what do you learn in a modern latin america history course

by Mr. Martin Walker MD 6 min read

This course is founded on student-led critical analysis of historical writing and sources. Students will learn how to evaluate conflicting historical narratives and assess why and how these narratives matter. Students will consider the value of different forms of historical representation and perspective, such as history “from below,” micro-history, women’s history, global history, and biography. Students will learn how to interpret and evaluate a wide array of primary sources (including correspondence, writing, oral histories, photographs, art, video, and maps) and practice using sources to elaborate or challenge narratives about the past. In addition to a strong understanding of the major problems in Modern Latin American History, by the end of the semester students will have a strong introduction to historical thinking as an integral part of a liberal education and a way of approaching intellectual problems.

Students will learn how to evaluate conflicting historical narratives and assess why and how these narratives matter. Students will consider the value of different forms of historical representation and perspective, such as history “from below,” micro-history, women's history, global history, and biography.Feb 9, 2022

Full Answer

What are the best books on Latin American history?

Course Description: This course is a general survey of Latin American history from 1800 to the present, providing students familiarity with the region and preparing them for future, more specialized studies. While Latin America is united by a common history of Spanish and Portuguese imperialism, it is also an incredibly diverse region, presenting

Why do we learn Latin?

- Competently discuss key historical events in modern Latin American history. - Understand the relationship between macro-level political, economic, and social developments in Latin American history and the lives of ordinary Latin Americans. - Understand the difference between a primary and a secondary source and be able to

What are the key issues in Latin American history?

Therefore, consider this course as the “people’s history” of modern Latin America. Some of the themes and topics we will examine in this course include: violence, race, slavery, gender, nation, class, sexuality, labor, and memory. The following questions will guide our discussion in this course: What were the factors that

Why learn Latin for 1000 years?

2022. Professor Kirsten Weld. This course explores the history of Mexico in the 19th and 20th centuries, emphasizing the importance of historical approaches to understanding critical phenomena in contemporary Mexican affairs. Topics covered include colonial legacies, race and ethnicity, the Mexican Revolution, the border, nation-building and development, Mexico-US …

What do you learn in Latin American studies?

Latin American Studies is an interdisciplinary curriculum that focuses on the history, politics, social organization, economy, geography, music, religion, art, and literature of Central and South America, Mexico, and the Caribbean. A student may earn the certificate or the minor in Latin American Studies, but not both.

What do you know about Latin American history?

History. Latin America came to fruition in the 1500's after European “discovery” of the New World. Countries such as Spain, France and Portugal colonized the region. Although most of Latin America was colonized by Spain, the countries of Portugal and France also had major influences on the region.

Why is it important to learn Latin American history?

Latin American studies offers knowledge produced both in Latin America and the United States about this region, and prepares students for critical thinking and analysis of their own disciplinary skills in relation to Latin American societies, histories, and cultures.Sep 11, 2020

What is Latin American history in high school?

Course Description: An elective course that examines Latin American culture, history, society, and geography. Students will study in-depth the cultural and ethnic distinctions that exist between Latin-American countries, both historical and contemporary.

What is Latin America known for?

Latin America is a region full of diversity, culture, and traditions and is known for the hospitality of its people and their joy for life. Latin American culture is the result of a combination of European, indigenous, and African influences. Spanish is the main language in most of the region.Jan 5, 2022

What defines Latin America?

Culturally and linguistically, Latin America is defined as nations in the Americas and the Caribbean whose residents predominantly speak Spanish or Portuguese—two of the many languages descended from Latin.Sep 13, 2017

Why is Latin America important today?

In the post-Cold War world, Latin America and the Caribbean have emerged as more important than ever. The dynamism of the region's cultures, its prodigious agricultural capacity and vast energy reserves have made the region's place in the global community more significant than at any time since the colonial era.

Why is Latin America interesting?

Latin America is the most urbanized continent in the world with almost 80% of its citizens living in cities. Mambo, salsa, cha-cha-cha, rumba and tango dances all come from Latin America. It has the shortest coastline, compared to its size, of any continent. The official name of for Mexico is the United Mexican States.Sep 19, 2016

Why is Latin American literature important?

Overall, Hispanic and Latinx authors serve as critical voices in portraying the American way of life. A study of this literature reveals the unique experiences of Hispanic and Latinx Americans while also showcasing the complexities of American identity as a whole.Aug 13, 2021

What is the purpose of the course "Social Revolutions in Latin America"?

