what is a stratagies for success course

by Ms. Jude Mayer 10 min read

What is the SLS 1501 First-Year Seminar Course?

  • Strategies for Success (SLS 1501) is a 3-credit hour elective letter grade course designed to assist students in transitioning to the University and collegiate life.
  • In a small engaging classroom setting, the course helps students build a strong academic foundation by developing important life and study skills.

Strategies for Success (SFS 101) is designed to improve student performance in college and beyond. This 2-credit hour elective course will count toward graduation from most programs at Lake Land College and should transfer to most four-year colleges.

Full Answer

How do I make a plan to achieve academic success?

Making a plan to bolster weaknesses while remaining conscious of strengths can be a great strategy to ensure not just academic success, but personal fulfillment. Set specific goals. Achieving your goals depends heavily on how well you can manage your time.

How can I succeed in my coursework?

The start of the semester can be a hectic time. You’re juggling your career, classes, family, and friends. Deb Levy, a certified life and business coach, and a Harvard Extension career workshop leader, offers five tips in this video to help you succeed in your coursework. Know your strengths. It’s human nature to want to correct weaknesses.

How can I strengthen my strengths to improve my academic success?

For instance, someone who ranks highly in humor might run the risk of making an insensitive or inappropriate comment that could damage relationships. Making a plan to bolster weaknesses while remaining conscious of strengths can be a great strategy to ensure not just academic success, but personal fulfillment. Set specific goals.

What are the strategies for success?

Focus on Getting Better, Rather than Being Good — Think about your goals as opportunities to improve, rather than to prove yourself. Be a Realistic Optimist — Visualize how you will make success happen by overcoming obstacles. Don't Tempt Fate — No one has willpower all the time, so don't push your luck.

What is Strategies for college success class?

The course teaches students time management skills, learning styles and techniques to improve memory, reading, notes and test taking skills. Emphasis is placed on developing positive attitudes, setting personal learning goals and motivating students through life goals and career planning.

What are 5 strategies for success?

5 Strategies for SuccessAdapt your study habits. You can learn anything, but you may need to change your study habits to perform in line with your goals. ... Manage your time. ... Tune out the noise. ... Ask questions. ... Stay connected.

What are the 7 strategies for success are?

7 Strategies for SuccessGet to know yourself as a thinker and learner. ... Set a personal goal for each course. ... Manage your time and your attention. ... Think like a professor. ... Review your notes as soon as possible after class.More items...

What are the strategies to be a good student?

How to Be a Better StudentSet goals. Goals, both short and long-term, are a great way to measure your success. ... Adopt and stick to a study schedule. ... Stay well-rested. ... Take advantage of educator resources. ... Healthy study techniques for proper exam preparation. ... Develop note-taking skills. ... Extracurricular activities. ... Study buddies.More items...

What are learning strategies for students?

Learning Skills Advisors can help students develop strategies for:reading and comprehending text.studying and remembering information.writing and taking notes.improving assignment and test performance.effectively interacting with others.motivation.problem-solving.time management and organization.More items...

What is a strategy in life?

As mentioned, a strategy is about making choices. You make a choice when you define your aspirations. You make more choices when you determine your objectives and set your plan of action. But, the most important choice you will make is how you approach your vision of a great life. It's the essence of your strategy.

What is one strategy for building a successful career?

Consider different career paths of interest and have conversations with trusted friends, mentors and guides. Remember that your goals might change with time, so be flexible in your approach. Try writing your goals down so you can refer to them as your career develops.

How do you strategize your career?

7 Strategies to Build A Successful CareerIdentify with Your Goals. Before even considering following a career route, you must get to know yourself. ... Build a Professional Resume. ... Become Aware of Your Strengths. ... Assume Full Responsibility for Your Life. ... Always Raise Your Standards. ... Brand Yourself. ... Network -- A LOT. ... Conclusion.

What learning strategies do you need to develop in order to achieve your goal?

Set SMARTER goals. Anyone that's serious about achieving their goals needs to understand the importance of the SMARTER goal-setting method. ... Create a plan of action. ... Eliminate bad habits. ... Instill self-discipline. ... Mitigate your distractions. ... Leverage daily goal setting. ... Avoid procrastination. ... Manage your time.More items...•

What are academic strategies?

Academic strategy is a supportive, practical, one-on-one process. Academic strategy helps students learn time management, notetaking, study skills, and other academic skills.

What is student success in higher education?

The true measure of student success is how well students are prepared to accomplish their current and future academic, personal, and professional goals through the development of knowledge, a sense of responsibility and self-reliance, and a connection to the college and wider community.

