what do you need to teach a michigan concealed carry course

by Maya Mraz 3 min read

If you are certified to teach gun safety through a Michigan law enforcement agency, you will still need to complete the MCOLES certification to teach the state gun safety course. Teach the required Michigan pistol safety course. You can work through a training school or as an individual instructor.

The requirements for this course are pretty simple. The course must be certified by a national or state firearms training organization, and provide at least 5 hours of instruction in the following: The safe storage, use, and handling of a pistol. Ammunition knowledge.

Full Answer

Where can I take concealed carry classes in Michigan?

Students must have a Personal Defense Firearm, Strong Side Hip (Outside the waistband holster) or Carry Purse, and at least 250 rounds of ammo for this course. For more information contact Lee at (616) 581-4505 or [email protected]

How do I get a Michigan concealed pistol license?

Apr 08, 2022 · If you want to get your Michigan CPL (CCW), there are 3 main steps that must be done. First, check your eligibility. Second, take a gun safety course. Third, fill out your app and take it to the county clerk's office.

What are the requirements to teach gun safety courses in Michigan?

Best Concealed Carry Classes in Michigan – 2021 Round-up - Gun … Posted: (5 days ago) Michigan CCW Class. Address: Lansing and St. ...AZO Civil Services. AZO civil services host a myriad of courses to teach CCW and advanced self-defense tactics. ...US Gun Classes. ...Concealed Carry Partners LLC. ...Wayne County Firearms Training. ...

What do I need to bring to my Michigan CCW class?

This class consists of two parts; 4-6 hours of classroom instruction with a written exam and 1 day of live shooting on the range. Students do need to bring a photocopy of their drivers license to the Michigan CCW Class as well as ammunition. Students can bring their own handgun or borrow one from the instructor.

What is a CPL instructor in Michigan?

CPL instructors are trained through nationally and state-certified agencies and are well versed on gun safety and handling before they become certified instructors. CPL instructors are not required to register with the state of Michigan after completing training.Aug 23, 2019

What is the difference between CCW and CPL in Michigan?

What is the difference between CCW and CPL in Michigan? Carrying A Concealed Weapon (CCW) is when a person illegally carries a hidden weapon on their person. A Concealed Pistol License (CPL) is a document issued by the state of Michigan, authorizing the licensee to carry a concealed pistol on their person.Jul 3, 2021

Does Michigan allow online CCW classes?

You can now complete the classroom requirement for Michigan's CPL/CCW license from the safety and comfort of your home. We now offer ONLINE Michigan CCW/CPL Concealed Pistol License Certification classes. We offer the best practical training for CCW/CPL in Michigan.Dec 7, 2020

How long is a CCW class certificate good for in Michigan?

A CPL is valid until the applicant's date of birth that falls not less than four years or more than five years after the license is issued or renewed.Mar 3, 2020

Can I carry a gun in my car in Michigan?

The short answer is yes, you can carry a pistol in your car. The long answer is: "A pistol transported for a 'lawful purpose' by a person not licensed to carry a concealed pistol must be all of the following: Unloaded.Aug 5, 2019

Can you open carry a loaded gun in Michigan?

Open carry of firearms In Michigan, it is legal for a person to carry a firearm in public as long as the person is carrying the firearm with lawful intent and the firearm is not concealed. You will not find a law that states it is legal to openly carry a firearm.

How much is it to get your CCW in Michigan?

$100.00If an applicant does not have a digitized photograph on file with the Michigan Secretary of State, include a passport-quality photograph. Pay all applicable fees. For all applications, there is a $100.00 application and licensing fee payable to the county clerk.Mar 3, 2020

Can you take a gun safety course online in Michigan?

Learn Your Way on Any Device Handgun Safety Course offers online courses that are fully mobile-friendly from start to finish. This safety course is designed to work on your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.

Are online CPL classes legit Michigan?

Can you take a CPL class online in Michigan? Yes, however, there is still an in-person component that cannot be done online. The law requires 8 hours of instruction, including 5 hours of classroom and 3 hours of range instruction.

How long does it take to get a concealed carry permit in Michigan?

about two weeksYour application and fingerprints will now be sent to the Michigan State Police, where they run your background check and either approve or deny the application within 45 days, though most people report that they get their permit in the mail in about two weeks.

How often do you have to renew your CPL in Michigan?

five yearsAn application to renew a CPL may be submitted not more than six months before, nor one year after, the expiration of the current CPL. A CPL is valid until the applicant's date of birth that falls not less than four years or more than five years after the license is issued or renewed.

Can you check the status of your CPL in Michigan?

A: Many Michigan counties have a CPL application status lookup function on their respective County Clerk web sites. If that functionality does not exist at your County Clerk's web site, you can visit in person or call them on the telephone: Michigan County Clerk Directory.May 8, 2013

How long is the NRA class in Michigan?

Excellent, personalized instruction that not only meets the minimum, but exceeds the requirements of the Michigan Law. The class is 5-6 hours of lecture taught by some of the finest NRA Certified Instructors and a practicing Michigan Attorney (not a police officer as some courses provide) with 3 hours on the range for live fire training. You will receive your certificate at the end of the class.

