what effect does atherosclerosis have on the development of an aneurysm? course hero

by Kelli Pouros DDS 5 min read

Does atherosclerosis play a role in the pathophysiology of aortic aneurysms (AAA)?

Atherosclerosis erodes the vessel wall. d. It obstructs the vessel. ANS: C Atherosclerosis is a common cause of aneurysms because plaque formation erodes the vessel wall. Atherosclerosis does not lead to ischemia of the intima, increase nitric oxide, or obstruct the vessel. c. Atherosclerosis erodes the vessel wall .

What is atherosclerosis and how dangerous is it?

Jul 20, 2018 · Question 5 (0.5 points) What effect does atherosclerosis have on the development of an aneurysm? Question 5 options: a) Atherosclerosis causes ischemia of the intima. b) Atherosclerosis increases nitric oxide. c) Atherosclerosis erodes the vessel wall.

How does atherosclerosis affect blood flow?

What effect does atherosclerosis have on the development of an aneurysm? a. Atherosclerosis causes ischemia of the intima. b. It increases nitric oxide. c. Atherosclerosis erodes the vessel wall. d. It obstructs the vessel.

What is the main event that triggers the development of atherosclerosis?

Jun 01, 2010 · Diabetes is a negative or neutral risk factors for AAA but an important risk factor for atherosclerosis. 4 Male gender and smoking are much more dominant risk factors for AAA than atherosclerosis. 4. Circulating risk factors. AAA and atherosclerosis have many similar biomarkers, eg, fibrinogen, CRP, and HDL (negative). 11.

What are the factors that contribute to the development of aortic atherosclerosis?

According to theory 1 (solid arrows), environmental and genetic risk factors lead to development of aortic atherosclerosis. Resultant positive remodeling, intimal thrombosis, and release of proinflammatory cytokines stimulate secondary matrix degradation and adventitial inflammation which promotes AAA development.

Is diabetes associated with atherosclerosis?

Diabetes is positively associated with atherosclerosis but, in contrast, has been negatively associated with AAA and therefore is an important risk factor for which to adjust. 4 It would indeed be a surprise if the extent of carotid atherosclerosis and AAA size were closely correlated in a cross-sectional study.

Is diabetes a risk factor for AAA?

Diabetes is a negative or neutral risk factors for AAA but an important risk factor for atherosclerosis. 4 Male gender and smoking are much more dominant risk factors for AAA than atherosclerosis. 4. Circulating risk factors. AAA and atherosclerosis have many similar biomarkers, eg, fibrinogen, CRP, and HDL (negative). 11.

What is the most common symptom of atherosclerosis?

When atherosclerosis occurs in the arteries of the heart, the most common symptom that can occur is chest pain, or angina. This pain is centered in the chest, and feels like a crushing or squeezing pain. People with angina typically have episodes of pain after exercise which goes away upon resting. If blood flow to the heart is suddenly ...

What causes arterial stiffness?

High blood pressure and inflammation contribute to the hardening. This process of arterial stiffening is called arteriosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a type of arteriosclerosis in which fatty deposits called plaques build up in the arteries.

Why does my heart hurt after exercise?

People with angina typically have episodes of pain after exercise which goes away upon resting. If blood flow to the heart is suddenly and completely blocked, a heart attack might be the result. Sudden blockage is often due to the presence of a clot in an artery feeding the heart.

What happens if you have a TIA?

This is a temporary reduction of blood flow to the brain, and can cause sudden weakness or numbness on one side of the body, difficulty speaking, confusion, and vision disturbances.

Can a PAD cause a heart attack?

Someone with PAD is not necessarily at direct risk of a heart attack or stroke, but it is possible for arterial plaques in the legs or arms to burst, potentially releasing a blood clot which might block heart or brain arteries.

What is PAD in the legs?

