what is a foundation course

by Kris Harris 4 min read

A foundation course is a one or two-year preparatory course for school-leavers who want to qualify for a place on a bachelor's degree course in art, design or architecture.

Full Answer

What is a foundation course and do I need one?

foundation course definition: 1. a college or university course that introduces students to a subject and prepares them for…. Learn more.

What is the a foundation programme?

Dec 07, 2019 · In the UK, foundation year programmes, also known as “year zero” or “gateway programmes”, are designed to develop skills and subject-specific knowledge to ensure a student to advance to a degree course. They may be offered as stand-alone one-year courses or integrated into degree programmes.

What are the benefits of a foundation degree?

Jan 03, 2013 · The Foundation Program includes an intensive English course which in just 1-2 semesters allows you to improve the language level significantly up to 6.0 points in the IELTS exam and prepare for TOEFL. The programme also helps to learn about the academic traditions of the university and provides a preparation in a number of subjects that will be useful for …

How long does it take to complete a foundation degree?

37 rows · Jan 21, 2016 · In this article, we will explore foundation courses offered by private higher education institutions (PHEIs). These PHEIs often also offer home-grown bachelor degrees, or twinning and 3+0 degree programmes. There are also PHEIs that conduct foundation programmes that prepare students for a bachelor’s degree abroad.

What is a foundation course equivalent to?

A foundation degree is the academic equivalent of two-thirds of a Bachelors degree, a Higher National Diploma (HND) and Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE) - at Level 5 of the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF).

What is in foundation course?

A foundation course is a programme that will prepare you for an undergraduate degree at university. They are specifically designed for international students who want to study abroad, such as in Europe or the USA.Aug 8, 2019

What is a foundation course meaning?

countable noun. A foundation course is a course that you do at some colleges and universities in order to prepare yourself for a longer or more advanced course.

Is a foundation course equivalent to A levels?

The Advanced Level Foundation is equivalent to A-levels and other high school completion qualifications such as the International Baccalaureate (IB) which are accepted by universities for entry to degree-level programmes.Aug 6, 2020

Is foundation better than A levels?

Bottom Line: If you want more flexibility in choosing your subjects as well as have a wider option of degrees to choose from, A-Level might be the better choice. If you are sure of the interest and field that you want to pursue and want to dive straight into it, opt for Foundation.Apr 28, 2017

Are foundation courses free?

If you do a separate foundation course, this will usually count as Further Education, the same level as sixth form or college. This means that there are no fees if you are under 19, but you won't be entitled to any loans or grants for living costs. If you're over 19, fees will depend on your college.

Why did you choose foundation course?

A foundation year gives you the opportunity to get an understanding of your field of interest before progressing to the full three-year degree programme. As well as subject knowledge, you'll get used to the HE context and gain the skills needed for higher level study.

What are the benefits of a foundation degree?

7 benefits of studying a foundation course in the UKDesigned for international students. ... Fills any gaps in knowledge between high school and university. ... Academic classes combined with English language. ... Specialise in your chosen field. ... Get used to university-style teaching. ... Time to adjust. ... A guaranteed university place.Sep 14, 2015

How many types of foundation courses are there?

Foundation Courses Types Foundation courses can prepare you for a variety of subjects such as business, finance and management, computing, law, art and design, engineering, social scienc, medicine, science and pharmacy, media, and humanities.

Is Foundation harder than diploma?

A diploma is a higher qualification than a foundation because it is equivalent to a first-year degree in the university. If you intend to enter the work field faster, a higher qualification is preferred.

Can I be a teacher with a foundation degree?

A Foundation degree can be part of an acceptable work-based route to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). Work-based options after completing the Foundation degree include the Graduate Teacher Programme (GTP) or the Registered Teacher Programme (RTP).

Is a foundation degree worth it?