The objective is for students to gain a critical understanding of the origins, development, and impact of revolutionary movements in Latin America during the twentieth century . The course examines several case studies, which may include Mexico, Cuba, Chile, Nicaragua, the Zapatista uprising in Chiapas, and the so-called "Bolivarian revolution" of Venezuela. Our goal is to identify similarities and differences... Read more#N#about AFRAMER 199X/History 1937: Social Revolutions in Latin America

What is the course of Tamar Herzog?

Professor Tamar Herzog. This course is an introductory survey of colonial Latin American history, spanning the sixteenth to the early nineteenth century. Organized chronologically and thematically, it will examine developments in Spanish and Portuguese America by reading both secondary and primary sources (available in English translation).

Who is Professor Tamar Herzog?

Professor Tamar Herzog. This workshop aims to provide students with an historical perspective on the phenomenon of legal pluralism world-wide, but with a focus on the medieval and early modern worlds, Europe and its colonies. Assignments and class discussions will feature a mix of major works in the field of legal history, introducing students to critical methodologies and historiographical debates, and workshop presentations by leading historians currently writing on questions of legal pluralism. Further information about the topics to be... Read more

Syllabus Archive

The following syllabi come from a variety of different terms. They illustrate the evolution of this course over time, and are intended to provide alternate views into the instruction of this course.


This class is a selective survey of Latin American history from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present.


Class attendance is mandatory. I will take attendance each week; students who miss more than one class session will fail the subject. Students must come prepared to discuss each week's assignments. Students will complete ten homework assignments, due as indicated on the syllabus.

Statement on Cheating and Plagiarism

The web now hosts many sites which offer college-level papers of varying quality on a variety of topics. I am well acquainted with these sites, and with others that offer detection services to professors. Buying a paper and submitting it as your own work is cheating.

Who is Adam Waters?

He is the former Editor-in-Chief of the Brown Journal of World Affairs, and the co-founder and Executive Editor of the Brown Human Rights Report. Adam Waters is an undergraduate at Brown University, concentrating in History with a focus on U.S.-Latin American relations.

Who is Mark Baumer?

Mark Baumer received a Masters in Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Brown University and is a Web Content Support Specialist for the Brown Library. He has taught Creative Writing at Brown and has designed websites for a number of years.

Why is Latin important?

Latin is the best preparation for learning any language. Which brings me to the 6th reason to learn Latin. Latin is the best preparation for learning a Romance language, or any language. Once you really understand how language works, the task of learning a new language will be more than cut in half.

What is Latin study?

Latin is a unit study where the work is done for you. The appeal of a unit study is that everything is connected and integrated. Things stick together and make more sense. So much of learning is fragmented into subjects that seem isolated from each other. But creating a unit study is a lot of work, and unit studies are limited to a small section of knowledge.

What is the name of the rock that has changed form under great pressure?

And sedimentary rock that is laid down in sediment comes from the Latin word sedeo sedere, to sit, to settle. And lastly, metamorphic rock, like marble and granite, is rock that has changed form under great pressure. Metamorphic comes from the Greek meta, to change, and morphe, form, through Latin, to change form.

What is the Latin language?

Latin is the language of law, government, logic, and theology. Not only does Latin provide the root words for all of the modern sciences (Reason 3), but Latin is the language of law, politics, logic, and theology. While a large number of words in science come from Greek, law is the exclusive domain of the Latin language.

What is the name of the day of summer when the sun is highest in the sky?

Or the summer solstice, June 21, the one day of summer that has the longest day and the shortest night, when the sun is highest in the sky. Sol is Latin for sun. Or the three kinds of rocks that students learn in geology: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.

What is the science term for the one day of spring?

Here are a few science terms that come up even in elementary school ( Figure 5 ). The vernal equinox is the one day of spring when day and night are equal. Vernal comes from the Latin word for spring , ver , veris. You know, like pasta primavera , spring pasta. Or the summer solstice, June 21, the one day of summer that has the longest day and the shortest night, when the sun is highest in the sky. Sol is Latin for sun.

What is the language of the barbarians?

English is a Germanic language and, the Germans being barbarians, had mostly concrete, common, everyday words, the words children learn to speak and read first in primary school. But, beginning in 3rd grade, students start to encounter the Latin half of English.
