how to request a course be offered sfsu

by Prof. Ali Kshlerin 9 min read

To Request Permission to Take Classes at Another School Submit a completed and signed Concurrent Enrollment Request Form provided below to [email protected] from students; SF State email address. We accept digital signatures, scanned copies, and high resolution/clear pictures of the completed form. Concurrent Enrollment Request Form.pdf 159.22 KB

Full Answer

Can a student repeat a course at SF State?

I want to be on the waitlist for a course that conflicts with another open course in which I want to enroll. If I get into the waitlisted course, I will want to drop the course that presents the time conflict. Enroll in the open course using the "add a class" instructions as per normal. Next, select the "swap" option, and swap the currently enrolled class with the waitlisted course to …

Can I take more than one class a semester SF State?

This process involves downloading the HOST campus course grade, then replacing the HOME campus's place holder course when the HOME campus runs it's own End of Term process. If there is any host campus issue contact our office by: Phone: (415) 338-2350; Email: [email protected]

What do I need to use SF State ID and password?

Email the instructor to request permission or contact the department offering the course if the instructor is not listed in the class schedule. Please refer to the Colleges and Academic Departments page.

What are the grading symbols in the SF State Bulletin?

To Request Permission to Take Classes at Another School Submit a completed and signed Concurrent Enrollment Request Form provided below to [email protected] from students; SF State email address. We accept digital signatures, scanned copies, and high resolution/clear pictures of the completed form. Concurrent Enrollment Request Form.pdf 159.22 KB

How do you get classes at SFSU?

How to Register & PaySelect Student Center.Select Academics > Enroll.Select the desired Term and Career, then select Continue. ... Type the Class Number and select Enter.Select Next. ... Repeat the above process to add additional classes.Select Proceed to Step 2 of 3.Check the courses in your cart and select Finish Enrolling.More items...

Is C passing Sfsu?

C: Performance of the student has been adequate, satisfactorily meeting the course requirements. D: Performance of the student has been less than adequate. F: Performance of the student has been such that course requirements have not been met.

How do I accept offers Sfsu?

Online: Go to your Student Center on the SF State Gateway at: and log in. Scroll down to the bottom with the section header 'Admissions' and select Accept/Decline.

How many times can you repeat a course Sfsu?

An undergraduate student may repeat a maximum of 28 units of coursework taken at San Francisco State University. Sixteen of these units are eligible for course repeats with grade forgiveness. The additional twelve units of course repeats shall have grade averaging applied.May 7, 2021

What is the average GPA for San Francisco State University?

3.26Average GPA: 3.26 The average GPA at San Francisco State University is 3.26. This makes San Francisco State University Moderately Competitive for GPAs.

What GPA do you need to get into Sfsu?

Applicants need about average high school grades to get into San Francisco State. The average high school GPA of the admitted freshman class at San Francisco State University was 3.2 on the 4.0 scale indicating that primarily B students are accepted and ultimately attend.

What is the acceptance rate for San Francisco State University?

84.1% (2020)San Francisco State University / Acceptance rate

How do I send my transcripts to SFSU?

Submitting transcripts electronically Contact your school and request that your official transcripts be sent to SF State through a secure third-party transcript vendor. SF State will accept electronic transcripts from vendors such as: eTranscript California* Speede*

How many units is full time Sfsu?

Verification for enrollment is calculated as follows:TimeUnitsFull Time12–19 unitsThree-quarter Time9–11 unitsHalf Time6–8 unitsLess than Half Time1–5 units4 more rows

How many units can I take Sfsu?

For full-time undergraduate students, 15 units are considered an average semester course load. Undergraduate students in good academic standing (i.e., not on probation) can take a maximum of 19 units.Feb 10, 2020

What is the minimum number of units needed to graduate from SF State?

30 unitsFor award of the baccalaureate degree, all students are required to complete a minimum of 30 units in residence at SF State. Of the 30-unit residence requirement, 24 units must be upper-division courses and twelve units, upper-division or lower-division, must be in the major.

Dropping and Withdrawing

If your plans change and you find that you cannot attend all or some of your courses, then relevant courses must be dropped before the first day of classes to avoid fees or by the drop date to avoid grades of W, WU, or F.

Dropped for Unmet Prerequisites

Make sure that you are on track with meeting all course prerequisites to avoid being dropped. Check the class schedule for any published prerequisites.

Full-time vs. Part-time Enrollment Status

Undergraduate students are considered to be full-time enrolled when enrolled in 12 or more units in a term.

Adding with Permission numbers

If you are adding during a registration period in which permission is required, please contact the course instructor or department to request a permission number (conditions to receive a permission number vary for each course, department, and college).


A limited number of waitlist spots are available for the majority of undergraduate courses and select graduate courses. The waitlist option is available for you to select when enrolling in a course.

You may be able to take classes offered at other campuses! (Special Programs)

As an SF State student, you can participate in as many Special Programs in one semester as the program specifications and eligibility allow. SF State's Special Program forms are available on the Registrar forms page; for any questions, contact us at [email protected].