What are some things that you can do to develop your own learning strategies?

Top 10 Strategies for Learning New SkillsDitch Your Learning Style. Are you a visual learner? ... Make It More Meaningful for Yourself. ... Learn by Doing. ... Study the Greats, and Then Practice. ... Teach What You Learn. ... Spend More Time Practicing Things You Find Difficult. ... Take Frequent Breaks. ... Test Yourself.More items...•

What do you need from me to be successful this semester?

Tips for a Successful SemesterGet Ahead Early in the Semester. It's never too early to start developing your plan for success this semester. ... Take Advantage of Academic Resources. ... Develop Good Study Habits. ... Make a Connection in Each Class. ... Don't Let Setbacks Get You Down. ... Engage in Student Life. ... Ask for Help.

Strategies for Success (SFS 101)

Strategies for Success (SFS 101) is designed to improve student performance in college and beyond. This 2-credit hour elective course will count toward graduation from most programs at Lake Land College and should transfer to most four-year colleges.

Strategies for Money Management (SFS 102)

Strategies for Money Management (SFS 102) is a 2-credit hour course designed to assist students in learning financial skills through improving their personal financial planning and cultivating budgeting techniques.

Life Strategies (SFS 103)

Life Strategies (SFS 103) is a 2-credit hour course designed to prepare students for life after Lake Land College. This course will assist students in furthering the development of critical thinking skills. Students will learn effective methods to pursue their life goals and will create an actionable life plan.

2. Connect with Other Students

Find study buddies. They can keep you accountable & engaged. They can also remind you of upcoming assignments you may have overlooked. Take advantage of discussion boards & class lists, look for folks you may know from where you live, your previous classes or student organizations.

4. Asynchronous Classes (no live Zoom meetings)

Create a structured weekly study schedule. Otherwise, it is very easy for “out of sight, out of mind” to set in & to get behind in the course.

Canvas Exams

These exams are given often, generally after each lecture (or two), and are hyperfocused on the concepts covered in that class. These exams generally consist of a few questions that should be able to be completed in a relatively short amount of time.

Recap Exams

These exams are assigned at the conclusion of a chapter. They differ from Canvas Exams as they are timed assignments. This offers a gauge for how well and how quickly material can be recalled.

HW Exams

These exams are ‘take home’ exams that promote collaboration and community learning. They are comprehensive, by chapter, and tend to contain more challenging questions than those found in Canvas/Recap Exams. All work is required to be shown, promoting active learning and methodical thinking through the use of pencil and paper.

Comprehensive Exam

All prior exams are meant to (over-)prepare you for this in-person, ‘on-your-own’, closed-book, high-stakes, traditional exam. This exam includes everything that has been covered in class at the time the exam is given.

Final Exam

The Final Exam comprehensively covers the entire course and is the last assessment given. This is also a high-stakes, in-person, closed-book, face-to-face, traditional exam.


Treat these exams as stepping stones. Canvas Exams should prepare you for Recap Exams which will aid in the more challenging HW Exams. All of these assessments combined, if properly taken advantage of in a holistic approach to studying and learning, should more than prepare you for the higher-stakes Comprehensive and Final Exams.

What is the best strategy to ensure academic success?

For instance, someone who ranks highly in humor might run the risk of making an insensitive or inappropriate comment that could damage relationships. Making a plan to bolster weaknesses while remaining conscious of strengths can be a great strategy to ensure not just academic success, but personal fulfillment.

How to recover from stress as a student?

Make time to recover. Rather than avoiding stress altogether, Levy recommends setting aside time to mentally and physically recover . As a student, you may sometimes fall into a “stretch zone,” where you’re extending yourself to accommodate for different obligations.

What is priority pie?

Your priority pie should reflect all your personal, professional, and academic endeavors. For example: Your priority pie should include not just classes and your work day, but also time for family, studying and homework, and self-care like going to the gym or getting a regular massage.

How to build resilience?

One way to build resilience is by preparing for obstacles with implementation intentions, which are if–then plans designed to help people achieve goals. For example, “If I can’t get the financial aid I need, then I will reallocate money from my vacation or entertainment budgets.”

Can you play to your strengths?

Once you know what your strengths are, you can play to them. But it’s also important to know that sometimes strengths need to be tempered.

What Do You Learn in a High School Strategies for Academic Success Class?

Time4Learning’s Strategies for Academic Success class covers important study skills, such as strategies for taking high-quality notes, memorization techniques, test-taking strategies, benefits of visual aids, and reading techniques. It offers engaging lessons that will help students identify what works best for them individually.