A foundation degree (Fd) is equivalent to two-thirds of a bachelor's degree and is worth 240 credits. It's great if you like learning on-the-job, but also want to gain a recognised qualification for your CV.Feb 2, 2017


A foundation course is a one or two-year preparatory course for school-leavers who want to qualify for a place on a bachelor's degree course in art, design or architecture.

Origin and methodology

Harry Thubron at Leeds College of Art. Together they began to establish a team to deliver a new form of art preparation course they called the Basic Design Course. The aim of the course was to teach what were considered to be the basic skills that underpin all art and design activities, including architecture.

What is foundation preparatory course called?

In Germany, the Foundation preparatory courses are called Studienkollegs. Applicants have a right to choose — to apply to fee-paying programmes organized by private colleges, or to public ones, i.e which are almost free of charge. The education system is the same in both education institutions, with the exception of a few points: to attend fee-paying preparatory courses it is not necessary to take any exams and the requirements for the German language knowledge are much lower than in public programmes.

What is foundation programme?

A Foundation Programme is a programme for university preparation that helps entrants to adapt to the country of studying, to improve the level of the foreign language knowledge and to acquire additional academic skills. This will ensure that an entrant meets all the requirements for studying at the university.

How long does it take to get a secondary education?

School education in different countries lasts 11 or 12 years. At schools in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Japan, as well as in most of the European countries, it takes 12 years to get secondary education. As a rule, it consists of three stages.

What is the engineering programme?

The Engineering Programme prepares to enter engineering faculties and the Law Programme — law faculties. Life Sciences programme is suitable for those who are going to study natural sciences. There are also programmes that prepare entrants for admission to the faculties of humanities and social sciences.

How long is a foundation program?

The Foundation Programme is distinguished by its duration: most often it lasts from six months to one year. A student usually determines the length of studying and the intensity of classes by him/herself. At the universities of Australia and New Zealand, for example, the following programmes are provided: Standard (40 weeks), ...

Is Malta a British country?

Studying at the Foundation programme in Malta has many advantages: education in this island country is based on the British model, which indicates its quality. Not less important fact is that with the Maltese preparatory course completion certificate a future student can apply to both English and American universities. Students successfully completed the preparatory courses at the University of Malta automatically become first-year students of an undergraduate course.

What is foundation year?

Foundation year in the USA. The preparatory programme in the USA is focused mainly on the applicants language training. The Foundation Program includes an intensive English course which in just 1-2 semesters allows you to improve the language level significantly up to 6.0 points in the IELTS exam and prepare for TOEFL.

Types of pre-U programmes

There are three categories of pre-university programmes offered in Malaysia:

Examples of pre-university programmes offered by HEIs

According to Heriot-Watt University Malaysia, their most popular foundation programme is Foundation in Science, the pathway to its world-renowned engineering degrees.

What is a foundation degree?

Foundation degrees are ideal if you’re unsure about taking a full degree or if you want to study while you work. Whether you’re working in or towards the role now, you can gain professional and technical skills to further your career – within a shorter time frame than a full degree.

How long does it take to get an honours degree?

They usually take two years full-time to complete, or longer for part-time students. Normally you can continue for a further year to gain a full honours degree, which is useful if you decide to go for a full degree after all.

How long is CA Foundation course valid?

Once the registration is done for the Foundation course it will be valid for three years. In addition to that, it can be revalidated any number of times for a further three years by depositing nominal fees decided by the council from time to time. If you are willing to appear in CA Foundation in June 2021.

What is CA foundation?

CA Foundation is a part of the revised scheme introduced by the ICAI. CA Foundation is an entry-level test designed for students who want to pursue the CA Course. Exams for the ICAI CA Foundation will conduct twice a year in June and November. CA Foundation is replacing the current entry-level test CPC (Common Proficiency Course).

How to register for CA Foundation?

You can register for the CA Foundation course through the ICAI portal under the Course registration forms under the student’s tab by making the requisite payment. Once the payment is successful it will automatically generate the form which is required to get print.

