what does lab may be taken mean course registration

by Susana Becker DDS 10 min read

Why can't I register for a course I have already taken?

This error is occurring because you are trying to register for a course you have already taken, or that you are currently registered in. You will need to contact your academic advisor regarding this error. More information about repeating courses can be found here.

How do I register for classes?

Registration for courses takes place through PAWS (Panther Access to Web Services) where a list of courses offered for the semester can be found, as well as time ticket information, the registration agreement, and student holds that need to be addressed to permit registration for the term. Preparing and Registering for Classes - Enrollment Process

How do I verify a course taken at another college or university?

If you need to verify a course taken at another college or university, you should obtain an official transcript from your previous school. Courses with proof of prerequisite required are identified by an S footnote in the class listing.

How do I find out what courses I need to take?

To find out what courses you need to take, you’ll need to review your course calendar. This can be found at brocku.ca/webcal/current/undergrad Where do I find my course timetable? To find out when your first-year courses (1PXX, 1FXX, etc.) are taking place, you’ll need to review the course timetable.

What does a lab course mean in college?

A lab course is a smaller, individual course component that supplements larger lectures. Labs allow for hands-on, practical exposure to subject matter. For instance, a biology lab may require students to dissect a frog and record the results in a journal.

Can you take just a lab class?

Most schools integrate lab and lecture in the same course. Check with the individual instructors to see if you can get them to grant you an exception to policy to take only the lab. You might be able to work something out.

How do lab classes work?

Usually lab classes are scheduled at a separate time from the lecture period. During lab courses, students get a hands-on experience of the subject being taught during the lecture. College labs are most often attached to science and pre-med classes.

Does a lab count as a separate class?

Yes, labs count towards prereq hours. In fact, they are usually required.

What is the difference between lecture and lab?

(LAB) The hands-on, workshop component of a class is usually held in a laboratory. The laboratory time is separate from the lecture although it is often associated to a lecture. This is primarily used in science and engineering.

Do I have to take the lab and lecture in the same semester?

No, they don't have to be taken at the same time. You can take Chemistry Lecture and Chemistry Laboratory two different semesters. It doesn't matter, as long as you have both the lecture and lab components done.

Can you take lab classes online?

Today, a new generation of lab science courses are available online, many of them involving home lab kits or virtual simulations.

What does lab session mean?

Introduction. Laboratory classes provide students with first-hand experience with course concepts and with the opportunity to explore methods used by scientists in their discipline. Leading a laboratory session has particular challenges and opportunities that differ from those in a standard classroom environment.

What does lab mean in high school?

Definition of laboratory school : a school operated by a college or university and used especially for student teaching and the demonstration of classroom practices.

DO labs count as credit?

For most science courses (e.g., physics, biology, chemistry), labs are taken at the same time as a lecture on the same topic. For example, at UCCS, General Chemistry I is worth four credits and is taken at the same time as the corresponding lab, which is worth one credit. The pair is then worth a total of five credits.

How do online lab classes work?

According to Labster, virtual labs "allow students to work through real-life case stories, interact with lab equipment, perform experiments, and learn with theory and quiz questions." Your course may also let you build your own digital models using applications like Sketchfab.

Do you get credits for a lab?

Some places give as much credit for lab sections as they do for lecture sections. Other places give only a fraction of the credit.

How often does registration enforcement happen?

This enforcement of classes will happen every semester until you have successfully completed all four courses.

What is the business administration class number?

Students registering for business administration classes should check with the Business Advising Center (BA-448) or the Marketing Department Office (SS-3229) for information concerning enrollment procedures and deadlines.

What are faculty enforced prerequisites?

Faculty-Enforced Prerequisites. Faculty members have the authority to enforce prerequisites listed in the current General Catalog, to evaluate equivalent preparation, and to require proof that such prerequisites/preparation have been completed.

Can freshmen take remedial courses?

Freshmen whose scores on the ELM and EPT are below passing must enroll in any remedial coursework, as well. You will be advised about enrollment in foundational courses, as well as other courses, at New Student Orientation.

Why is my lecture error occurring?

The error is occurring because the lecture, discussion or lab you are trying to register for is at maximum capacity and there are no seats open for that section. You should try to register for another open section of the same course or register for a different course. Students cannot add into closed courses.

Why is class restriction occurring?

The error is occurring because the course requires a different class standing (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Graduate) than your current class standing. You should choose another course or contact your advisor for assistance.

What is prerequisite chemistry 002?

Example: Chemistry 002, General Chemistry, has a prerequisite of Che mistry 001 or a passing score on the Chemistry Placement Exam or a score of three or better on the AP Chemistry Exam. To learn the prerequisites for a specific course you should look in the University Catalog or though the portal by clicking on the CRN of ...

How many digits are in a CRN?

Each section has a five digit Course Reference Number (CRN), whether it is a lecture, discussion or lab. You must load each CRN that is required for a course at the same time.

Course-specific tips

BIOL 1P91 and BIOL 1P92 are restricted to non-majors until specified date (even if it is a required course)

Where do I find my course calendar?

To find out what courses you need to take, you’ll need to review your course calendar. This can be found at brocku.ca/webcal/current/undergrad

Where do I find my course timetable?

To find out when your first-year courses (1PXX, 1FXX, etc.) are taking place, you’ll need to review the course timetable. This can be found at brocku.ca/guides-and-timetables/timetables/?session=fw&type=ug&level=year1

Should I add 3.0 credits in Winter?

First year students usually take 5.0 credits throughout the fall/winter terms and most students choose to take 2.5 credits each term to balance their course load. These courses may be a full (1.0) credit, indicated by an “F” in the course code, or a half (0.5) credit, indicated by a “P”, “Q”, or “V” in the course code.

What can I do if I have a scheduling conflict?

If you have a scheduling conflict when registering for courses, re-examine the registration guide and see whether one of the conflicting courses is offered at a different time and/or place. You will need to be flexible in your context and elective credits, as your required courses may only be offered at one time.

When will tuition fees be updated?

Tuition fees are calculated in early August, and will be posted to a students my.brocku.ca portal under their Student Financial History at that time.

How do I order a confirmation letter for an RESP?

In order to order a confirmation of enrollment letter for an RESP, you will need to log on to your my.brocku.ca student portal. Choose “Student Self-Serve Menu”, “GenReqForms”, and then “Forms&Services”. Follow the steps and choose the correct form from options, filling out the necessary information.
