what is covered in freshman level geology course

by Prof. Deshawn Walter 6 min read

The course includes an overnight field trip and a weekly laboratory section focused on the identification of rocks and minerals and the interpretation of topographic and geological maps. Although Ge 11 abcd is designed as a sequence, any one term may be taken as a standalone course. Instructor: Wernicke. Ge 11 b.

Includes minerals and rocks, continental drift, plate tectonics, rock deformation, igneous and sedimentary processes, geologic time, landscape evolution, internal structure and composition of the earth, groundwater, seismology and earthquakes, and formation of natural resources.

Full Answer

What is a geology course?

This field course is designed to provide students with the range of field skills needed by the practicing hydrogeologist to characterize subsurface geology and aquifer properties. Topics to be covered include drilling methods, geophysical techniques, well installation, determination of groundwater flow direction and aquifer testing.

What are the best topics to study in geology?

Topics covered include ancient Earth surface environments and the rise of atmospheric oxygen. Microbial and molecular evolution, photosynthesis, genes as fossils. Banded iron stones, microbial mats, stromatolites, and global glaciation. Biological fractionation of stable isotopes.

What is a level geology?

Oct 20, 2021 · Students can look into Geology 101: Physical Geology which includes chapters on: Mineral Types, Properties and Uses - Lessons discuss the environmental and economic impacts of mineral extraction and consumption. Mineral properties and …

What are the basics of geology?

GEOL 6700Archaeological Geology. Archaeological geology examines the use of earth science methods and theories in the study of archaeological sites and their contents. The four major areas covered include: (1) the archaeological site and geology; (2) age determination techniques; (3) exploration techniques; (4) artifact….

What topics does geology cover?

Specific topics include plate tectonics, formation of minerals and rocks, weathering and erosion, earthquake hazards, volcanoes, crustal deformation, stream and river processes, and glacial processes.Nov 15, 2016

What can I expect from a geology class?

A geology major studies the physical aspects of Earth and the forces acting upon it. That includes close examination of the solids, liquids and gasses that have shaped the Earth's surface over time, making up its natural resources or hazards and constituting its ecosystems.Dec 2, 2020

Is geology an easy course?

Students interested in geology can prepare by taking basic courses in math, science and geography. Geology is not any more difficult or easy to learn than any other academic subject. It is however a science and requires time and dedication if you want to achieve success in the subject.

Is geology class hard in college?

Geology is widely regarded as one of the easiest science classes you could take in college.Mar 21, 2022

Does geology involve math?

A geologist is a scientist who studies the solid and liquid matter that constitutes the Earth and terrestrial planets. Geologists usually engage studying geology, and approach this using mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology as well as other sciences.May 28, 2013

What is the salary for a geologist?

89,700 USD (2015)Geologist / Median pay (annual)

Is geologist a good career?

Geology is an exciting career for people interested in the Earth, mineral resource development, or a wide range of related fields where a background in earth science is an asset. Careers in Geology offer opportunities for field and office work in many areas of the world, often in places that few people ever get visit.

What is a college geology class like?

Our Introduction to Geology online college course explains the dynamics of the Earth including volcanoes, earthquakes, plate tectonics, streams, groundwater, glaciers, waves, wind and landslides.

What is a level geology like?

A Level Geology will introduce you to the science which studies the whole Earth. It covers a range of real life geological contexts (e.g. geohazards in Britain and the evolution of flight) and the challenges that face contemporary geoscience. You will learn about Geology in a range of different contexts.

What is the easiest science degree?

Psychology is commonly thought of as the easiest of the science majors thanks to its relative lack of complex math, although psych majors can still expect to do a fair amount of statistical analysis on their way to a degree.Sep 12, 2020

Which is better geology or physics?

Physics is a much better subject than geology in terms of future Job prospect, especially in the field of teaching and research. It is a Fundamental science where as geology is a natural science subject. Geology has very few job openings in Academics. This subject has not been introduced in school level.

What is the easiest science to take in high school?

What is the easiest science class to opt for in a high school?Oceanography.Earth/Physical Science.Biology.Optional Electives ( Forensic Science, Environmental Science, Zoology, Astronomy, etc.)Chemistry.Physics.Feb 17, 2021

Online Geology Courses for Credit

Free online classes in geology allow students to access course materials that include lectures, labs, handouts and assignments. Students are unable to earn college credit by taking most of these classes. Rather, they allow students to work at their own pace and download course materials as part of their personal studies.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Introduction to Geology teaches concepts like erosion, rock formation and the elements. Students can download lab instructions to access additional educational materials, and they may be able to work on some projects independently.

