Instructors shall provide, in writing on the first day of class, syllabi and schedules if not included in syllabi, to students in their courses, including internships and independent studies. Instructors shall specify what will be taught, when and how it will be taught, when and how learning will be assessed, how grades will be assigned, and (for distance education courses) how student identity will be authenticated.

What is the minimum grade point average for 5000?

Unless their school or college has more stringent requirements, undergraduate seniors with a cumulative grade point average of 2.6 or above may take 5000-level courses. Other undergraduates must have the permission of the instructor and the student’s academic dean to enroll in a 5000-level course.

Does a transcript show a grade?

When a student repeats a course after receiving a degree, the student’s transcript will indicate a grade, but no registered credit, for the repeated course. The grade and registered credit recorded for the course prior to receipt of the degree shall continue to be included in the GPA and credit calculations.

Do prerequisites count towards degree credit?

Prerequisites taken out of sequence within a single department shall not count towards degree credit unless the head of the department offering the course grants an exception. For example, assume that courses A and B are in the same department and A is prerequisite to B.

What is an S/U grade?

Instructors assign a grade of “S” to represent satisfactory work or “U” to represent unsatisfactory work. These courses may or may not award credit, but in neither case will grade points be awarded. No course used to fulfill University general education requirements may be assigned an S/U grade.

How many credits can you pass for fail?

Pass/Fail Option. An undergraduate student who has earned at least 24 credits and is not on scholastic probation may elect a maximum of 12 credits to be distributed over not more than three courses to be recorded as “P” for Pass or “F” for Fail on his or her permanent record.

What is cumulative GPA?

The term GPA includes all courses graded “A -“F ” in a semester or summer session. The cumulative GPA averages all courses graded “A”-“F.”. If a student repeats a course that may not be repeated for credit, the Registrar records the grades for both attempts. If the repeat occurred prior to Summer Session 2002, both attempts are included in ...

What does R mean in a course?

The administrative designation “R” describes the character of the course, not the performance of the student. The “R” denotes “registered” and is assigned to graduate students in Master’s or Ph.D. reading courses for thesis or dissertation preparation. The Registrar, not the instructor, assigns the mark of “R.”

How many times can you take a course?

Under no circumstances may a student take a course more than three times. When a student repeats a course, credit shall be allowed only once.

What is the purpose of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act?

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”) set forth the standards for privacy and access to student education records. Under FERPA, access and rights in accordance with post-secondary education records are exercised by the student.

Can you count the same course more than once?

Courses with the same number that cover the same course content cannot be counted more than once for credit. The parenthetical phrases (Formerly offered as…) and (Also offered as…) that follow a course title as a cross reference indicate that a student may not take both the course and the cross-referenced course.

How many credits can a graduate student take?

Credit Loads. Graduate students may enroll in up to 20 credits per semester. The specific number of credits and choice of courses for which a student registers is a matter to be discussed by the student and the major advisor.

How many credits are required for a certificate?

Students are awarded certificates based upon completion of a well-defined program of coursework, which typically consists of 12 to 15 credits specified in the certificate program requirements.

What is the credit load for 5930?

Such an assistantship may not be a standard teaching assistantship. A part-time course credit load is between 1 and 8.99 credits.

What does the administrative symbol mean?

Administrative symbol signifying that a student is registered. Any zero-credit course (e.g., GRAD 5997, 5998, 5999, 6998, or 6999) for which a student registers appears on the permanent academic record with the letter “R” as the grade. Course credit has been accepted in transfer from another institution.

How many years of study is required for a masters degree?

Master’s degree programs are offered in a broad range of fields throughout the University. A master’s degree program represents the equivalent of at least one year of full-time study beyond the baccalaureate level (or its equivalent).

What is a U grade?

A “U” is viewed as a failing grade and is grounds for academic dismissal. For more information, refer to the Termination of Status and Academic Dismissal section. Graduate students are not permitted to take any course, undergraduate or graduate, on a Pass/Fail basis.

How many credits are required to be a three quarter student?

To be classified as three-quarter time, the student’s credit load must be greater than six and less than nine credits per semester. To be classified as half time, the student’s credit load must be between 4.5 and 5.99 credits per semester.

How many credit hours are there in a class?

Credits/Hours. Enter the total number of credit hours that your class is worth in the Credits/Hours field. A typical class is 3 credit hours, but there are a lot of variations. If you aren’t sure how many credit hours your class is worth, check the course syllabus or your school’s course catalog.

What is cumulative GPA?

Your cumulative grade point average is the numerical weighted average of the grades you’ve earned over your entire college career.

How are grade points calculated?

Grade points are calculated using your letter grade on a conversion scale. For instance, at most schools an A+ grade equals 4.0 grade points while a B- grade equals 2.7 grade points. The weighted average of these numbers gives us your GPA.

How to calculate GPA?

How to Use the GPA Calculator. 1. Enter the letter grade and credit hours you have earned or expect to earn from from each class in a given semester. 2. Click Calculate to calculate your semester GPA. 3. Use + Semester to add all additional semesters and calculate your cumulative GPA.

