what does it mean when it has what was your course of study in high school

by Rubye Bailey 3 min read

A course of study refers to a series of courses which students are required to complete prior to earning a diploma or otherwise moving on to the next stage in their education journey. Teachers must base their lesson plans on a curriculum that adheres to government requirements.Jun 5, 2022

What courses should I take in high school?

  • One year of high school physics
  • One year of high school chemistry
  • One year of high school biology
  • Math, through calculus
  • Two years of a foreign language
  • Four years of English
  • Two years of history and/or social sciences

What courses do you want to see in high schools?

What School Subjects Do You Need in High School?

  • School Subjects You Need to Graduate. Ideally, teens should start high school with a basic plan of the classes they will need to take in order to graduate.
  • School Subjects for College Preparation. Students planning to go to college should consider how colleges will look at their courses during the application process.
  • Electives. ...
  • A Word From Verywell. ...

What is the hardest High School course?

There is no one most difficult math course, as an individual’s perception of difficulty varies from class to class, from teacher to teacher, and not all high schools offer the same math courses. I was fortunate to have excellent math instructors, and so I’m basing my answer solely on the difficulty of the content of the course.

What high school courses are important?

On Oct. 8, 2021, Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law Assembly Bill (AB) 101, which added the completion of a one-semester course in ethnic studies as a public high school graduation ... “It’s important for young people to understand this so that ...

How do you answer a course of study for high school?

It is a boilerplate question! You can either leave it blank, write “N/A” or mention some of the courses you took in high school. You can also list the courses you liked the most! A hint of your favorite courses would be sufficient, but more importantly: don't sweat it.

What does course of study mean?

noun. an extended period of organized study, often leading to a qualification.

What is a high school course of study called?

Also called core curriculum, core course of study refers to a series or selection of courses that all students are required to complete before they can move on to the next level in their education or earn a diploma.

What do you put in a course of study?

Usually, “course of study” is asking you what your college major was. If you attended some type of vocational or other school or classes instead of or in addition to college, whatever your main focus was would be your “course of study.”

What is a course of study example?

An example of a course of study for a trade school might be an electrician. Electricians have to complete a specific course program and a certain number of apprenticeship hours before being awarded their certification.

Is course and class the same?

Courses represent an area of study pertaining to a specific subject, grade level, and rigor. Classes differ from courses in that they represent sections of a course that are scheduled for a specific academic year, they are assigned to teachers, and they include a roster of students.

What is a high school degree called on resume?

Secondary diploma, high school diploma, or GED.

What is the description of a course called?

A course syllabus is an academic document that communicates information about a specific course and explains the rules, responsibilities and expectations associated with it.

What is your field of study?

Field of study means an area in which a certificate, diploma, or degree is awarded. A certificate or diploma earned that relates to the associate degree constitutes the same field of study. Sample 1. Field of study means the specialized subject of knowledge for which Post Graduate Degree is offered by the University.

What is another word for course of study?

synonyms for course of studycourse.division.grade.room.seminar.session.study.subject.More items...

Are A levels a course of study?

Facts about A levels: recent changes, subjects and grades, who they are for and what you can do afterwards. Advanced level qualifications (known as A levels) are subject-based qualifications that can lead to university, further study, training, or work. You can normally study three or more A levels over two years.

What is the difference between course of study and major?

The term "course of study" is often used with the same meaning as "major" in the US. This usage, however, is usually reserved for legal documents such as student visa applications and other immigration forms.

What do they want when you ask about your course of study?

When you are asked about your course of study, they want to know what kind of future job you have in mind.

What are the different courses of study?

Generally, there is career prep (or vocational), college prep, or what may be called general course of study or typical course of study. This does NOT mean which classes you take the most, it is the overall type of curriculum that your classes fit into. Most students are in college prep but like I said, ask your guidance counselor b/c you will need to know this for every college and job application you fill out in your lifet

What do you write on a college application?

If you mean for a college application, then you write “general” or “college prep”. If it is on a job application, you write the same thing, or if you’ve graduated from high school, you write “high school diploma”.

Do you have to have a high school major on your application?

These kinds of questions do occur on US job applications. Often the form has a row for each level of school and a column for “major”, so it’s not really expected that you have a high school major. It usually doesn’t matter; if possible, just leave it blank. Otherwise, if your focus was either vocational education or college prep, you could put that, or if that wasn’t the case, write “general education”.

