what does he mean when he says of course we are a thing

by Braeden Gorczany I 10 min read

Is it correct to say Of course?

‘Of course.’ This is such a useful English phrase, but be careful. If you use it wrongly people might think you’re angry or when you’re not, or they might think that you think they’re stupid.

What is the meaning of YES Of course?

Yes, of course. Of course means the answer is obvious. You know I want to help. Please go ahead. So when people ask us for something, we often say ‘of course’. Can I borrow these? Of course! ‘Of course’ means ‘yes’ here and it implies you should already know the answer.

Is ‘of course’ a dangerous phrase?

‘Of course’ is a dangerous phrase because it can be polite or it can be rude. Let’s start by looking at some polite ways to use it. Are you coming to my party on Saturday?

What does ‘of course’ mean in text messages?

‘Of course’ means ‘yes’ here and it implies you should already know the answer. Obviously I’m happy for you borrow them. Now that was a request, but what about offers?

What does it mean when someone says we are a thing?

It means that they are dating, most likely. The use of ".. a thing" is pretty common casually spoken English these days and it can have various meanings depending on the context. For instance, it can also mean that something is important and current as in "Peruvian food is totally a thing in DC right now". Read more.

What does it mean when a guy says of course?

You say of course to suggest that something is normal, obvious, or well-known, and should therefore not surprise the person you are talking to. [spoken]

What is the meaning of we are on course?

1. Literally, in the correct direction or toward the intended destination.

What does it mean if 2 people are a thing?

to be linking a person. Linking means that you are not officially in a relationship with someone but you are 'seeing' each other. This includes 'kissing', 'hugging' and maybe sometimes more, until the couple that are linking feel they want to commit to a relationship they will carry on seeing each other for a while.

What does it mean when someone says of course I love you?

' 'Course, no problem. ' c) (also course informal) spoken used to emphasize that what you are saying is true or correct Of course he'll come! well/but of course Well of course I love you.

What does it mean when someone responds with of course?

Of course means the answer is obvious. You know I want to help. Please go ahead. So when people ask us for something, we often say 'of course'.

What is off course mean?

Off-course definition Not following the planned, or intended, route. The strong winds made the car go careering off course. adverb. 4. The definition of off course is someone or something that is lost or confused.

What is the difference between a thing and dating?

Lainnee Robinson, senior, at Wilsonville, says that “dating is serious, it is more exclusive. On the other hand, a thing is when you like someone and you are just starting to hang out. It is just the start of a possible relationship.”

How do you know if you have a thing with someone?

Here are some signs dating and relationship experts say to look out for.They Try To Keep Eye Contact. ... They Remember Things You've Said Before. ... They "Mirror" Your Actions. ... They Show Their Curiosity. ... They Notice Your Similarities & Make Connections. ... They Laugh At Your Jokes. ... They Make You Feel Like You're The Only One Around.More items...•

What is another word for having a thing for someone?

What is another word for having a thing for?lovingappreciatinggiving one's heart togoing a bundle onhaving affection forhaving a great liking forhaving a passion forhaving a penchant forhaving a predilection forhaving a proclivity for108 more rows

What does a guy think about getting married?

But the truth is that when a guy tells you that he loves you, it's a big deal. Like a really, really big deal. He's not just saying these three little words for the sake of saying them or because he feels pressured or because he figures enough time has passed and he has to say them. Nope, he's saying them because he means them... but he's saying so much more than just that he loves you. He's basically saying that he thinks you're it. You're his soulmate. You're the only one for him. You're his future wife in his mind , whether or not you two have talked about possibly getting married in the future... or you've even discussed your collective future at all. Unless he's a crazy commitment phobe and has already told you that, he wants to marry you someday. But he's probably fine with commitment because, hey, he's your official boyfriend and he said that he loves you. Commitment haters don't do that.

What do guys say when they don't know how to respond?

Guys are sneaky in this way. When they don't know how to respond, they may say a quick "cool" but when they do know how to respond but they don't want to talk about this for a single second longer, they say "I don't know." That is a total and complete clue that they're about to change the subject. So watch out and see what they start talking about next. It could be the most random, silliest thing ever and you could be super confused because you were talking about something pretty serious and heavy and now, suddenly, you're chatting about something totally ridiculous. Well, there's a method to their madness and they totally did this on purpose. But it's all good. Once you figure this out, you can catch them and keep talking about the other topic and get them to open up to you. Yup, two can and will play this game.

What does it mean when a guy says he loves your family?

When a guy says that he loves your family, he could totally be telling the truth. It's kind of subjective because it really does depend on what kind of family you have. If you know that they're kind of crazy sometimes and a bit hard for newcomers to adjust to, then you can be sure that he's really saying that he truly loves you because hey, your family is a lot to deal with. But if your family is super cool and chill, he's still saying the exact same thing. When your boyfriends makes a point of saying that he loves your family, he's saying that he's in this thing with you for good. He wants to be with you forever and he believes that you're the only one for him. This is honestly as close to a marriage proposal as you're going to get at this point in time and at this stage in your relationship, and you should be thrilled because this is pretty awesome.