How many credits do you need to be in residence to get a degree?

It is expected that advanced course work in the major will be completed in residence. Students must earn a minimum of thirty credits in residence toward a degree at the University, though particular schools and colleges may require more. Courses taken at the University and through the University’s Education Abroad and Early College Experience programs are all deemed in-residence. Students desiring to transfer credits should be aware of residence requirements in the individual schools and colleges, and should request necessary permissions in advance. Students seeking exceptions to any additional residence requirements of a school or college must petition the dean or director of the appropriate program from which they will earn their degree.

What is the minimum GPA required for a college?

Required GPA. The University requires that all students have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 at the time of graduation. However, some of the schools and colleges require higher averages.

What degree do you get from the Board of Trustees?

The Board of Trustees awards the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of General Studies, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Social Work to students who have completed the degree requirements of a school or college.

How many years do you have to be a student to get a degree?

Time Limit (Eight Year Rule) All students wishing to apply toward a degree the credits earned more than eight years before graduation must have permission from the dean of the school or college concerned. The permission, if granted, applies only to the current school or college.

What is the academic regulation of admission?

By accepting admission, the student assumes responsibility for knowing and complying with the regulations and procedures set forth by the University.

Who approves a change in a university course?

To effect a change, the dean must recommend the change, and the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs must approve it.

What is student health services?

Student Health Services sends health report forms to entering students. Students’ physicians must sign these forms signifying that the student is free from active tuberculosis and immunized against rubella and measles. Students must complete the forms and return them directly to the University Health Services before registering.

How many credits do I need to study law?

Requirements: Study is generally begun at the School of Law, where during the first year students will complete a minimum of 33 credits of required curriculum study. During the second year, students will complete a minimum of six social work courses, their first year field placement and a minimum of two law courses.

How many credits are required for a M.B.A.?

In addition, they are required to take a minimum of 42 credits in the M.B.A. program. These credits must include the core courses required for the M.B.A. program. The dual program allows up to 15 of the course credits taken as part of the M.Eng. to also count as elective credits for the M.B.A.

What is a BAPM?

The dual Business Administration M.B.A. /M.S. in Business Analytics and Project Management (BAPM) program is designed to provide BAPM students with a grounding in strategic business planning, cost analysis and control, investment planning, operations management, effective selection of products and marketing, and an understanding of industry and competitive analysis.

What is a dual business administration degree?

The dual Business Administration M.B.A. /M.S. in Financial Risk Management (FRM) program is designed to provide FRM students with a grounding in strategic business planning, cost analysis and control, investment planning, operations management, effective selection of products and marketing, and an understanding of industry and competitive analysis.

What is a dual doctor of medicine?

The dual Doctor of Medicine M.D. / Business Administration M.B.A. program is designed to provide medical students with a grounding in strategic business planning, cost analysis and control, investment planning, health care systems and operation management, effective selection of products and marketing, and an understanding of industry and competitive analysis. These are requirements of physicians who manage large health care organizations or even small practices.

What is a combined M.B.A. in biomedical science?

The combined Ph.D. in Biomedical Science / Business Administration M.B.A. program is designed to provide selected Ph.D. students with a thorough grounding in contemporary business by blending and balancing technical rigor, management theory, practical application and individualized concentrations.

What is a dual pharmacy pharm.d.?

program is offered to highly motivated students who seek to combine pharmacy education with business managerial knowledge and skills. The program is designed to provide students with a grounding in strategic business planning, cost analysis and control, investment planning, health care systems and operation management, effective selection of products and marketing, and an understanding of industry and competitive analysis.

I got my first A on an exam, as a super senior

This is my 5th year at uconn engineering. The first 4.5 years were horrible as my mental health suffered and I didn't have enough confidence in myself to even do the bare minimum. At my lowest I was sitting at a 2.33, where <2.3 gets you kicked out of engineering.

Stop Giving Random People on Reddit Your Money

Recently, there's been a few posts asking for Venmo money to cover short-term expenses. I don't believe a lot of them are genuine. Just like when the same guy for years at Hartford Union Station has been saying that they just need "$10" to buy a greyhound ticket home, people on Reddit can lie too.

Piss Drum FAQs

Hello everyone, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about Piss Drums so I wanted to create a FAQ to answer your questions about Piss Drums.