Peripheral Arteries. Peripheral artery disease (PAD) develops if plaque deposits block blood flow to the arteries that supply the arms, pelvis, or legs. The most common symptoms of peripheral artery disease are pain and numbness in the affected areas. Someone with PAD of the legs can develop intermittent claudication, ...

Can a blood clot block an artery?

In some cases, an advanced plaque or blood clot can completely block the artery, or part of a plaque or clot can break off and travel further along the artery to cause a blockage elsewhere. The answer to the question, “what are the effects of atherosclerosis?” is best explained by dividing the effects up into three types, ...

When does atherosclerosis start?

Atherosclerosis is a slow, progressive condition that may begin as early as childhood. Its causes are complicated and not completely understood, but atherosclerosis is thought to start when the inner lining of the artery becomes damaged. The damage can be caused by:

What is the procedure for atherosclerosis?

Atherosclerosis procedures include: Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI or angioplasty with stent) A balloon (stent) is inserted into the narrowed vessel and inflated to widen the vessel.

Why do we use PET scans?

PET scans use less radiation and can produce higher quality images that can detect small interruptions in blood flow. Blood tests to measure cholesterol and triglycerides (lipids) are used to find out if healthy people are at risk for atherosclerosis.

What happens when the arteries in the heart are blocked?

If one or more of the coronary arteries becomes narrowed or blocked, blood flow to the heart can slow down or stop. Coronary artery disease can cause a heart attack.

Can atherosclerosis cause chest pain?

Sometimes atherosclerosis causes no symptoms until it is advanced enough to block a large part of an important blood vessel. If the blockage occurs in an artery of the heart (coronary artery), it will cause angina (chest pain).

Can a heart attack cause leg cramps?

As it progresses, atherosclerosis in the arteries of the heart may cause a heart attack or if it develops in the brain, it can cause a stroke. If the blockage is in the legs, it can cause leg cramps during exercise or walking.

Is it normal to be scared after a diagnosis?

It’s normal to feel worried or afraid after a diagnosis of atherosclerosis. Find someone you can turn to for emotional support like a family member, friend, doctor, mental health worker or support group. Talking about your challenges and feelings could be an important part of your journey to recovery.

What causes atherosclerosis?

Although the exact cause is unknown, atherosclerosis may start with damage or injury to the inner layer of an artery. The damage may be caused by: High blood pressure. High cholesterol. High triglycerides, a type of fat (lipid) in your blood. Smoking and other sources of tobacco.

How do you know if you have atherosclerosis?

If you have atherosclerosis in the arteries leading to your brain, you may have signs and symptoms such as sudden numbness or weakness in your arms or legs, difficulty speaking or slurred speech, temporary loss of vision in one eye, or drooping muscles in your face.

What is the term for the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients from the heart to the rest of the body?

Arteriosclerosis occurs when the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients from your heart to the rest of your body (arteries) become thick and stiff — sometimes restricting blood flow to your organs and tissues. Healthy arteries are flexible and elastic, but over time, the walls in your arteries can harden, ...

What are the symptoms of inadequate blood flow?

Also pay attention to early symptoms of inadequate blood flow, such as chest pain (angina), leg pain or numbness. Early diagnosis and treatment can stop atherosclerosis from worsening and prevent a heart attack, stroke or another medical emergency.

What happens if you have too much cholesterol in your blood?

If you have too many cholesterol particles in your blood, cholesterol may accumulate on your artery walls. Eventually, deposits called plaque may form. The deposits may narrow or block your arteries. The plaque can also burst, causing a blood clot.

Can a blood clot cause a heart attack?

Sometimes a blood clot completely blocks blood flow, or even breaks apart and can trigger a heart attack or stroke. Symptoms of moderate to severe atherosclerosis depend on which arteries are affected. For example:

Can aneurysms cause pain?

An aneurysm is a bulge in the wall of your artery. Most people with aneurysms have no symptoms. Pain and throbbing in the area of an aneurysm may occur and is a medical emergency.