Time conflict (registering for classes that overlap in schedule)

We do not typically allow students to enroll in classes that take place at the same time (or part of the same time), since attending the full session of each scheduled class is important for your education.

What is CSU fully online?

CSU Fully Online is a cross-enrollment program that allows matriculated CSU students to concurrently take one online course at another CSU campus at no additional tuition cost. Students must meet eligibility criteria to participate. For more information. (link is external)

Is CSU online?

FAQ: CSU Fully Online. CSU students can take one free online course every semester through any of the CSU’s 23 campuses. Afully online” course is any class that’s offered completely online, meaning there’s no face-to-face instruction with a professor.

Does submitting a request guarantee enrollment?

Submitting a request does not guarantee enrollment. If your request is accepted, the host campus will confirm by email and the request will appear with a status of Enrolled. If you successfully enroll in a course, your home campus adds a placeholder course to your record to show the in-progress units.

What is the AT Zoom support page?

The AT Zoom Support Page covers the basics of Zoom, how to use Zoom in iLearn, and other additional Zoom features. Additional support is available from the Zoom Help Center.

What is the phone number for Caps?

If you would like to schedule a phone or video appointment with us, please call CAPS at 415-338-2208 during business hours (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; closed noon to 1 p.m.).

What time does the Disability Resource Center open?

The Disability Programs and Resource Center (DPRC) is open remotely to support students, faculty, and staff with telephone and video services Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p .m. (campus offices closed).

How many modules are there in online learning?

You can work at your own pace through four modules, which aim to boost your confidence in learning online, equip you with the tools necessary to be a positive community member, and give you the opportunity to use the technology you will encounter in your courses.

What does TBA mean in a course?

Some courses may have “TBA” noted under Meeting and Location, indicating that the classroom is still being assigned. You will know well ahead of the start of classes the rooms/locations for your courses. Hybrid: Courses that include an in-person component as well as some remote work.

Is TBA in person or remote?

They may be fully in-person or a hybrid of in-person and remote. Please read the course details to learn more. Some courses may have “TBA” noted under Meeting and Location, indicating that the classroom is still being assigned. You will know well ahead of the start of classes the rooms/locations for your courses.

Do you need real time meetings for classes?

Some courses may only require real-time meetings for class orientation and exams, while other courses may require multiple real-time meetings. The real-time sessions will only happen during the time noted in the class schedule. Using the Advanced Class Search function in the online class schedule, you can find courses that best meet your needs, ...

General Requirements

Students are required to be enrolled in a full-time course of study in the Spring and Fall semester. Students may satisfy the full-time requirement by enrolling and completing at least 12 units (Undergraduate) or 8 units (Graduate) at SF State, or.

To Request Permission to Take Classes at Another School

Submit a completed and signed Concurrent Enrollment Request Form provided below to [email protected] from students; SF State email address. We accept digital signatures, scanned copies, and high resolution/clear pictures of the completed form.

To Attend Classes Through SF State College of Extended Learning

Undergraduates must be enrolled in at least 9 units (5 units for graduate students) of regular university coursework at SF State during the semester that they plan to take classes at the College of Extended Learning (CEL).

To Attend Classes Outside SF State at other CSU or UC campuses

Students who are required to take classes at another school due to Cross Registration must notify OIP before the semester starts.

What is prerequisite in SF?

Prerequisites. A prerequisite is a course that a student must pass before enrolling in the more advanced course. Some departments require that you complete prerequisites prior to registering for their courses. Prerequisites and course description can be found under the course title in the SF State Bulletin.

How many units do you need to take to get an F-1 visa?

As a student on F-1 visa, you must take a minimum of 12 units (undergraduate) or 9 units (graduate) per semester to meet the immigration requirement.

How many units are required to be a graduate student at SF State?

Students must enroll, attend and complete at least 12 units (undergraduate) or 9 units (graduate) to maintain status while at SF State. It is the student's responsibility to report any academic issues, medical conditions or emergencies  that could affect academic performance or attendance  to their international student advisor within a timely manner for assistance, not at the end of the semester.

When are classes posted in SF State?

Courses and class schedules are posted on the SF State class schedule a few months prior to the start of the term. Fall courses are posted in April. Spring courses are posted in November.

What is Note Taker Express?

Note-Taking Express is a free third party service that provides a set of typed notes from a professional note-taker to the user within 24-48 hours of uploading a lecture recording and is available for students to use on the very first day of class . Users can record lectures using an audio recorder or with the free Note-Taking Express app on their smartphone. This service assigns a consistent note-taker throughout the semester for the course, allows the user to upload photos of any visual materials from the lecture, or even upload power-points or videos shown in class. More information can be found on Note Taking Express’ website or in their YouTube Channel. You can also contact [email protected] to request individual training on Note Taking Express.

Why do students need to type in class notes?

Some students benefit from being able to type in-class notes to incorporate spell-check and built in layout templates for better organization. The DPRC can facilitate a conversation with any instructors concerned about the use of a computer in their lecture.

Can a disabled student take notes?

