what is a radiation safety course good for

by Lindsey Kub 8 min read

Why must we be trained in radiation safety?

Radiation awareness training can explain the risk associated with radiation exposure in perspective; provide the incentive for operators to follow procedures; and teach specific skill such as how to use a radiation monitor or deal with an emergency.

What is the key goal of radiation safety?

The radiation safety program's primary objectives are to protect personnel and the general public from unwarranted radiation exposure, protect the environment by minimizing release of radioactive material in effluents, ensure compliance with all applicable State and Federal regulations and to monitor and advise in the ...

What is a radiation course?

Certificate Course. This course provides a general overview of ionized radiation and the ways you can be exposed to it in the workplace. Find out about the effects this type of radiation has on our health, and learn actionable steps for controlling and managing harmful exposures on the job.

How long is RSO training good for?

two yearsTo receive your RSO certification: you can attend a course at the Integrity Safety Services office in various locations. The cost for the course is $50 and the certification card is valid for two years.Aug 16, 2021

What are the 3 basic radiation safety principles?

To do this, you can use three basic protective measures in radiation safety: time, distance, and shielding.Dec 7, 2015

What's the safest level of radiation?

Adult: 5,000 Millirems. The current federal occupational limit of exposure per year for an adult (the limit for a worker using radiation) is "as low as reasonably achievable; however, not to exceed 5,000 millirems" above the 300+ millirems of natural sources of radiation and any medical radiation.Jan 5, 1994

What is radiation certificate?

This presentation certifies that the products subject to the export or import are excluded from radioactivity. This certificate is issued by companies like SGS.

What can I study after BSc radiology?

PG Courses After Completing BSc RadiologyMSc Radiology.MSc Medical Radiation Physics.PGD in Radiotherapy Technology.PGD in X-ray Radiography.PGD in Ultra-Sonography.Master of Magnetic Resonance Technology.Master of Radiopharmaceutical Science.Master of Medical Radiation – Nuclear Radiation.

How do I become a radiation protection officer?

To qualify as a radiation protection officer (RPO) candidate must attend both modules, namely Module 1 and any one of the selected Sub-module 2, depending on the nature job of the candidate....Methodology:Partcipative Lecture.Practical.Demonstartion.Role Play.Discussion.Case Study.

What does RSO training stand for?

The NRC requires any organization that uses radioactive material to have a licensed, designated Radiation Safety Officer (RSO). This course is designed to help such organizations apply for or renew their license for use of radioactive materials.

How do I get RSO certified?

Training cum RSO certification course for Operation of Radiation Processing Facilities(Gamma and Electron) for Food, Healthcare and Allied Products. Training course on Safety Aspects in the Research Applications of Ionising Radiation. Training cum RSO certification course on Radiation Safety Aspects of Nucleonic Gauge.

What are RSO classes?

RSO has developed standards for a training program designed to educate workers on the health and safety hazards associated with working in the petrochemical industry.

How to use iAuditor?

iAuditor by SafetyCulture is an award winning software for health and safety. It can help with streamlining and implementing radiation safety measures. Minimize the risks and achieve radiation safety by conducting regular inspections to confirm compliance, identify hazards, and control it. With iAuditor, you can: 1 Easily conduct safety inspections using a tablet or mobile device. 2 Proactively capture issues outside or during an inspection. With iAuditor’s collaborative actions feature, teams are able to instantly raise issues and assign the appropriate corrective action for immediate resolve. 3 Produce comprehensive reports automatically. Reports are generated upon completing an inspection. 4 Track and monitor how safety measures and radiation safety best practices are being performed across departments and sites with analytics. 5 Easily customize checklists and inspection forms where you see fit and share them with your team to collect consistent data across sites.

What is ALARA radiation?

The Center of Disease Control’s definition of ALARA basically means to avoid it if you don’t need it even in small doses, this is made specifically for radiation. The ALARA radiation safety principle is to minimize radiation dosage and control the amount of radioactive materials in the environment. There are numerous organizations ...

Is it safe to be near a nuclear power plant?

Fact: There is no effect to people and animals just by being near an accredited nuclear plant as long as the nuclear reactor is functioning properly. Only direct exposure to nuclear radioactive materials and air will lead to diseases that are linked to radiation. The nuclear energy industry has learned from the Chernobyl incident and adopted radiation safety standards. Most plants are located in a safe distance away from residential communities and follow protocols.

