what does it mean why of course

by Carli Roob 10 min read

Full Answer

What does why of course mean?

Yes, it means something like "of course". It is an idiomatic expression. Nov 13 2013 18:07:35. GPY. +1. NL888 Why yes, and it's fairly easy. Initial Why is a nearly meaningless pause word like Well. In this kind of pattern it completely loses its force as a question word, so it doesn't literally mean "Why?" It is heard much less often now than it was 50 years ago.

What is the origin of the phrase 'of course'?

c. 1300, "onward movement, motion forward, a running in a prescribed direction or over a prescribed distance; path or distance prescribed for a race, a race-course" from Old French cors "course; run, running; flow of a river" (12c.), from Latin cursus "a running; a journey; direction, track navigated by a ship; flow of a stream;" from curs- past participle stem of currere "to run" (from PIE root *kers- "to run").

What does YES Of course mean?

Yes, of course. ‘Of course’ means ‘please do – you’re very welcome. OK, here’s another way to use ‘of course’ politely. Oh. I’m sorry to hear that. OK. Good-bye. We’ve lost a customer. Oh. I tried my best. Of course you did. I did everything I could. Of course, I know you did. Don’t worry about it. I’m agreeing with Jay here.

What does of course mean?

Of course, while you definitely can’t predict your future or interpret your subconscious from dream readings, there are some that have specific meanings. What does it mean when you dream about someone you know? There are many different reasons why you ...

Why do people say why of course?

So what does 'of course' mean? It means obviously. If something is obvious – easy to see or understand – we can say 'of course'. And that's why we often use 'of course' when we say 'yes' to requests.

Why does of course mean yes?

"Of course" means that the statement should be obvious, or can go without saying. Someone hearing "Yes, of course." could reasonably assume that there was no question that the answer might have been no.

What is the meaning of of course why not?

Definition of of course not —used informally to say no in a way that shows one is very definite "Are you angry with me for being late?" "Of course not!""Did you take the money?" "Of course not!"

What does because of course mean?

As you probably know, the expression "because of course it [or another pronoun] does" can serve as a slangy way of indicating that something inane or cool or bizarre is at once inexplicable and yet totally predictable, given the person or other entity involved.

Is of course a good reply?

When you respond with “of course,” you are saying that the help that you gave was to be expected. People say “my pleasure” when they want you to know that it made them feel good to help you… almost like it was not work. You hear this often from someone providing you service in retail, or in restaurants.

Is it rude to say of course to thank you?

'Of course' by itself means obvious, expected. So when someone says 'of course' instead of 'you're welcome', the feeling is “it's obvious that I would do that because I want to do that'. It's friendly. It's a friendly way to say it.

How do you say yes of course differently?

Ways of saying yes - thesaurusyes. adverb. used for telling someone that what they have said or asked is true or correct.definitely. adverb. used for emphasizing that you mean 'yes'of course. adverb. ... sure. adverb. ... naturally. adverb. ... that's right. phrase. ... I don't mind if I do. phrase. ... by all means. phrase.More items...

How do you say of course in slang?

“Of course, there will be challenges along the way.”...What is another word for of course?certainlyabsolutelydefinitelyindeedclearlyobviouslyundoubtedlyyesindisputablyindubitably87 more rows

What can I say instead of of course?

synonyms for of courseby all means.certainly.definitely.indeed.indubitably.naturally.obviously.surely.More items...

Is of course an idiom?

Idiom: Of course (meaning & examples)

What does "of course" mean?

of course. 1. In the customary or expected order, naturally, as in The new minister did not, of course, fire the church secretary. This usage, first recorded in 1548, employs course in the sense of "ordinary procedure.". 2.

What does "persuasion" mean?

of a/an/the (something) persuasion. of a/the... persuasion. of age. of all people. of all people/places/things. of all places. of all the. of all the cheek, nerve, stupid things to do, etc.! of all the nerve.

Stick To Your Routine

When the moon is void-of-course, it can be challenging to start new things or focus on anything that requires a lot of concentration, as this period can make us feel low-energy and much less clear on the details.

Sleep In & Self-Care

The void-of-course moon is undoubtedly a sleepy time, as it pushes us into our daydreams and encourages our imaginations to run wild instead of our conscious, analytical minds.

Avoid Making Major Decisions

Remember what we said about the void-of-course moon meaning that "nothing will come of this"? Well, keep this in mind when the moon is void — as it's not a good time to sign contracts, finalize agreements, start new endeavors, or make any major decisions.

Take Advantage Of The Cosmic Loophole

Making major decisions or taking the first steps toward something important under a void moon isn't usually encourated — but the wavy, ethereal energy of the void moon can actually be worked in your favor, if you play it right.

What is USGA course rating?

USGA Course Rating is an evaluation of the difficulty of a golf course for scratch golfers. (More specifically, the number is an estimate of the average scores of the best 50-percent of rounds played by scratch golfers at the course being rated.) Course rating is very easy to understand because it is expressed in strokes.

What is the minimum slope rating for a golf course?

The minimum slope rating is 55 and the maximum is 155 (slope does not relate specifically to strokes played as course rating does).
