what is a course alpha college

by Miss Lizzie Rosenbaum Jr. 6 min read

Course alpha: UNIV Course number: 101 Course title: Paths to Academic and Lifelong
Lifelong learning is the "ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated" pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. It is important for an individual's competitiveness and employability, but also enhances social inclusion, active citizenship, and personal development.
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Success Course description: Designed for the first-time college student, this course is intended to promote the attitudes, behaviors, competencies, and skills that will increase students' academic success and foster their social ...

Full Answer

What is wrong with the Alpha course?

The problem with Alpha is that, not only does it present half-truths and an incomplete Christianity, it present outright errors. Alpha lays a faulty foundation that needs to be undone in order to teach about the Catholic faith.

How much does Alpha course cost?

How much does the Alpha Course cost? The course is free. Every attender to the course receives a pack containing a course manual and other information regarding the course. The only cost is for the Course Day away. However, we endeavour to keep the cost of this to an absolute minimum. Help is available for the unemployed etc.

What do people say about the Alpha course?

What People Say About The Alpha Course The Alpha course is a most engaging way of passing on the basics of Christianity. It is a tool for evangelism and nurture that I highly recommend. - J. I. Packer, Professor of Theology, Regent College, Vancouver

What is an Alpha course session?

The Dangers Of The Alpha Course

  • (1) ROMANISM "The Alpha course is... adaptable across tradition and denominations... .I know of its uses in Catholic... ...
  • (2) UNITY AND FALSE DOCTRINE/TEACHERS "A disunited church, squabbling and criticising makes it very hard for the world to believe". [Gumbel, Renewal, May 1995, p16]. ...

What is a course in college?

A course is a series of lessons or lectures on a particular subject.

Why should I choose Alpha College?

Alpha offers its students the opportunity to carve their path and rise to leadership positions. Hence the student council gives the first taste of leadership where students fill the role of a president, general secretary, and vice president.

What does 200 level classes mean?

100- and 200-Level Course Expectations 200-level courses are actually 100-level courses that focus on particular areas within a discipline. Students must have finished a 100-level writing or English class, so they can recognize concepts, read detailed texts, use quantitative skills and articulate themselves with peers.

What do college course numbers mean?

A four-digit number designates each course. The first digit denotes the level of the course. Course numbers beginning with the number one (1) are freshman-level courses, while those beginning with the number two (2) are normally considered sophomore-level courses.

Is Alpha College eligible for work permit?

Alpha is affiliated with St. Lawrence College, who provides quality oversight of all aspects of college level programs delivered at Alpha. Graduates of all diploma programs may be eligible for a Post-Graduation Work Permit. All the programs offer flexible intakes, with classes beginning in January, May, or September.

Is Alpha College eligible for PGWP?

Graduated students will eligible for up to three-year Post-graduation Work Permit (Only Program at Alpha College of Business and Technology – St. Lawrence College) The College's location is easy to access to public transportation, restaurants, and banking. Affordable tuition fees and convenient payment options.

What does a 300-level course mean?

300-level course designation Courses of advanced college-level difficulty taken by majors and upper division students; these are often considered to be courses in the Major, offered for students clearly interested and qualified in a subject.

Are 600 level courses hard?

500-600 level course designation Master-level graduate courses numbered 500-600 require a bachelor's degree and admission to a graduate program. 500 level course are more rigorous than undergraduate courses.

Are 400-level courses hard?

300-Level and 400-Level Courses Such courses are at an advanced-undergraduate level of difficulty, and are generally taken by majors, minors, and other students with a well-defined interest and demonstrated ability in a particular subject area.

What is the course level?

Course level means the degree of difficulty or complexity of the content of a course in a specific subject area, such as an honors level course.

What does 1000 level courses mean?

Course Numbering System 1000 level. non–degree applicable. 1100 level. introductory course, open to all qualified students. 2000 level.

What does course code mean?

A Course Code is a 5-digit alphanumeric code that is generated and assigned to the courses created by your institutions.

What is an alpha course?

The Alpha course is an evangelistic course which seeks to introduce the basics of the Christian faith through a series of talks and discussions. It is described by its organisers as "an opportunity to explore the meaning of life". Alpha courses are run in churches, homes, workplaces, prisons, universities and a wide variety of other locations.