Is "of course" a bad phrase?

‘Of course.’ This is such a useful English phrase, but be careful. If you use it wrongly people might think you’re angry or when you’re not, or they might think that you think they’re stupid. That’s no good! You don’t want to get it wrong, but don’t worry. In this video you’ll learn how to use it correctly.#N#‘Of course’ is a dangerous phrase because it can be polite or it can be rude. Let’s start by looking at some polite ways to use it.

Is it polite to say "I've got my car"?

Yes, it is. Oh. I’ve got my car so I can give you a lift if you like. Thank you very much. Now that conversation is polite. If someone asks a question and they don’t know the answer, say a simple yes. Now one more thing. The opposite of course is ‘Of course not’. Again, we say it to add emphasis.

Why is it so hard to make rationale sense of your husband's words and gestures?

It can be hard to make rationale sense of your husband’s words and gestures, particularly when they are directed at you in the form of a verbal assault. It is easy to lose perspective of exactly what was said because of the chaos of discord. You may also be dishing out some of your own venom as a measure of defense.

How do you know if your husband is acting differently?

If we are tied closely to someone at an emotional level, we can generally tell when things are a bit off. You can usually sense when your husband is acting differently. You can often pick up on the warning signals, whether it be his body language or the tone in his voice.

Why is it important to share your worries with your husband?

It makes you feel valued and safe and emotionally connected to your husband when you can share many of your most intimate thoughts. A husband, on the other hand, can be uncomfortable with opening up.

What does he really doesn't want to hear from you?

Here's what he really doesn't want to hear from you (and probably won't hear anyway): Honey, we have to talk : No, YOU have to talk — and talk and talk and talk.

What is the cold hard truth about men?

Studies show that men use language to establish difference, separateness and independence (exactly the opposite of women, who talk to connect). So, demanding that he talk to you is guaranteed to make him squirm and start rambling.

Why do men use language?

Studies show that men use language to establish difference, separateness and independence (exactly the opposite of women). The cold-hard truth about men: Most of them have no idea how they feel at any given time. Studies show that men use language to establish difference, separateness and independence (exactly the opposite of women, ...

Why isn't he revealing his weakness?

It's in his nature not to reveal weakness because that betrays vulnerability, which comes off as lack of status, according to research by evolutionary psychologist David Buss. In short, he's worried you'll think he's a weed if he can't solve his problems without his superwoman girlfriend coming to his aid.

What does it mean when a man says "If we need to talk about the relationship, it must be broken"

Here's how he thinks: "If we need to talk about the relationship, it must be broken. If it's broken, it means it's doomed. I'm outta here.".

Can men take directions?

Men can only take directions one at a time. So, if you want him to go into the kitchen and get you a cup of tea, make it a two-part request (this also applies to when you are in bed with him).

What does "I don't know what I'm talking about" mean?

Translation: “I don’t know what I’m talking about. Just don’t paint yourself up like a clown. It takes forever, it smells weird and if I touch you or kiss you, it gets all over me. That doesn’t mean I don’t want you looking your best.”

Why didn't I tell you?

Translation: “I didn’t tell you because I knew there was a risk of drama, and being a man, I hate drama, so I didn’t include you. I wasn’t necessarily trying to hide anything and there was no harm done. Can we move past it?”

How or in what way is he interested in with you?

HOW or In WHAT way he's interested in with you remains to be seen because a guy will say it just as easily if he's looking for sex, that night, or somewhere down the road. In other words, three's not always a love or romantic reason behind the gesture.

What does it mean when a man says he is thinking about you?

When he says he is thinking about you, it means he wants to see you again , among many other things of course. Something reminded him of you in a good and often sexual way. He's thinking if he tells you, you'll see it as a nice romantic gesture. He's trying to tell and show you that he's interested in you.

What does it mean when a guy texts you that he saw something?

When a guy texts you that something he saw just reminded him of you and messages, "Just saw (... insert whatever...) and it made me think about you.". - this is normally his way of connecting with you. A guy will sometimes tell you he's thinking about you because he believes it will up your attraction to him.

Why do guys say "woman" to their friends?

In very rare circumstances a guy might say it to a dear "woman" friend because they tend to treat their female friends differently than their male ones.

What happens if you are not sure what your type is?

♦ If you’re not sure what his type is, you could misread everything he says & does which leads to more confusion and making mistakes with him that will hurt.

Why is the warning only there?

Granted - the warning is only there because it happens and I felt you should be aware of it. Understand it's VERY RARE and you can (mostly and safely) assume unless you're not sure hind is about who he is that the meaning behind it is GENUINE and REAL.

Why do guys use a warning?

Some guys WILL use it to speed things up with you sexually If you're not there yet. Which means you need to formulate a response which is consistent with your relationship with him so you're not led down a hurtful path. Granted - the warning is only there because it happens and I felt you should be aware of it.
