what do you expect from this course answer

by Mr. Jessy Gaylord DVM 7 min read

What are the best answers on “what are you expecting to learn?

Originally Answered: What are the best answers on "what are you expecting to learn from this class"? The best answer is “what you are going to teach.” You chose the course because it’s required for your major, or it aligns with an interest of yours.

What do you expect from your subjects?

I expect our subjects to provide us a holistic approach, entertaining attack, real-life examples, and hands-on training. In this way, you can express your intention to relate your learning to your own experiences and circumstances. I expect our subjects to make us well-equipped not only for examinations, but also for the real world.

How do I state my expectations for my course?

In fact, it’s wise to state expectations in multiple places. You can use module introductions, e-mails, written announcements, or descriptions of your course elements. But perhaps the most important place to communicate your high-level expectations is in the syllabus. Provide basic course information (e.g., title, number, credits).

Why is it important to set expectations in a course?

Although setting expectations may seem like a dry or even heavy topic, clear expectations help create a good course structure and empower students to know how they can succeed in your class. Plus, you’ll save yourself time during the course if you decide on these logistical issues in advance.

How do you answer what do you expect from this course?

How to answer "Why did you choose this course?"Consider your interests. Think about your interests. ... Discuss your career goals. Discuss your career aspirations, and talk about how the course aligns with your career goals. ... Highlight your strengths. ... Focus on positive reasons. ... Be enthusiastic.

What are your expectations for this class?

CLASS EXPECTATIONSRespect yourself, the teacher & others. ... Put forth your best effort at all times. ... Be prepared for class each day. ... Follow directions when given. ... Pay attention, participate and ask questions. ... Preserve a positive learning environment. ... Take responsibility for your actions.

Why did you choose this course answer?

To answer this question in an interview, you can talk about your interests, skills and career goals. This question is a great way for interviewers to understand how seriously you take your chosen course. Interviewers also want to know that you chose this course on your own and are not influenced by a guardian.

What are your expectations in English subject?

You should expect to read and write English effectively and fluently. You should see great improvement in your skills during your ESL study experience. The course you choose to study should expand your vocabulary, expression, and pronunciation beyond the classroom.

What are student expectations?

Understanding Basic Expectations Follow classroom rules. Be on time. Be prepared for class. Be considerate and respectful. Show respect for school property and other students.

What are expectations for learning?

Expectations for learning specify what students should know and be able to do as they strive to achieve learning goals. These statements provide guidance for what counts as progress and what students can do to demonstrate their language proficiency.

Why choosing a course is important?

It helps them acquire new skills and improve their technical proficiency which is of utmost importance to survive in a dynamic marketplace. These courses also give professionals an edge from the perspective of career growth as it reflects an attitude of constantly wanting to learn and get better.

Why did you choose your field of study?

Talking about how you chose your major can tell the interviewer what you're passionate about and what you see in your future. For example, if you chose to major in computer science because you've loved fixing and building computers since you were a teenager, that bodes well for your interest in a job in IT.

Why did you choose to study in this school?

You want to show that you're responsible, logical and committed to your goals. You should avoid answers that may show a lack of interest or lack of professionalism, such as saying that you only applied to one school or that you could only get into certain schools because of poor grades.

How do you write your course expectations?

How and Where to Communicate ExpectationsProvide basic course information (e.g., title, number, credits).Describe the course in terms that get students excited about taking it.Establish a friendly, welcoming course climate.Identify your learning objectives.Identify prerequisite knowledge and skills.More items...•

What are your expectations online class?

Well organized course and clear expectations Nor can they be expected to “know” how to work effectively in a group setting, engage in self-reflection learning activities or complete assignments. As an instructor, you will need to prepare students for the work they will be doing in the course.

How do I write my expectations?

Make your point clear and state it directly and quickly. Your main point should be made at the beginning of your writing and not at the end. Also, don't write extensive paragraphs to state your point or to explain your point if it can be done in one or two sentences.

Where to state expectations in a learning management system?

