what happened to the bulletproof neuropsych course

by Garland Crooks 7 min read

Why choose bulletproof for your education and training?

While investing in education is essential, you need confidence that you’ll see a worthwhile return. By taking a consultative approach to planning and developing your education and training initiatives, Bulletproof is able to ensure you’re getting exactly what you need to see clear results.

How has technology changed the field of neuropsychology?

As psychology has grown as a profession, it has made apparent the need for more advanced studies into the complex chemical make-up and functioning of the human brain. Since the rise in imaging technology, new fields have grown to use advanced technology to study human mental abilities, such as neuropsychology.

What does it mean to build a bulletproof team?

Building a team of quality employees—and retaining them—means investing in professional development. Bulletproof can make sure that investment sees a healthy return. Superior employee training is a smart investment, not an expense.

How can neuropsychology help with brain injury?

Now, imagine that your injury has made it so that you're unable to function normally. Neuropsychology helps doctors understand how brain malfunctions occur, and what happens when they do. By understanding these neurological problems, doctors can help possibly treat and prevent them.

What is the neuropsychology diploma?

The Neuropsychology Diploma Course discusses emotional processing and expressions, including whether this differs between cultures and whether facial expressions are something that are learned or hardwired from birth.

What is the purpose of neuropsychology?

The Neuropsychology Diploma Course will teach you about disorders of language, such as agraphia and dyslexia, and how brain damage can affect language usage . The purposes and various types of memory are discussed in the course, including an analysis of which parts of the brain are responsible for the storage and retrieval of memories .

How long does it take to get a neuropsychology degree?

The Neuropsychology Diploma Course will take you up to 150 hours to complete working from home. There is no time limit for completing this course, it can be studied in your own time at your own pace. This is a Level 3 course and will give you 150 CPD (Continued Professional Development) points.

What is the course on consciousness called?

The Neuropsychology Course discusses how the brain generates conscious states, including sleep, hypnosis, stupor and coma, and goes even further by looking at how neuropsychology views free will and the possible existence of a human soul.

Do you need encyclopaedic knowledge of the brain?

To give the subject context you are provided with its history, how it is applied in everyday settings, and the questions it sets out to answer. You don’t need an encyclopaedic knowledge of the brain’s anatomy to study the concepts of neuropsychology.

What is the field of psychology that studies the brain?

Neuropsychology is a field that studies the human brain and how it relates to the formation of cognition, behavior, and emotion. As psychology has grown as a profession, it has made apparent the need for more advanced studies into the complex chemical make-up and functioning of the human brain. Since the rise in imaging technology, new fields have ...

What is a neuropsychology degree?

During neuropsychology degree programs, you may be expected to take part in studies that focus on varying aspects of behavior and emotion from different perspectives. As a professional in the field, you will come in contact with a wide range of patients of different age ranges, different cultures, and various cognitive levels of ability. The course work for this degree program is designed to give you a broad understanding of neuropsychology that is applicable to all people.

How to learn about the relationship between the brain, behavior, and emotion?

The most common methods for learning about the relationship between the brain, behavior, and emotion is through direct monitoring of the brain's activity. Imaging of the brain through the use of CAT scans, MRIs, fMRIs, or PET scans allows neuropsychologists to monitor brain activity during certain tasks.

What is a masters in neuropsychology?

The master’s program is seen generally as a bridge between the bachelor’s and doctoral program. However, some doctoral programs do allow entry from the bachelor’s level.

What is EPPP exam?

The EPPP is an exam that tests your knowledge of psychology. It is required to obtain a license in all states. Most states also require that you engage in 1-2 years of supervised experience in the field prior to becoming fully licensed.

What is a child clinical nueropsychologist?

Child Clinical Nueropsychologists also study the differences between adult and child formation of mental illness.

What is a doctorate in psychology?

Obtaining a doctorate degree provides expertise in your field and sets you on path for licensure. You may find that you are best suited for a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology with focus in Neuropsychology, a Doctorate in Neuropsychology, or a Doctorate in Clinical Neuropsychology. Depending on the university that you choose for you program, there may be different variations of this degree for you to choose from. During this program, you will be expected to both apply your knowledge through research projects as well as in a real-life setting.

Why is bulletproof important?

By taking a consultative approach to planning and developing your education and training initiatives, Bulletproof is able to ensure you’re getting exactly what you need to see clear results.