What is a course of study?

Usually, “course of study” is asking you what your college major was. If you attended some type of vocational or other school or classes instead of or in addition to college, whatever your main focus was would be your “course of study.”.

Where does “course of study” appear on a job application?

Job applications usually have different sections. For example, there is usually a section for you to list past jobs, a section about education and a section for your references.

Can you put your course of study on your degree?

Whether or not you graduated, you can put your course of study.

Do you have to include your degree in your resume?

You don’t actually have to include your degree. You can just put the subject instead, but including degree reinforces that you have one.

What is STEM in school?

In some educational systems (including the US), during the final years of schooling, the school would branch out towards STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics ) and guess for lack of a better term in my vocabulary ‘non-STEM’ (economics, accounting, finance, etc.).

What is general college prep?

If you did not do anything special or take more classes of any subject area, then general. If you have 5 or more classes in a subject area then you could say general with an emphasis on … (Science, Math, English, etc). If you took AP classes then you can mention it as College Prep.

Do high schools offer trades?

Some high schools offer different trades. Other high schools have specialized academic programs. In both of those cases, you list your focus. In other cases, general education is sufficient to use.

Why do we take high school classes?

These classes are typically chosen because they are believed to be critical in teaching student’s foundational knowledge and skills that they’ll use in college, future careers, and their adult lives in general.

What subjects do you need to major in high school?

Usually, these subjects include world languages, computer sciences, health physical education, or the arts.

Why should we focus on learning standards?

They argue that learning standards have better key performance indices that are both useful and measurable, as opposed to course requirements which simply counts a student’s attendance and their rote memorization of facts. Learning standards are concise, exact, and specific descriptions of what students are expected to know after a specific amount of time in a class. By focusing on these rather than course credits, educators believe that not only would you alleviate the high amounts of stress most high schools are in now, but you’d be expanding the field of study of high school students across the country.

What is core curriculum?

Core curriculum refers to a school’s selection of courses that all students are required to take up and complete before they can move up a grade. American high schools will also have a required amount of courses to take before you’re allowed to graduate. A student’s ‘field of study’ will include specific classes in one of ...

What is a field of study?

A student’s ‘field of study’ will include specific classes in one of the four ‘core’ subject areas: Social Studies, Math, English language arts, and Science. Most schools will focus on specific classes in one core subject for each of the standard years of high school (grades 9 to 12). Unlike elementary and middle school, ...

Why focus on these rather than course credits?

By focusing on these rather than course credits, educators believe that not only would you alleviate the high amounts of stress most high schools are in now, but you’d be expanding the field of study of high school students across the country.

Do high schools have optional classes?

Unlike elementary and middle school, which have a predetermined set of classes that fulfill their school’s academic program, high schools will most often offer plenty of optional courses for each of the four core subjects. For a student to get a diploma in a specific field of study, they’ll have to take certain classes that their high school ...

The 4-Year Plan Form

Please look at the simple form that I always filled out first and used along with the course checklist. It is called: Course of Study 4-Year Plan and it is on the High School Forms web page: High School Forms. Write in the classes for each year on the 4-plan. Keep the yearly work-load in mind when placing classes for each year.

The Career Path

This part can be a puzzle. How can you decide curriculum content if your children do not know what they want to do after high school? You may not be surprised to discover that not every child knows what he wants to do. Despite this, you have something to help you decide, your child's aptitude and your child's hobbies.

Working With It

Suppose your children show interest and/or aptitude in several areas that could be integrated into a class or be the class itself. I am sure you know what I am getting at. It is obvious. If a child loves math, then make sure he has the opportunity to take the higher maths every year.

In Summary

Your high school student will have to take certain courses. You and your child have options within those required courses. You have choices. Do not fret too much over career path courses. The core classes, English, mathematics, science, social studies/humanities are very important for the child that is heading for college.

My Oldest Child

My son did not know what he wanted to do, so after high school he moved to Knoxville to take a job that was offered to him. Three years passed and he decided what he wanted to take in college, well, he sort of decided. He narrowed it down to computer science and applied mathematics and 5 years later he earned two BS degrees, both with honors.