If your disability impacts your ability to take notes in the classroom, the DPRC has a few options for you to explore so that you may have equal access to instruction. Eligible students may use any of the following options individually or in combination with each other. We encourage all students to speak with their disability specialist about the note-taking method that may be right for them. Keep in mind that note-taking accommodations are not a substitute for attending class and may change from semester to semester or class to class.

Is audio recording a reasonable accommodation?

Audio-recording course meetings by eligible students for review after class is listed as an example of a reasonable accommodation within disability access law. As a courtesy, students are encouraged to inform instructors when audio-recording classroom instruction. Instructors are encouraged to contact the DPRC if they are concerned about the intended use of the recording. Audio-recording can be facilitated through a Smart Pen or with a borrowed audio recorder from the DPRC.

Can a volunteer take notes in class?

Volunteer note-takers enrolled in the same course as the DPRC student may be able to share a copy of their in-class notes. Note-takers can be recruited by the student or instructor. In most cases, the volunteer will then be eligible to receive access to priority registration for the following semester.

How many units can you repeat at San Francisco State University?

Undergraduate students may repeat a maximum of 16 units of coursework taken at San Francisco State University for the purpose of excluding the original grade from grade point determination (i.e. grade forgiveness). When a course is repeated, up to the 16-unit limit, the lower of the two grades is “forgiven” from the GPA calculation. Grade forgiveness shall not be applicable to courses for which the original grade was the result of a finding of academic dishonesty. All units attempted, and all grade points after the repeat limit has been reached, will be included in the student's cumulative totals. If a student chooses to repeat a course in which the grade was passing (D- or higher) after reaching the repeat limit, all units attempted and all grade points earned will be used in the calculation of the student's grade point average (GPA), but the units earned will be applied to the calculation of total units earned only once. Exceptions to this method of GPA calculation are available, as described in Academic Senate Policy S87-148, “Academic Renewal Policy”; the provisions of S87-148 are not superseded by this course repeat policy.

What is the SFSU course repeat policy?

The SFSU course repeat policy was developed in response to Executive Order 1037: Grading Symbols, Minimum Standards Governing the Assignment of Grades, Policies on the Repetition of Courses, Policies on Academic Renewal, and Grade Appeals. At the time the Academic Senate declined to authorize grade forgiveness, in which a new grade replaces the former grade in terms of calculation of the GPA. This policy addresses this omission. In addition, the original policy, developed before the implementation of Campus Solutions (CS), counted AU and W grades in the repeat count. As CS is not capable of counting AU and W grades for the purposes of course repeat counts, The Academic Policies Committee is recommending their removal from the policy.

How many units can you repeat at SF State?

Repeating More Than 28 Units. An undergraduate student cannot repeat any course once the student has repeated 28 units at SF State, unless the course is described in the current SF State Bulletin as repeatable for credit.

What does "repeat" mean in CSU?

In this policy, “repeat” means to enroll in a course for which a grade has already been assigned. “Grade” refers to all grading symbols defined in CSU Executive Order 1037 (effective August 1, 2009). These include administrative grading symbols (AU, I, IC, RD, RP, W, and WU), traditional grades (A, B, C, D, and F, and their plus and minus designations), and non-traditional grades (CR and NC).

What is the S87-148 policy?

Exceptions to this method of GPA calculation are available, as described in Academic Senate Policy S87-148, “Academic Renewal Policy”; the provisions of S87-148 are not superseded by this course repeat policy.

Can I repeat a course with a grade of I?

Repetition of a Course with a Grade of “I”. A student cannot repeat a course for which a grade of “I” was issued until the “I” is converted to a grade. This restriction does not apply to enrollment in a variable-topic course, if the repeat will be for a different topic.

Does repeating a bachelor's degree affect your GPA?

Once a bachelor's degree has been granted, repeating courses for any reason (e.g., as a visitor, post-baccalaureate, or College of Extended Learning student) will not affect the GPA or content of the degree already granted.

When can you withdraw from a course?

From the fourth through the twelfth week of instruction, withdrawal from a course is permissible for serious and compelling reasons as defined/specified by the student .

Do you need to provide documentation for a student to withdraw from school?

It is not necessary for the student to provide documentation. From the thirteenth week through the last week of instruction, students may only request to withdraw in cases, such as accident or serious illness, where the cause of withdrawal is due to circumstances clearly beyond the student's control. These requests require documentation .

Course Access

Permission Request Instructions

  • To register after the semester start date, you will need to request a permission number. Please email your request to the program coordinator, De N. Vaughn. Please provide the following information: 1. Your name 2. Your SF State ID number 3. Course title 4. Class number 5. The abbreviation & number as listed, for example: EDUC 503 or COUN 501. Plea...
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Course Demonstration & Accessing The Course Syllabus

  1. View a Course Demonstration.
  2. Accessing Course Syllabus: visit the website where you can access the course syllabi for the programs we offer.
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Grades & Transcripts

  • For information on grades and transcripts and availability dates visit the Grades & Transcriptspage.
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