Golf Course Starter
Again, keep in mind that you normally won't tip a starter, especially at a private club, and certainly no tip is expected of you. But if your local public course is badly backed up on a Sunday morning a $10-$20 tip may just go a long way in getting your round to commence at an earlier time.Dec 26, 2015
But the golf starter or caddie master, the person usually greeting golfers to start a round, is like a concierge of golf and as such can provide a gateway to a great day.Jun 23, 2008
o When announcing players who are ready to start it is customary to say: “This is the 9:02 starters time, from (players home club) (First Name, Last Name) Play away please” and upon completion of his or her stroke, announce the club and name of the next player in the group.
With Starter Hut Tee Sheet, it is easy for golf courses to manager tee sheet bookings and events, as well as to move players and groups on the tee sheet or between multiple tee sheets for multiple courses. ... You can also manage golf carts, caddies, and rental clubs.
The Starter has absolute control over all matters relating to the start of a race. His or Her decision IS FINAL and cannot be overruled by any one else. The Starter has to ensure that all of the competitors have a good and fair start with no one 'slipping up' because of something outside their control.
Start each group exactly at their assigned starting time. If you fall behind, the new starting time is when the group in front has cleared the way. Write down the actual time when the group began play on the starting sheet (this is for pace of play information). Keep groups at same tee time intervals.