what does course does chicano fall under

by Mr. Miguel Green Jr. 9 min read

What does ‘Chicanos’ mean?

Bachelor of Arts (BA) The Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies major offers an interdisciplinary curriculum of academic study that critically examines the historical and contemporary experiences of people of Mexican descent in the context of American society and institutions. Moreover, in light of continuous immigration from Mexico, and now Central America, the …

Why do some people avoid the term Chicano?

Courses - Chicana and Chicano Studies Chicana and Chicano Studies Courses CHS 100. Chicana/o Culture (3) Introductory study of cultural, economic, educational and political issues as they impact the Chicana/o in the U.S. Includes a study of the contributions that Chicana/os have made in these areas. Meets the Ethnic Studies requirement.

What courses are included in Chic 201?

Dec 05, 2020 · CHI 230—Chicano/Latino Hispanic Politics (4) Seminar—3 hour(s); Term Paper. Prerequisite(s): Two undergraduate courses in Chicana/o Studies or consent of instructor. Examination of Chicano/Latino political experiences. Evaluate theories, ideology, and practice of Chicano politics.

What's the difference between Hispanic and Chicano?

Feb 11, 2022 · Three of the following courses (12 units): CALS 400 - Selected Topics in Chicano Studies Unit (s): 1-4 (4 Unit (s) Required) CALS 405 - The Chicano/Latino Family Unit (s): 3-4 (4 Unit (s) Required) CALS 456 - Sociology of Education/Latinos and Education Unit (s): 4.

What subject does Chicano Studies fall under?

The Department of Chicana/o Studies offers an innovative interdisciplinary curriculum that includes courses in history, literature, political science, psychology, art/culture, gender and sexuality, health sciences, and other fields, as they pertain to Mexican, Mexican-American, Central American, and other Latina/o ...

Is Chicano Studies a humanities course?

Chicana/o Studies is a part of the larger College of Humanities and Social Sciences at CSU, Fullerton.

Are Chicano Studies ethnic studies?

This course examines race, ethnicity and culture in the Chicano/Latino community. It considers the movements for social change which created ethnic studies programs in the United States.Feb 11, 2022

Is Chicano Studies a major?

An interdisciplinary major Chicano and Latino studies majors take courses offered in two broadly defined fields of study: humanities and the social sciences.

What Chicano means?

CHICANO/CHICANA Someone who is native of, or descends from, Mexico and who lives in the United States. Chicano or Chicana is a chosen identity of some Mexican Americans in the United States.

What is ethnic studies Mexican American?

Course description: In Mexican American Studies, students learn about the history and cultural contributions of Mexican Americans. Students will explore history and culture from an interdisciplinary perspective. They will have opportunities to interact with relevant film, literature, art, and other media.

What is Chicano Studies quizlet?

According to the text, Chicano Latino studies are academic programs that focus on the history, heritage, and culture of Mexican Americans and other latinos in the United States. The courses within the study span social sciences, humanities, and the arts.

Should I take Chicano Studies?

The Chicana/o studies major provides a unique opportunity to serve and understand the Chicano/Latino community. Policy-makers must know specifics about the people, comprehend and appreciate the culture and understand how to work with this fast-growing community.Dec 5, 2020

What can you do with a Chicano degree?

What can I do with a Chicano/Chicana Studies degree?• Research and Education: Primary and Secondary Education, Language Services, Community Education, Student Affairs.• Policy and Advocacy: Government, Economics, Fundraising/Development, Immigration, Public Health, Grant Writing, Policy Development, Community Outreach.More items...

What do you learn in Chicano Studies?

As a field of study, Chicano Studies focuses on the Mexican origin population in the U.S. in a multi- and inter-disciplinary framework. It emphasizes the dynamics of the U.S.-Mexico border and Latino presence throughout the nation.

Lower Division

CHIC 101 - Introduction to Ethnic Studies (3): Perspectives through which people of color have come to see themselves in terms of their own heroes, cultures and contributions to the societies in which they live and the world in general. (AFAM 101, ASAM 101, CHIC 101 and WGST 101 are the same course)

Upper Division

CHIC 302 - Ancient Mexican Culture (3): Historical and cultural survey of the principal pre-Columbian cultures of Mexico and their significance to Mexican society.


