what drives course of action development army

by Lavon Hyatt Sr. 6 min read

To develop a complete course of action, the staff must identify what, when, where, how, and why the unit will execute. A technique to quickly develop complete courses of action is for the XO to assemble the staff and follow the five-step method. The staff develops the courses of action together.

Which is the best course of action?

During planning, the initial commander's intent drives course of action development. In execution, the commander's intent guides disciplined initiative as subordinates make decisions when facing unforeseen opportunities or countering threats.

What is a recommended course of action?

Course-of-action development is the foundation of the plan. Eliminating or inadequately conducting this step produces inferior estimates which impact on …

What is the definition of course of action?

course of action. 1. Any sequence of activities that an individual or unit may follow. 2. A possible plan open to an individual or commander that would accomplish, or is related to the accomplishment of the mission.

What are the steps in the military decision making process?

course of action development. The phase of the Joint Operation Planning and Execution System within the crisis action planning process that provides for the development of military responses and includes, within the limits of the time allowed: establishing force and sustainment requirements with actual units; evaluating force, logistic, and transportation feasibility; …

What is course of action development?

A COA is a plan describing the selected strategies and operational actions designed to accomplish the mission according to the commander's intent (NATO 2013: 4–66). Each COA that is developed must be significantly different from any other.Oct 11, 2019

What is Army course of action?

In incident-level decision making, a Course of Action (COA) is an overall plan that describes the selected strategies and management actions intended to achieve Incident Objectives, comply with Incident Requirements, and are based on current and expected conditions.

What are the five 5 screening criteria for course of actions COAS must meet?

A valid COA should be suitable, feasible, acceptable, distinguishable and complete [1]. A COA is suitable if it is in alignment with commander's intent and will accomplish the mission when carried out successfully.

What makes a good COA?

An acceptable COA must have the right balance among cost, risk, and the potential advantaged gained. Suitability. A suitable COA can be executed within the commander's intent and planning guidance.Aug 6, 2018

How do you develop an Army course of action?


What are some examples of course of action?

Someone's course of action is what that person is going to do. For example, say you're listening to your friend's vacation plans....Your friend's course of action might be:Take a flight to Paris.Visit the Louvre.Visit the Eiffel Tower.Take another flight to London.Visit Big Ben.Jan 12, 2022

What are the 7 steps to the military decision making process?

The MDMP consists of seven steps: receipt of mission, mission analysis, course of action (CO A) development, COA analysis, COA comparison, COA approval, and orders production. The MDMP offers a proven analytical process that assists the commander and staff in developing, integrating, and synchronizing their plan.

How do you present a course of action?

Courses of action address the what, who, when, where, why, how for each threat, hazard, and function....Identify Courses of ActionDepict the scenario. ... Determine the amount of time available to respond. ... Identify decision points. ... Develop courses of action.

What are the 7 steps in the Army problem solving model?

What is the seven step process in military problem solving? Identify the problem, Gather information and knowledge, Develop criteria, Generate possible solutions, analyze possible solution, Compare possible solution, Make and implement the decision.

What is the difference between CoA and CoC?

CONTENT. A CoC does not usually include particular test conditions, test specifications, parameters, and test details in terms of the content. On the other hand, a Certificate of Analysis (CoA) has more stringent and specific content than a CoC.

What is Army CoA?

The Army Certificate of Achievement (COA) is a great tool for recognizing basic Soldier accomplishments.

What Certificate of Analysis is?

COACertificate of Analysis (COA) is a datasheet issued that describe the characteristic and possible source of ingredient or material that contains or may contain threat.

What is MDMP in the Army?

The MDMP is one of the Army's three planning methodologies. According to Army Doctrine Publication 5-0, The Operations Process, the MDMP is "an iterative planning methodology to understand the situation and mission, develop a COA, and produce an operation plan or order.".

What is step 3 of MDMP?

Planners create those options during step 3 of the MDMP (course of action development). In order to avoid the common pitfall of providing only one sustainment COA, planners must make a conscious effort to differentiate their COAs whenever possible.

What are the criteria for a COA?

The criteria of a COA includes the following: • Feasibility. A feasible COA can accomplish the mission within the given time, space, and resource limitations. • Acceptability. An acceptable COA must have the right balance among cost, risk, and the potential advantaged gained. • Suitability.