Your learning management system will have a number of locations where you can state or clarify your expectations. In fact, it’s wise to state expectations in multiple places. You can use module introductions, e-mails, written announcements, or descriptions of your course elements. But perhaps the most important place to communicate your high-level expectations is in the syllabus.

How to communicate high level expectations?

But perhaps the most important place to communicate your high-level expectations is in the syllabus. Much like a syllabus in a traditional course, you can use your online course syllabus to: Provide basic course information (e.g., title, number, credits).

Why is setting expectations important?

Although setting expectations may seem like a dry or even heavy topic, clear expectations help create a good course structure and empower students to know how they can succeed in your class. Plus, you’ll save yourself time during the course if you decide on these logistical issues in advance. By posting about your expectations early and often, you will give yourself and your students a shared road map to success.

What happens when your expectations are aligned with your experience?

So expect to make some adjustments. When your expectations are aligned with your experience, your motivation and satisfaction increases. If they don’t align, you get frustrated, your courses seem pointless, and your motivation plummets.

Why do people choose a path?

Sometimes, people choose a path because they don’t have anything better in mind. They adopt a “why not” attitude. They drift through courses, not unhappy, but not fully engaged either. Without a set of reasonable expectations based what they want out of their education, they can’t be truly successful.

How to be more successful in school?

Own your expectations, and be aware of how they affect you. Stay engaged with your education. If something seems pointless, ask about its significance. If you are inspired by an idea or assignment, connect it to as many other experiences as you can.

When you demonstrate a thorough understanding of the job and its responsibilities, you show the hiring manager you have applied?

When you demonstrate a thorough understanding of the job and its responsibilities, you show the hiring manager you have applied thoughtfully and learned as much as you could before the interview. Use specific language from the posted job description and describe what was interesting or exciting to you.

How to distinguish yourself from other applicants?

In order to distinguish you from other entry-level or internship job applicants, a prospective employer may try to find out what you expect from the available job . Your answers can help the interviewer know if you and the company are a good match so you can gain on-the-job training and experience.

How to show your potential for an internship?

While it is important to appear excited and motivated, focus on achievable results for the finite time period of the internship or the realities of an entry-level position. For example, you can show the hiring manager your ability to make practical goals by saying, " I am interested in the ways this job can help me grow personally and professionally. I am excited to hone my collaboration skills by working with others and to have the chance to see some glimpses into my future career path. "

What is an interview with a prospective employer?

Your interview with a prospective employer is a way for the hiring manager to evaluate the kinds of hopes and outcomes you want from your position. Here are some steps you can follow to prepare an answer that can help you explain yourself clearly: 1. Explain what first interested you about the job.

What to ask in an interview for an entry level job?

An interview for an entry-level job or internship often includes general questions that help the hiring manager understand what motivated you to apply for the job. Preparing in advance for questions such as "What do you hope to gain from this experience?" can help you eloquently and clearly describe your professional goals. Evaluating your career goals and determining how they align with the job is a good way to plan your answer to this question. In this article, we discuss some ways to explain what you expect from a new position.

Examples of Expectations from All Subjects

As a student, it is normal to have expectations from all subjects even before the start of classes. It is usual for teachers to ask their students about their expectations too so here are some examples of expectations from all subjects that you can say are the following:

Subjects where these Expectations can be Applied

The examples of expectations above are applicable for all subjects, such as:

How to explain why you are applying for a job?

Discuss what motivated you to apply for their position—describing how your interests align with the skills posted in the job description. For example, elaborating on how you’ve taken courses related to what you’re applying for and how working with them will let you expand your horizons. Hiring managers aim to prod sincere passion from you for this question. In other words, this is your opportunity to spill your interests in the position, all while explaining what you hope to learn from them.

Why is candor important in hiring?

While it’s crucial to leave a good impression, having candor helps hiring managers to realize that you’re setting realistic expectations. Mention how you can achieve soft skills such as effective leadership, teamwork, or communication by working with them.

Can a resume embody who you are?

As we all know, your resume will never embody the entirety of who you are as an applicant . This is a major reason that employers rely on interviews to get to know their applicants! Use every interview question as an opportunity to expand on your resume or mention something that is not included in your cover letter.