What is the IAEA safety standard?

This led to the creation of IAEA Safety Standard which is divided into 3 parts: Safety Fundamentals, Safety Requirements, and Safety Guides. Meanwhile, NEI utilized mostly data from two reports ...

What are the three principles of radiation safety?

According to the CDC, radiation exposure risks can be lowered by following the three principles of radiation safety which is time, distance, and shielding . These are also known as the basic protective measures in radiation safety.

What are the safety measures required for radiation?

Radiation safety measures such as conducting safety inspections help ensure that critical radiation safety precautions are in place to reduce the risk of overexposure. There should be visible warning signs, contamination surveys conducted, and device tests for all radiation-producing equipment. All workers must be trained to limit time of exposure, use radiation shields, and increase the distance of contact with radioactive devices and materials.

What is iAuditor software?

iAuditor by SafetyCulture is an award winning software for health and safety. It can help with streamlining and implementing radiation safety measures. Minimize the risks and achieve radiation safety by conducting regular inspections to confirm compliance, identify hazards, and control it. With iAuditor, you can:

Do you know your licence requirements?

It is a licence condition that any person who uses a source or facility must have appropriate training. ANSTO's training courses provide licences recognised by state and territory regulators.

NORM Radiation Safety Officer

A first for our region, this uniquely designed course covers content directly relevant for mining and minerals exploration, and oil and gas industries .

Emergency Preparedness and Response

Recently launched, our Radiological and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness and Response training course is specifically designed for first responder agencies.

Industrial Radiation Safety Officer

Designed for Radiation Safety Officers working in industrial settings responsible for radioactive substances and/or radiation apparatus.

General Radiation Safety Officer

Supporting personnel with responsibilities for radioactive substances and/or radiation apparatus in research, medical, government, manufacturing, supply or servicing.

Advanced Radiation Safety Officer

A comprehensive five-day course providing the required knowledge and skills to implement a radiation protection program compliant with regulations and industry standards.

Radiation Safety for Laboratory Workers

Supporting laboratory staff in research facilities, radiopharmaceutical production and medical settings with responsibility in managing radioactive substances.

What is radiation protection?

The Radiation Generating Machines Protection Course is required of all personnel working in research laboratories with machines producing ionizing radiation, which may include x-ray diffraction and fluorescence equipment, cabinet x-ray systems, and Van de Graaff or particle accelerators.

What is Institutional Support Personnel?

Institutional support personnel that have limited exposure to radiation or have limited access to radiation-restricted areas have a once-only in-service requirement . Each department is responsible for ensuring that untrained personnel do not work in radiation-restricted areas.

What is fluoroscopy protection course?

The University Animal Fluoroscopy Protection Course is required for University Research Laboratory Personnel and visitors who will participate in University Animal Care (UAC) procedures requiring fluoroscopy or radiography. The course is not required for Medical personnel with up-to-date in-service training and dosimetry.

What is radioactive material transporter training?

Radioactive Material Transporter training is required for all individuals who will transport radioactive material, such as sealed sources, seeds, and soil moisture gauges as employees or students at the University of Arizona.Radioactive Material Department of Transportation (DOT) Training

What is the class C radiation safety officer course?

Columbia University’s Department of Environmental Health Sciences offers a 40- hour course to meet the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Class C Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) training requirements. The curricula is designed for individuals working in academia, industry, and government laboratories seeking training in the safe handling of radioisotopes to meet local, state, or federal regulatory and/or training requirements. Participants that complete this course will fulfill the 40-hour requirement as stated in 10CFR33.15 - Requirements for the issuance of a Type C specific license of broad scope:

What is a course faculty?

Course faculty are internationally recognized for their expertise in radiological science, dosimetry, waste management and public health and together have many decades of teaching and research experience. Faculty are always available for questions, additional information and personalized attention.

How many hours of training is required for a radioactive material?

At least 40 hours of training and experience in the safe handling of radioactive materials, and in the characteristics of ionizing radiation, units of radiation dose and quantities, radiation detection instrumentation, and biological hazards of exposure to radiation appropriate to the type and forms of byproduct material to be used.