Can a sustainment planner develop multiple COAs?

Many sustainment planners are unable to develop multiple sustainment courses of action (COAs) when planning to support a single concept of the operation developed by maneuver planners. All too often, sustainment planners find them-selves presenting a single sustainment COA, thereby failing to provide sustainment commanders with options during ...


The Action Officer Development Course (AODC) is a distributed learning course designed to help new action officers attain the staffing and communication skills needed at many levels of an organization.


The Action Officer Development Course is available as an asynchronous, web-based self-development tool for all Army employees.

Additional Information

AR 350-1 states that the AODC is a requirement for Army interns to complete their intern program.

Accessing the Course

Apply through CHRTAS and follow the instructions provided in system-generated emails. The course is delivered through the Army Learning Management System and requires a CAC-enabled computer to access all module exams.

What are the outputs of Army design methodology?

Key outputs of Army design methodology conveyed in text and graphics include the problem statement, initial commander’s intent, and planning guidance to include an operational approach.

When the rehearsal director determines that a particular enemy movement or reaction is complete, what is the commander's role

When the rehearsal director determines that a particular enemy movement or reaction is complete, the commander assesses the situation to determine if a decision point has been reached. Decision points are taken directly from the decision support template.

Why is trust important in operations?

Gaining and maintaining the trust of key actors are an important aspect of operations. Faced with the many different actors (individuals, organizations, and the public) connected with the operation, commanders identify and engage those actors who matter to operational success. These actors’ behaviors can help solve or complicate the friendly forces’ challenges as commanders strive to accomplish missions .

What is the success of a unit?

Historically, a unit’s success is directly related to the ability of the staff to execute the military decisionmaking process (MDMP). Given the increased complexity of today’s operational environment and the vast array of mission command systems and processes, integration and synchronization of all activities associated with operations are increasingly difficult.

How do planners create a task organization?

After determining the broad concept, planners create a task organization by assigning headquarters to groupings of forces. They consider the types of units for assignment to a headquarters and the ability of that headquarters to control those units. Generally, a headquarters controls at least two subordinate maneuver units (but not more than five) for fast-paced offensive or defensive operations. The number and type of units assigned to a headquarters for stability operations will vary based on factors of mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations. If planners need additional headquarters, they note the shortage and resolve it later.

Why is comparison of COAs important?

The staff may use any technique that facilitates developing those key outputs and recommendations and helping the commander make the best decision. A common technique is the decision matrix.

What is the purpose of framing an operational environment?

This framing facilitates hypothesizing, or modeling, that focuses on the part of the operational environment under consideration . Framing provides a perspective from which commanders can understand and act on a problem.

What does the Commander do with COAs?

•The Commander selects or modifies those COA’s for continued analysis. #N#•The Commander issues planning guidance.#N#•If all COA’s are rejected, the staff begins again!#N#•The commander may create a new COA by incorporating elements of one or more COAs developed by the staff.#N#•The staff must incorporate those modifications and ensure all staff members understand the changed COA.

What is combat power?

Def: Combat power is the total means of destructive, constructive, and information capabilities that a military unit/formation can apply at a given time. (See WWFs) •To assess relative combat power, planners initially make a rough estimate of force ratios of maneuver units two levels down.

What is EWO contribution to COA?

•The EWO contribution to COA development:#N#–Determine friendly EW capabilities available ( organic and non-organic capabilities for planning) #N#–Determine possible friendly and enemy EW operations to include their vulnerabilities#N#–Assist in the development of initial COA options:#N#•Identify COAs that may be feasible based on functional experience.#N#•Provide options to modify a COA to enable accomplishing a requirement within the EW area of expertise.#N#•Identify information (relating to EW options) that may impact other functional areas and sharing that information immediately.#N#•Identify the EW related tasks required to support the COA options.#N#–Determine forces required for mission accomplishment:#N#•Determine the EW tasks that support each COA and how to perform those tasked based on available forces and capabilities (including STO capabilities).#N#•Provide input and support to proposed deception options.#N#•Ensure the EW options provided in support of all possible COAs meet the established screening criteria.#N#–Identify EW supporting tasks and their purpose in supporting any decisive, shaping, and sustaining operations as each COA is developed. These EW tasks should include those:#N#•Focused on defeating the enemy.#N#•Required to protect friendly force operations.
