• what happens when the leaf is boiled in alcohol? course hero

by Dr. Barry Ernser IV 5 min read

Answers (1) J jainabbee.shaikh Leaf is boiled in alcohol to remove the chlorophyll from the leaf that adds dark green color so that starch particles can be easily seen under the microscope.

Full Answer

What happens when leaf is boiled in alcohol?

Boiling the leaf in alcohol removes chlorophyll present in it. By this we can properly identify the starch present in the leaf.

What happens to the colour of the leaf when boiled in alcohol?

Answer. The leaf becomes pale or colouless. Instead tha alcohol becomes green in colour.

What happened to the alcohol How about the leaves?

Ethanol tends to stunt the growth of plants. When ethanol is applied to flowers, scientists note that, when watered with a 5 percent solution of ethanol, plant growth slows. When a 10 percent alcohol solution is applied, the plant becomes stressed and, with a 25 percent alcohol solution, the plant dies.

Why is the experimental leaf boiled in alcohol?

In the presence of starch, iodine changes its colour from yellow to blue-black colour. This change in colour cannot be seen in green leaves. Hence, to remove the green pigment present in the leaf the leaf is boiled in alcohol using a water bath.

When a leaf is boiled in alcohol and then treated with iodine solution its colour changes into?

On adding iodine to a leaf boiled in alcohol, a blue-black colour appears.

What colour does the alcohol turn when the boiled leaf is placed in the test tube containing alcohol?

Answer: the green leaf contains chlorophyll. when it is double boiled in alcohol, the alcohol changes its colour to green colour(of the chlorophyll) and the leaf turns pale white/yellow.

What happens when a leaf is dipped in boiling water?

Solution : The leaves are dipped in boiling water to kill the cell which disrupt the cell membranes and softens the cuticle and cell walls.

Why does the alcohol turn green?

Alcohol is a solvent: It dissolves stuff. The leaf is porous, full of holes. When the leaf is placed in the alcohol, the alcohol gets into the leafs, and dissolves the pigments in the leaf, probably chlorophyll, which is green. This will turn the alcohol green.

What is the texture of the leaf after boiling it in ethanol?

A decolourized leaf is pale yellow or green. Ethanol is an organic solvent and so extracts chlorophyll from the leaf. Account for the texture of the leaf after being boiled in ethanol. The leaf was brittle as ethanol dehydrated (extracted water) from the leaf.

What is the role of the alcohol in this experiment?

Answer: In the experiment of photosynthesis we basically need to show that leaves make starch in presence of sunlight. In this experiment alcohol is used to boil the leaves so that the can become soft and decolourise , i.e chlorophyll can be removed.

Why alcohol is used to remove chlorophyll?

Do you know why chlorophyll can be removed from the leaf by ethanol? Ethanol is an organic solvent that causes the plant cells to become leaky. The chlorophyll inside the cells become available and dissolves in the ethanol.

When the leaf is placed in alcohol the flame is turned down give a reason why this is essential?

This is because heating the green leaf directly on the flame, or boiling it in water will kill the leaf as the direct heat will damage the cells of the leaf. On the other hand, boiling the leaf in alcohol only causes the chlorophyll to break down, and the leaf gets decolourised as it loses its green colour.