Is bulletproof training a good investment?

Bulletproof can make sure that investment sees a healthy return. Superior employee training is a smart investment, not an expense. By educating your staff on a more granular level, you fill in resource-draining gaps like the inefficient use of software. Bulletproof’s Education Services are always focused on continuous improvement.

What is the branch of psychology that addresses brain structure and function in relation to normal and abnormal cognition, emotion, and

How to Become a Neuropsychologist. Neuropsychology is a specialized branch of psychology that addresses brain structure and function in relation to normal and abnormal cognition, emotion, and behaviors.

What degree do you need to become a neuropsychologist?

To become a neuropsychologist, you must earn a doctorate degree, a PhD or PsyD in neuropsychology.

What is the field of neuropsychology?

Neuropsychology employs neuroscience and shares an information processing view of the human mind, similar to the fields of cognitive psychology and cognitive science.

How long does it take to get a bachelor's degree in psychology?

Optional master’s degree. Earn a doctorate degree (PhD or PsyD in Neuropsychology) – this can take anywhere from 4.5-8 years. Complete internship.

Where do neuropsychologists work?

Depending on their specialty, however, neuropsychologists can work in any of the following environments: Research laboratories, colleges, and universities. Hospitals, medical clinics, and mental health facilities.

Is a neuropsychologist a medical doctor?

Neuropsychologists are both psychologists and brain scientists. Although neuropsychologists are not medical doctors and cannot prescribe medications or perform surgeries, they still are required to do a lot of schooling and training.

Why are neuropsychology papers unreadable?

Unfortunately, the research papers were unreadable for some, partly because they were written in German, and this field came to a halt in the early 20th century. The field of neuropsychology began to make a comeback after World War II, when doctors found the need to treat veterans with head injuries.

What can a neuropsychologist do after a brain scan?

After successfully diagnosing a neurological problem, neuropsychologists can then often recommend a course of treatment, which can include therapy, medication, or surgery.

How much does a neuropsychologist make?

Neuropsychologists working in specialty hospitals and general and medical surgical hospitals earned an average income of $92,610 and $92,560 , respectively, while those working in psychiatric hospitals earned $73,000. Influences on NeuroPsychology.

What is the branch of psychology that is concerned with how the brain and the rest of the nervous system influence a person

Neuropsychology is a branch of psychology that is concerned with how the brain and the rest of the nervous system influence a person's cognition and behaviors. More importantly, professionals in this branch of psychology often focus on how injuries or illnesses of the brain affect cognitive functions and behaviors.

How does neuropsychology help doctors?

Neuropsychology helps doctors understand how brain malfunctions occur, and what happens when they do. By understanding these neurological problems, doctors can help possibly treat and prevent them.

What is the branch of psychology that is concerned with how the brain and the rest of the body interact?

Understanding how the brain influences our cognitive functions and behaviors falls upon the shoulders of neuropsychologists. Neuropsychology is a branch of psychology that is concerned with how the brain and the rest ...

What is the job of a neuropsychologist?

The duties and responsibilities of neuropsychologists may vary, depending on their specialties. Some neuropsychologists, for instance, work primarily as researchers. This might involves studying both healthy humans and animals, and those with brain injuries or illnesses.


Scholarships are available to students from a diverse range of backgrounds, including academic achievement, financial need, educational disadvantage, leadership and community service, artistic or sporting achievements, and being from a rural or remote area.

Cost of living

There are a few things to consider before applying to study at university. One could be your cost of living. This can depend on factors such as lifestyle, accommodation, tuition fees, medical insurance, textbooks and more. For an indication of expenses and average costs, see our Cost of living page.

Important note for overseas and interstate students

To enrol in this course, you must be able to attend in person. This course has a requirement for campus-based or in-person activities that cannot be offered online.

Referee reports

Applicants must ask two academic referees to provide reports using the National Online Referee System. Ensure you give your referees enough notice to meet the deadline. This system is the same across all Australian universities. To be able to use the system, you will need to have an active subscription.

Course-specific English competency

For entry into this program, applicants must be eligible for provisional registration as a psychologist with the Psychology Board of Australia, which includes meeting the Board's English language registration standard .

English competency

English is the language of instruction and assessment at UWA and you will need to meet the English language requirements of the University to be eligible for a place.

UWA Applicants

Before submitting your application, make sure to go through the checklist to ensure your application is eligible for submission.