What is the Alpha for Prisons course?

Caring for ex-offenders is a follow-up to the Alpha for Prisons course, supporting released prisoners by providing them with material assistance including accommodation, work, food, and pastoral support through church life. It operates in Britain, Canada, South Africa and the United States.

What is Alpha Film Series?

In April 2016, Alpha introduced the Alpha Film Series, where traditional Alpha content is shown in a series of films, featuring stories and interviews. This series is mainly presented by Nicky Gumbel, Toby Flint (a curate at Holy Trinity Brompton) and Gemma Hunt.

How many courses were there in 1998?

A peak was reached in 1998, when 10,500 courses were run. By 2001 this had fallen to 7,300. In 2018, the Alpha website described the course as running in over 100 countries and over 100 languages, with over 24 million people having taken the course.

When was Alpha founded?

Alpha was started in 1977 by Charles Marnham, a curate at Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB), a parish of the Church of England in London. It started as a course for church members regarding the basics of beliefs commonly held by many believers in Christ but then began to be used as an introduction for those interested in the faith.

Who is the supporter of Alpha?

Its supporters include many Catholic cardinals, Anglican archbishops and bishops, and leading figures of all denominations. Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey described the courses as "superb." Rowan Williams was an enthusiastic supporter when he was Bishop of Monmouth and Archbishop of Wales and continued his support as Archbishop of Canterbury, opening an Alpha conference and accepting an invitation to speak at an Alpha supper in London in 2004. He describes it as "a very special tool" and "a unique mixture of Christian content and Christian style". Father Raniero Cantalamessa, a monk of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin and Preacher to the Papal Household for Pope Benedict XVI wrote a document praising Alpha in June 2005.

Who adopted the Marriage Course?

The Marriage Course was adopted by the British Army and an additional session on enforced separation (e.g. as a result of operational deployment) was added by a military couple working in co-operation with Relationship Central.

What is the Alpha Course?

The Alpha Course is ecumenical, and any course that can appeal to the wide range of traditions and denominations, as the Alpha Course does, has to sacrifice many essential Bible truths. A wide tent that is inclusive of those who hold teachings contrary to the tenets of the faith for which we are to contend ...

Where was Alpha Course started?

We must be discerning in evaluating the qualifications of the person or people teaching the course. The Alpha Course was started in the United Kingdom, at Holy Trinity Brompton Church, by Nicky Gumbel and Sandy Millar in 1977.

How has the Alpha Course helped Christians?

We do recognize, however, that the Alpha Course has been a tremendous help to many Christians. Many people have come to faith in Jesus Christ through the Alpha Course. Many more have been strengthened in their faith and knowledge of God’s Word because of the Alpha Course.

Is the Alpha Course good?

The problem is that the Alpha Course can be very different depending on the church/organization that is using it. In the hands of a solidly evangelical teacher, the Alpha Course can be excellent. In the hands of someone trying to push beliefs and practices that are biblically questionable, the Alpha Course can be used to indoctrinate and mislead.


That Alpha is designed to be ecumenical is very evident. The author of the course himself tells us, “In one sense it is not so important what denomination we are—Roman Catholic or Protestant; Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, Anglican or House Church. What is more important is whether or not we have the Spirit of God.”

Charismatic Bias

Closely connected with its ecumenism is a strong Charismatic emphasis. The key question for the “Weekend Away” is “How can I be filled with the Spirit?” In answer, among other things, directions are given for receiving the gift of “tongues.”

Lack of Biblical Teaching

Perhaps the worst feature of Alpha, though, is that is teaches so very little. This is the reason, we suppose, that the Roman bishop mentioned above could say that he found nothing in it contrary to Catholic doctrine. Many key doctrines of the faith are passed over completely or touched on only very lightly.

False Teaching

What the course does teach is more often than not misleading or downright error. Though the Trinity is mentioned, far more time and teaching is devoted to the Holy Spirit than to God the Father or even to Christ, in spite of what Christ says in John 16:13-14.

Ordering Pamphlets

All pamphlets are available as printed pamphlets. Please contact us for ordering options.