What is the Refuse to be a Victim course?

Refuse to be a Victim is designed to create awareness of ones surroundings and offer options for personal protection. The goal is to empower participants to make the best decisions for themselves. The course covers; mental preparedness, home security, physical security, automobile security, out of town and travel security and technological security, as well as workplace, parents and children protection, college student safety on campus, senior citizens protection, stalking and domestic violence. This is a free class, for more information contact

What is a draw from the holster?

Teaches students the knowledge, skills and attitude essential for avoiding dangerous confrontations and for the safe, effective and responsible use of a concealed pistol for self-defense outside the home. This is a Draw from the Holster (with loaded firearms) (or Purse) course.

How many rounds are there in the armed security test?

This is a 60 Round Test with your Firearm at different ranges, positions, and stances to determine your ability to be a member of an Armed Security Team. The test is a nationally recognized test, it is timed, and a minimum score must be achieved.

How many rounds of ammunition do you shoot in a level one shooting range?

Students spend several hours on the range and shoot approximately 100 rounds of ammunition during level one. Upon completion, students may choose to attend level two, which is an additional five hours on the range and approximately 115 rounds of ammunition learning advanced shooting skills.

How long does an armed security team consultation last?

It usually lasts from 1-2 hours where we will present some scenarios and offer advice on how to start an Armed Security Team.

How many rounds are in a range time?

There are a couple of class lessons, a legal lesson, and an entire day of range time (about 250 rounds). This course can be done with an (OWB) Outside the Waistband Holster, or Holster Purse with your self defense pistol. This course is only for students who have completed the NRA Personal Protection in the Home Student class, a CPL is not required.

How long does it take to get a concealed carry license in the mail?

This process takes between 7 – 45 days, depending upon county.

How long is a CPL course?

The concealed pistol license course must be at least 8 hours long, including 5 hours of classroom and 3 hours of range time. Click to see complete CPL training requirements.

Where to sign CPL application?

Sign the application in front of the clerk. Pay the clerk $115. Go and get fingerprints taken.

Michigan Concealed Carry Classes

ConcealedCarry.com provides various NRA & USCCA Firearm Training Classes and Michigan certified CHL Classes. Our classes can help prepare students to apply for concealed weapon permits in the state of Michigan. Our instructors are all certified by the state of Michigan and the USCCA. Please view our CHL Class Schedule below.

Upcoming Classes include

We Accept Payment in the form of Visa and Mastercard via our online secure checkout. (Or pay with cash or check at the class)

How long does it take to teach gun safety in Michigan?

This requirement is necessary only when applying for a MCOLES certification to teach the eight-hour pistol safety course. If you are certified to teach gun safety through a Michigan law enforcement agency, you will still need to complete ...

What do instructors need to know before taking a gun safety class?

Local shooting schools and firing ranges provide classes in shooting and gun safety. Develop and demonstrate your shooting skills. Shooting clubs and firing ranges are good places to further your pistol skills and learn to demonstrate your shooting skills.

What is a 5j?

Section 5j records the requirements of the training program you will be teaching once you complete instructor training. Enroll in and complete an instructor program offered by a state approved or national firearms training organization. The National Rifle Association qualifies as a national firearms organization.

What is the National Rifle Association?

The National Rifle Association qualifies as a national firearms organization. The Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards is Michigan's certifying body for approved firearms training programs. Work for a Michigan law enforcement agency and be certified to teach gun safety through that agency. This requirement is necessary only ...

Do you need to be a gun safety instructor in Michigan?

If you are certified to teach gun safety through a Michigan law enforcement agency, you will still need to complete the MCOLES certification to teach the state gun safety course. Teach the required Michigan pistol safety course. You can work through a training school or as an individual instructor. You must provide students who successfully ...

Is it legal to carry a concealed weapon in Michigan?

Carrying a concealed pistol is legal in many states, including Michigan. Before earning the right to do so, though, Michigan citizens are required to take an eight-hour gun safety course taught by a certified concealed pistol license instructor, and then apply for the concealed pistol license through the county clerk's office.

Do you have to register for CPL in Michigan?

CPL instructors are not required to register with the state of Michigan after completing training.

How old do you have to be to get a concealed carry license in Michigan?

Basically, you can’t be a criminal, insane, or addicted to drugs. You have to be over 21, and you have to have knowledge and training in the safe use and handling of a pistol, which is to be “certified” by the successful completion ...

How many hours of training is required for a pistol?

The course must be certified by a national or state firearms training organization, and provide at least 5 hours of instruction in the following: The safe storage, use, and handling of a pistol. Ammunition knowledge. Fundamentals of pistol shooting. Pistol shooting positions. Avoiding criminal attack and controlling a violent confrontation.

How many rounds of ammunition is required for a pistol shooting course?

Laws that apply to carrying a concealed pistol in this state. The course must include at least 3 hours of instruction on a firing range and requires firing at a minimum of 30 rounds of ammunition.

Do instructors need insurance?

They need to be insured, and to get insurance requires you to meet standards. If your instructor (and their range) is not insured there is a reason, and you don’t want to take any chances with your safety.