Accessing Grades

  • Grades are not mailed. Students are able to access their final grades by logging on to the Student Administration System and link to Student Center Help to navigate to their self service information. Click a task to launch the associated help page. Students may log on with their NetIDsand passwords and view grades for courses once they’ve been posted. For detailed infor…
See more on registrar.uconn.edu

Grading Scales

  • Although instructors are free to set the standard of performance expected in their courses, the following uniform scales are published to encourage general agreement on the meaning of grades.
See more on registrar.uconn.edu

Grade Point Formula

  • Grade points for courses graded “A”-“F” are the product of the course credits and the points per credit for the grade earned. For example, given a “B-” for a 3-credit course, points earned for the course are 8.1 (2.7 x 3). For any period, the total grade points for the courses graded “A”-“F” divided by the total credits give the grade point average...
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Incorrect Grade

  • The Office of the Registrar can confirm for you the grade that the instructor recorded. If you believe the grade is incorrect, contact the instructor. The process for appealing a final course grade is described in the University Senate By-Laws.
See more on registrar.uconn.edu

Non-Degree Credits

  • You should see the Dean of the school in which you are enrolled who will make a decision regarding which courses will be accepted. The Registrar’s Office will then be notified in writing specifying which courses have been allowed.
See more on registrar.uconn.edu

Parents and Students’ Grades

  • The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”) set forth the standards for privacy and access to student education records. Under FERPA, access and rights in accordance with post-secondary education records are exercised by the student. Unless information from a student’s education record falls under a specified exception, the information cannot be released to third p…
See more on registrar.uconn.edu

S and U Grades

  • The S/U grade option is determined by the faculty; it is not a student-driven option. This course designation is available only for courses that have been approved as such by the University Senate (undergraduate courses) or the Executive Committee of the Graduate Faculty Council (graduate courses). Instructors assign a grade of “S” to represent satisfactory work or “U” to repr…
See more on registrar.uconn.edu

R Grades

  • The administrative designation “R” describes the character of the course, not the performance of the student. The “R” denotes “registered” and is assigned to graduate students in Master’s or Ph.D. reading courses for thesis or dissertation preparation. The Registrar, not the instructor, assigns the mark of “R.”
See more on registrar.uconn.edu

Pass/Fail Option

  • An undergraduate student who has earned at least 24 credits and is not on scholastic probation may elect a maximum of 12 credits to be distributed over not more than three courses to be recorded as “P” for Pass or “F” for Fail on his or her permanent record. Students who are selecting a course for the Pass/Fail option must do so within the first two weeks of the semester. Student…
See more on registrar.uconn.edu

Repeating A Course to Raise The Grade

  • Undergraduate students
    Any undergraduate student who is regularly registered for courses and who satisfies the requirements shall receive credit except that no student shall receive credit for the same course twice, unless it is specifically so stated as in a variable content course. Courses with the same n…
  • Graduate students
    Any student who is regularly registered for courses and who satisfies the requirements shall receive credit except that no student shall receive credit for the same course twice, unless repeating the course is specifically authorized in the Graduate Catalog, as in a variable content c…
See more on registrar.uconn.edu

Credit Loads

  • Graduate students may enroll in up to 20 credits per semester. The specific number of credits and choice of courses for which a student registers is a matter to be discussed by the student and the major advisor. If a student has extenuating circumstances that require the student to take more than 20 credits, the major advisor must send a written re...
See more on gradcatalog.uconn.edu


  • Master’s, doctoral, sixth-year diploma, graduate certificate, and post baccalaureate certificate students must begin their programs with coursework and must maintain registration in each semester thereafter (except summer sessions) until all requirements for the degree have been completed. Registration may be maintained either by taking coursework for credit or by registeri…
See more on gradcatalog.uconn.edu

Course Grades

  • Course Credit and Grades
    Any student who is regularly registered for a course and who satisfies the course requirements shall receive credit for that course. A student is regularly registered for a course only if that student has conformed to all university or college regulations or requirements when applying to …
  • Temporary Grades
    Temporary grades signify that credit has not been earned in that course and may subject the student to scholastic probation or dismissal. Temporary grades shall not prevent the calculation of either the semester or the cumulative grade point average. An instructor may assign one of th…
See more on gradcatalog.uconn.edu

Standards and Degree Requirements

  • The general academic standards and degree requirements of The Graduate School described here apply to all students enrolled in certificate, degree, and sixth-year diploma programs. Some programs have additional requirements that are more detailed or tailored to the needs of the specific program. Students should acquaint themselves with all of the standards and requireme…
See more on gradcatalog.uconn.edu

Conferral of Degrees

  • Conferral
    Degree conferral requires that all requirements for the degree have been completed satisfactorily by the deadline specified in the Academic Calendar. Degrees are conferred three times each year: August, December, and May. However, graduate commencement ceremonies are only held onc…
  • Application for the Degree
    Formal application for a degree to be conferred must be filed online by the degree candidate using the Student Administration System within the first four weeks of the student’s final semester. This application may be withdrawn at any time by the applicant. Information and instructions can be f…
See more on gradcatalog.uconn.edu

Policy on Leave of Absence from Graduate Studies

  • Under compelling personal or medical reasons, a graduate student may request a leave of absence from their graduate program for a period of up to two semesters. The request for a leave of absence must be made using the Voluntary Separation Notification form on The Graduate School’s website. The request requires approval from the student’s major advisor and the depart…
See more on gradcatalog.uconn.edu

Termination of Status and Academic Dismissal

  • During a student’s degree program, certain circumstances may lead to termination of status or dismissal from The Graduate School.
See more on gradcatalog.uconn.edu