What is academic strategy?

Strategies for Academic Success is a one-semester elective designed to help students learn the skills and techniques that support academic achievement. Offering a comprehensive analysis of different types of motivation, study habits, and learning styles, the academic strategies class encourages students to take control of their learning by exploring varying strategies for success.

Why Take Strategies for Academic Success in High School?

By taking a Strategies for Academic Success class in high school, teens are jumping ahead of the curve and building skills that will help them thrive academically through high school and beyond.

What is engaging course delivery?

Engaging course delivery that combine s rigorous instruction and modeling of important skills with humor, real-world connections, and positive reinforcement.

How many steps are there in a test preparation?

List and explain each of the five steps of test preparation.

Why do high school students need study skills?

A study skills course for high school students is recommended for all students who need to learn how to better plan, manage, organize and complete their work. This generation of digital natives has incredible demands on their attention. Learning how to focus, prioritize, and self-monitor has never been more important.

How to ensure follow through on online classes?

One of the easiest ways to ensure follow through is to remember that you are paying to take this online course, just as you would for a traditional, in-person class. You must “show up” if you’re going to get real value out of your class. Treat your online classes the same way you would a face-to-face class—or, better yet, a job—and you’ll be off to the right start.

How to build relationships with other students?

Build relationships with other students by introducing yourself and engaging in online discussion boards. Your peers can be a valuable resource when preparing for exams or asking for feedback on assignments. Don’t be afraid to turn to them to create a virtual study group. Chances are good that they will appreciate it just as much as you will.

What are the distractions that can derail your studies?

From Netflix to social media to dishes piling up in the skink, you’ll be faced with many distractions that can easily derail your studies. The best online students know how to lessen these distractions and set aside time to focus.

How to keep yourself accountable when working on assignments?

When working on your assignments, try time-blocking, allotting yourself a certain amount of time for each task before moving on to the next one and setting a timer to keep you accountable.

How to get the most out of online classes?

If you’re having trouble holding yourself responsible, pair up with a fellow classmate, or enlist the help of a spouse or friend to check in as an accountability partner. By being organized, proactive, and self-aware, you can get the most from your online class even when life outside of school becomes chaotic.


Strategies For Success

  • Strategies for Success (SFS 101) is designed to improve student performance in college and beyond. This 2-credit hour elective course will count toward graduation from most programs at Lake Land College and should transfer to most four-year colleges. The course involves a variety of learning experiences, including group discussions, guest speakers,...
See more on lakelandcollege.edu

Strategies For Money Management

  • Strategies for Money Management (SFS 102) is a 2-credit hour course designed to assist students in learning financial skills through improving their personal financial planning and cultivating budgeting techniques.
See more on lakelandcollege.edu

Life Strategies

  • Life Strategies (SFS 103) is a 2-credit hour course designed to prepare students for life after Lake Land College. This course will assist students in furthering the development of critical thinking skills. Students will learn effective methods to pursue their life goals and will create an actionable life plan. Enhance those next steps of your life with this course for life success.
See more on lakelandcollege.edu

Testimonials from Former Students

  • “I liked this class very much. It made me go back to good study habits that I used in high school because they were beneficial. This class has taught me to stop waiting until the day an assignment is due to turn it in because all it does is put stress on me. […] I think this class should be mandatory for everyone to take, even if they don’t need it because it can help tackle problem…
See more on lakelandcollege.edu

Communicating with Your Instructor

  • Your instructors want to hear from you and help you. Remember to be patient. 1. Find out how each instructor prefers to communicate about everyday questions related to the course (for example email, Moodle discussion groups, Google Hangouts, virtual office hours on Zoom, etc.). Make a chart of this if you need a quick reference. 2. Use the communic...
See more on dasa.ncsu.edu

Establish Good Study Habits

  • Remote learners can stay focused and successful with the right environment for learning and a few organizational tips.
See more on dasa.ncsu.edu

Collaborating with Classmates Online

  • Working in groups for class assignments can sometimes be difficult, especially for the online learner. Follow these useful tips for participating in group work online to help guide you into a more successful virtual group dynamic! 1. If you typically study with a classmate or group, create a virtual study session using Google Hangouts, Zoom, or group texting. 2. To stay connected, co…
See more on dasa.ncsu.edu

Preventing Academic Misconduct

  • Transitioning to online courses has presented challenges for students and faculty. This information on Student Conduct’s websiteserves as a resource for students during this difficult and unprecedented time of a pandemic. The goal of this information is to provide success strategies for students while completing academic work primarily in an online environment.
See more on dasa.ncsu.edu