CHIC 500 - Chicana/Chicano Studies Paradigms and Traditions (3): Interdisciplinary approaches, methods and theories used in the study of Chicana/Chicano and Latina/Latino populations and related topics. Prerequisite: graduate standing.

What is the Chicano study?

Study of important constitutional issues and cases that have affected the Chicano community. Examines how American political institutions, operating under the framework of the U.S. Constitution, have influenced the civil and political rights of Chicanos. (Available for General Education, D3/D4 Constitution of the United States/State and Local Government.)

What is the study of the music, drama and graphic arts produced by Chicanas/Os?

Study of the music, drama and graphic arts produced by Chicanas/os as an expression of the Chicana/o experience in the U.S. Emphasizes Chicana/o artistic expression that has its roots and inspiration in Mexican art forms, often combined with U.S. or European influences.

What is comparative analysis?

from colonial times to the present. Emphasis placed on the historical development of American institutions and ideals as they have been affected by regional dynamics within the U.S. and by international, socio-political and economic relationships, particularly with Latin America. (Available for General Education, C3 …

What is the sociological framework for understanding the contemporary experiences of Mexican American women in the U.S.?

Using a sociological framework for understanding the contemporary experiences of Mexican American women in the U.S., focuses on the sexual division of labor in families, the workplace and community. Each section explores the variation and heterogeneity in women’s class, ethnic/racial and gender identity. Meets the Ethnic Studies requirement. (Available for General Education, F Comparative Cultural …

What is a preparatory class?

Preparatory: Upper division standing; completion of one or more introductory courses in Chicana/o Studies, Religious Studies or Art; or by consent of the instructor. This lecture/studio course examines the concepts inspiring the Dias de los Muertos celebration from ancient Mesoamerican mythology and worldview to contemporary expressions of the Days of the Dead in the Chicana/o

What is the prerequisite for Latin American Studies?

Prerequisite: Completion of the lower division writing requirement. Study of the political, economic, social and cultural changes that have affected women in Latin America. Regular written assignments are required. (Available for General Education, D1 Social Sciences.)

What is a general survey of civilized life in Mexico and Central America prior to 1519?

General survey of civilized life in Mexico and Central America prior to 1519. Examines the Meso-American variant of world civilization and directs special attention to the societies of central Mexico during the 13th-16th centuries. Available for graduate credit. Meets the Ethnic Studies requirement. (ES) *Not available for General Education credit.

What is a Chicano film?

An examination of the American film industry with respect to the Chicano's role, historically and culturally, in the genre. A series of films, including Hollywood commercial and Chicano-made films, will be screened, as part of an analysis of Chicano images and their impact on American popular culture. This is an interdisciplinary course that employs analytical constructs and techniques used in cultural anthropology, sociology, film criticism, and history. Course fee required.

What is the course on immigration?

An Examination of historical, socioeconomic, educational, cultural and legal aspects of immigration to the U.S., to include ramifications of the current immigration debate. This course addresses questions regarding the perceived benefit and cost of immigration at the national, state and local levels. It explores the economic, social, cultural and political impact immigrants have had on the United States over time, as well as the relationship between economic development, migration, nationalism, identity, and human rights. The course examines who is or is not allowed to enter the U.S., and under what circumstances; the ways the border is defined, understood, reified, and patrolled and what this tells us about the national identity, citizenship and public policy.

What is the analysis of the U.S.-Mexico border image in Mexican cinema?

Analysis of the U.S.-Mexico Border image in Mexican cinema, to include the salient demographic, cultural, linguistic, and political characteristics of the region. Course fee required. The course will be taught in Spanish.

What is CHIC 4306?

Emphasis on community formation processes, public policy and social services. The course may require field trips. (CHIC 4306 is the same course as SOCI 4303 and ANTH 4306).

What is performance activism?

Performance activism is an emergent phenomenon that draws from the humanities and social science, including anthropology, performance studies and performative psychology. This is a lecture class with a practicum component at least once every two weeks.