When do I need to get admit card for CA Foundation?

Admit Cards are required to sit in the Examination Hall. ICAI generally issues admit cards 14 days before the exams. ICAI has ceased to send the admit cards physically. Now you can only download Admit Card for CA Foundation online from the ICAI website.

Can I register for CA Foundation after passing 10th?

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has recently got the government’s approval for amending the regulations 25E, 25F and 28F of Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988, which now allows candidates to preliminarily register for CA Foundation after passing Class 10th examinations. The ICAI announces that this preliminary admission will only be modulated or regularized when the candidate will pass the Class 12th exams. The main motive behind this is that the students will get plenty of time to gain knowledge and obtain necessary techniques while pursuing Class 11th and Class 12th, and finally clear their CA Foundation exams with good grades.

What is foundation course?

If you are an international student who wants to study at undergraduate degree level in the UK, a foundation course — or an alternative pre-university qualification such as A-levels or International Baccalaureate — is essential. A foundation course will bridge the gap between high school and university.

What are the major exam boards in the UK?

The 5 main exam boards in the UK are AQA, CCEA, Pearson Edexcel, OCR, and WJEC. The Kings Advanced Level Foundation is validated by Pearson (the awarding body that owns Edexcel, the exam board). It is also externally modified by an external panel made up of Education Specialists.

How to choose an A level?

Here are a few things you should consider whilst deciding: 1 Are you aiming for (and likely to get into) Oxbridge or certain medical schools? If yes, A-levels is probably the best option for you and will keep all doors open. 2 How long do you want to spend studying? For most students, an A-level course will take two years, whereas a foundation course will only take one. If you have already studied for 12 years in another country, you may not want to study for another two before entering university. 3 Are you considering studying your degree in a country other than the UK, such as the United States, Canada or Australia? If yes, A-levels will give you more options as is it a well-known and internationally accepted pre-university qualification. 4 Is this your first experience of studying internationally? If yes, a foundation programme may be your preferred option as it is specifically designed to meet the needs of international students.

What does A level stand for?

A-levels is short for ‘General Certificate of Education — Advanced Levels’. A-levels have been the main school leaving qualification taken by students in the UK as they progress onto higher education since they were first introduced in the 1950s.

What does dual offer mean?

This means your place is dependent on you achieving the A-level grades they require, for example ABB. Many universities now make ‘ dual offers ’ to include an alternative offer for students with an EPQ. For example, Queen Mary University may provide a dual offer of ABB at A-level or BBB with an A in the EPQ.

Is foundation tuition cheaper than A level?

Another difference to consider is the cost of both programmes. Foundation programmes are generally cheaper than A-level courses. This is due to the fact that A-levels usually have a higher number of hours of tuition per week and are often taught in smaller class sizes.

Do UK universities accept A level?

Although the vast majority of top UK universities accept both A-levels and international foundation programmes for entry to their undergraduate programmes, it’s important to note that some of the elite universities require students to have taken A-levels (or their international equivalent) for entry.



A foundation course is a preparatory course for university-level art and design education, used particularly in the United Kingdom.


A foundation course is a one or two-year preparatory course for school-leavers who want to qualify for a place on a bachelor's degreecourse in art, design or architecture. The course is almost entirely practical in nature, although increasingly elements of art and design history have been introduced, and it is considered sufficient to qualify those who pass it to move on to a degree course without further study. It is the dominant form of entry to university and art college degre…

Origin and methodology

Harry Thubron at Leeds College of Art. Together they began to establish a team to deliver a new form of art preparation course they called the Basic Design Course. The aim of the course was to teach what were considered to be the basic skills that underpin all art and design activities, including architecture. This resulted in projects designed to develop skills in using colour, articulating two- and three-dimensional space, defining form and experimenting with diverse ma…

Current status

• University of the Arts London Awarding Body
• Edexcel
• Welsh Joint Education Committee
• ABC Awards

External links

• UCAS Foundation Course information