When is RSO training 2021?

The Training will instead be a live-stream, remote training that takes place over live, online video on July 9-11 and July 16-18, 2021. All training start and end times are in EDT.

How to reduce radiation risk?

Assess potential radiation risks and relevant human health effects. Develop work plan for employees to effectively reduce or eliminate risk. Limit potential for radiological terrorism using laboratory materials. Understand and apply Health Physics practice in a laboratory setting.

How you learn

Online: The sessions held online are designed to recreate the in-class experience as much as possible. The course is delivered live through an online meeting platform, led by our experienced instructors. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and instructors are available to offer assistance.

Course Location

Accommodation *All training is currently online* Hotel Novotel Toronto North York is pleased to offer a $15 discount off the daily rate for our course participants. The hotel is located at 3 Park Home Ave, North York, ON M2N 6L3. It is only a short 15-minute walk away from our office where Toronto courses are held.

What is the role of the EHS radiation safety program?

The EHS Radiation Safety Program (RSP), all UAB Licensees, and their Alternates are responsible for ensuring that all personnel working with radioisotopes participate in an ongoing, regularly scheduled monitoring program when required. Only the EHS Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) shall determine whether such monitoring is no longer necessary.

How often do you need to refresh your radiation safety training?

The UAB EHS Radiation Safety Program, which is licensed by the State of Alabama, requires that any UAB employees who work with radioisotopes complete a radiation refresher course every five years.

What are the rules for radiation control in Alabama?

The Alabama rules for Radiation Control require that sources of radiation in any unrestricted area shall be tended under the constant surveillance and immediate control of the Licensee. All radioactive materials must be safely secured in the lab when no one is present.

How long does it take to do an area survey?

Area surveys must be documented no more than seven days after each date of radioisotope use and when finding significant contamination or radiation levels.

Is there a strict procedure for disposing of radioactive waste?

There are strict procedures for the disposal of radioactive waste material. Improper handling of radioactive materials could expose those in the lab as well as family and friends that you come in contact with outside of the work area. Always handle radioactive materials responsibly.

What is a RSO in radiology?

Criteria: Type A and Type B broad-scope licensees must have a Radiation Safety Officer ( RSO) who is qualified by training and experience in radiation protection and who is available for advice and assistance on radiological safety matters.

What is a RSO?

The person responsible for implementing the radiation protection program is called the Radiation Safety Officer , or RSO. This individual may also be called the Radiation Protection Officer (RPO).

What degree do you need to become a RSO?

In order to demonstrate adequate training and experience, the RSO should have (1) as a minimum, a college degree at the bachelor level or equivalent training and experience in physical, chemical, biological sciences, or engineering, and (2) training and experience commensurate with the scope of proposed activities.


Course Overview

  • Columbia University’s Department of Environmental Health Sciences offers a 40-hour course to meet the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Class C Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) training requirements. The curricula is designed for individuals working in academia, industry, and government laboratories seeking training in the safe handling of radioisotopes to meet local, s
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  • "The annual Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) training program through the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health is a thought provoking, career enhancing, experience. I gained strategic insight on the role of the RSO operating within a world-class academic research / clinical arena." - Allen C. from Harvard University, 2020 virtual training RSO Trainee "A comprehensive overview o…
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Registration Fees

  • COVID-19 Update: With the training being offered virtually, we are passing along any and all costs saved to attendees. Early-bird rate (through 5/31/21): $1,550 Standard rate (6/1/21 - 7/2/21): $1,750 Registration Fee: Fee includes course material. Invoice Payment and Group Registrations: If you would prefer to pay by invoice/check, or would like to pay for a group of regi…
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Location and Travel

  • COVID-19 Update: The RSO Training will no longer take place in person due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Training will instead be a live-stream, remote training that takes place over live, online video on July 9-11 and July 16-18, 2021. All training start and end times are in EDT. Please note this training is nota self-paced, pre-recorded online training. PDF versions of each instructo…
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Additional Information

  • Questions? Email Dr. Norman Kleiman, the director of the RSO Training Course. Subscribe for updateson course details, registration, deadlines and content. Radiation Safety Officer Training is hosted by Columbia University's Department of Environmental Health Sciences in the Mailman School of Public Health. Jump back to top of Radiation Safety Officer Training page
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