what if i take a grad level course as an undergrad

by Keegan Hamill 10 min read

The answer is yes. Undergraduate students, at most universities, can take graduate-level courses. There are, however, different rules at different institutions. For example, some universities limit the number of graduate credits you can take as an undergrad.

A graduate course taken by an undergraduate is counted toward the student's bachelor's degree in the same way that upper-division courses are counted, unless the course is reserved for graduate credit. Courses reserved for graduate credit may not also be used to fulfill the requirements of an undergraduate degree.

Full Answer

Should I take a graduate course in college?

The City Planning major is a master’s program, but my friend who had graduated assured me that I would be able to take some of its classes as an undergrad. And those classes: transportation is such a niche thing to love, but the program has a ton of fascinating courses on the topic. That was a huge influence on my wanting to apply at Penn.

What is considered a bad grade for a graduate course?

Aug 23, 2009 · phantasmagoric August 24, 2009, 2:05am #4.

At Stanford, students very often take grad-level courses. It's good for grad school applications, obviously.


I'd agree with the above re: differences. Grad courses tend to meet less often but for a longer time. They also tend to be small and discussion is more common.

Do graduate level courses compensate for poor performance on undergraduate courses?

Aug 11, 2010 · If the average grade for graduate classes is 1 letter grade higher, an A- (3.7), then the average person would have had a 3.4 as an undergrad, and now should have a 3.7 as a graduate. Even if these numbers are off some, it can easily be said that one should be able to expect about the same grade in a graduate class as an undergraduate class, provided they …

Should I take a master's degree under the same professor?

There can be a real risk of failure by taking grad-lvl courses as an undergrad - particularly courses outside of the "high-level research based courses", and how you emotionally cope with these setbacks can ultimately determine whether or not you're glad you took these courses.

Should I take graduate courses as an undergraduate?

It is not a small task to take a graduate course as an undergraduate student. The course will impact your GPA and be a significant challenge. Even with all that said, there are good reasons to take a graduate course (or two) before you graduate with your undergrad degree.

Can you start grad school while still in undergrad?

Can I apply to your graduate programs before receiving my bachelor's degree? If you are in the process of completing your bachelor's degree, you can submit an application now. You will need to provide proof of your bachelor's degree prior to starting the graduate program and registering for classes.

Can undergrads take grad classes USC?

Registration in Graduate-Level Courses by Undergraduate Students. Exceptional undergraduate students may enroll in a graduate course. In order to do so, students must receive approval of the instructor.

Can undergrads take grad classes UCLA?

Graduate courses numbered 200–299 are generally open only to graduate students who have completed basic undergraduate courses in the subject. Courses and seminars in the 200 series can fulfill the minimum graduate course requirement for any advanced degree.

Does your undergrad matter for grad school?

While all graduate schools have a different application process, there is still one thing that they have in common – your undergraduate degree doesn't really matter. Even for business school, law school, and medical school, what you majored in undergraduate career does not affect your graduate application chances.Sep 13, 2016

Does your undergrad major matter for grad school?

In general, your undergraduate major does not need to be in the same field as what you plan to study in graduate school. It's not uncommon for academic and career interests to change over time.

Are 500 level courses graduate USC?

A normal academic load is 16 units per semester for undergraduate students, 8 units (500-level) for graduate students.

What is USC acceptance rate?

How many credits do you need to graduate from USC?

Per USC requirements, a minimum of 128 units is necessary to graduate with a single Bachelor's degree, however, some majors may require more than 128 units to complete all requirements.

Can undergrads take grad classes Berkeley?

While on limited status, students are not allowed to take graduate courses (200 series). Undergraduate courses completed while on limited status cannot be used to satisfy subject or residence requirements for an advanced degree or credential, if the applicant is admitted.

What does M mean in UCLA classes?

multiple listed
An “M” in front of a course number means the class is listed in two or more departments (M = multiple listed). Example: Anthropology M151 is the exact same class as Gender Studies M151.

What does the C mean in college classes?

closed class
C = closed class - means the class is full.


Thank you all for keeping me patient during this crazy time and waiting it out through march madness to hear this great news. Good luck to all of you in your future endeavors, I mean that!!


This subreddit is for anyone who is going through the process of getting into graduate school, and for those who've been there and have advice to give.