The Open University

Geological Processes in the British Isles explores how the British Isles have changed geologically and how these changes affect geology across the globe. Students learn about tectonic plates, geological theories and the formation of the British Isles. The class also includes a summary and questions to help students understand geology.

1. Geology Courses (edX)

E-learning platform edX has compiled a list of courses and certifications that help you to learn about the various aspects of geology from the top institutions and universities of the world. Some of the topics covered in the programs include learning about geological structures, processes and resources, solar system, and environmental issues.

2. Geology Certificates by Colleges (Coursera)

If you are searching for content in Geology, then these 30+ courses recommended by Coursera are worth a look. The content will not only help you to improve your knowledge about oceanography, mountains, Earth’s evolution, groundwater contaminants to name a few.

3. Geology Classes Online (Udemy)

Here you will find every necessary program and tutorial on the science of earth, starting from a crash course to advanced topics. If you are new to the field and would like some guidance in choosing the suitable classes then you can take a short quiz available that will narrow down the choices for you.

4. Introduction to Geology Online College Course (University of North Dakota)

This college-level certification offered by the University of North Dakota will allow you to learn about all the different aspects of earth and explore the dynamics between them. Commence by learning about the various types of rocks, volcanic activities, and minerals. Following this discuss water sources, glaciers and the evolution of geology.

5. Learn Geology Online (OpenLearn)

OpenLearn has been created with the vision to provide education to millions of learners irrespective of their background. Explore tons of courses and certification on the standard concepts of earth science as well as out of the box topics.

What is environmental geology?

Environmental geology focusing on understanding global and current environmental problems and their relationships with geological processes. Emphasis on case histories of geologic hazards and environmental impact of resources extraction and use. Requirements for a sustainable society analyzed.…

What is archaeological geology?

Archaeological geology examines the use of earth science methods and theories in the study of archaeological sites and their contents. The four major areas covered include: (1) the archaeological site and geology; (2) age determination techniques; (3) exploration techniques; (4) artifact….

What is geochemical dispersion?

Geochemical dispersion and survey of common pathfinder elements; methods of instrumental analysis used in geochemical exploration. Background theory of gravity, magnetic, electromagnetic, and electrical techniques used in resource exploration. Field based projects.

What is geologic time scale?

The geologic time scale; interactions of physical, chemical, and biological processes through time. Origin of life; evolution and distribution of plants and animals through time. Geologic history of North America. Emphasis on….

What is the purpose of GIS?

Principles and applications of geographic information systems (GIS). Examines the nature and accuracy of spatially referenced data, as well as methods of data capture, storage, retrieval, visualization, modeling, and output using one or more GIS software packages.

What are the basic aspects of oceanography?

Basic aspects of oceanography: ocean basins and plate tectonics, shallow and deep ocean circulation, waves and tides, marine biology and ecology, marine sediments, chemistry of seawater, paleoceanography, and environmental oceanography.

What is mineral crystallography?

Mineral crystallography, determinations of optical properties with the petrographic microscope, x-ray diffraction and structural formula determinations. Introduction to mineral…

What is geology course?

Geology is the core discipline of the earth sciences and encompasses many different phenomena, including plate tectonics and mountain building, volcanoes and earthquakes, and the long-term evolution of Earth’s atmosphere, surface and life.

Why is geology important?

Because of the ever-increasing demand for resources, the growing exposure to natural hazards, and the changing climate, geology is of considerable societal relevance. This course introduces students to the basics of geology.

What is MIT OpenCourseWare?

MIT OpenCourseWare is a free & open publication of material from thousands of MIT courses, covering the entire MIT curriculum. No enrollment or registration. Freely browse and use OCW materials at your own pace. There's no signup, and no start or end dates. Knowledge is your reward.

What is the tapestry of time and terrain?

This digital tapestry outlines the geologic story of continent al collision and break-up, mountain-building, river erosion and deposition, ice-cap glaciation, volcanism, and other events and processes that have shaped the region over the last 2.6 billion years. (Image and text courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey .)

Open Educational Resources

This text is provided to you as an Open Educational Resource which you access online. It is designed to give you a comprehensive introduction to Geology at no or very nominal cost.

Tips for study

Each chapter begins with a list of KEY CONCEPTS you should be able to grasp through effective study of the chapter material. These are stated as Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) in behavioral terms. In other words, when you have completed study of that chapter, you should be able to do stated things with your understanding.
