what do i do if there are restrictions in a course uci

by May Blanda 5 min read

How do I apply for admission to UCI?

A 4-digit authorization code from the instructor or department is required in order to fulfill an add, drop, or change request via WebReg. A student may use the B restriction authorization code for multiple enrollment transactions (add, drop, and change) for the authorized course.

Can I repeat a class at UCI?

Feb 05, 2019 · Regulations. Translations of the UCI Constitution and Regulations in various languages are available on the website of several National Federations. These texts provide guidance for users, however they cannot be considered as official texts binding the responsibility of the UCI. In the case of disparity between the UCI’s original version and ...

Does UCI have pass/not pass grades?

A course at UCI normally offers four quarter units of credit, and, in the following text, the term “course” may be understood to carry four units. The grade point average is the sum of all accumulated grade points (grade points earned in a course taken for a letter grade times the unit value of the course) divided by the sum of all units ...

Will UCI offer in-person or online courses for winter 2022?

You do not satisfy one of the restrictions placed on the course. Major and school restrictions are common as are 'NOR' (New-Only Reserved), seats reserved for first time students. Check the comments in WebSOC for details. The course is full or it conflicts with another course you are already enrolled in. Look for an alternate time or add yourself to the waitlist.

How long do enrollment exceptions take UCI?

2-3 business daysHow long will it take to process my Enrollment Exception request? The Enrollment Exception process requires multiple approvals and each required approval is typically reviewed within 2-3 business days.

Can you take more than 20 units UCI?

Students wishing to take more than 20 units in an academic quarter must have a cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.5 and a previous quarter Grade Point Average of 3.5 in twelve (12) graded units. No exceptions are granted regardless of reason.

Can you retake a class UCI?

For all classes at UCI, you may repeat only if your most recent grade was C- or below. For the first 16 units you repeat, the new grade replaces the old grade in the calculation of your GPA (even if the new grade is lower).

What grade do you need to pass a class UCI?

A student who earns a grade of C (2.0) or better will have a Pass/Not Pass grade recorded as Pass. If the student earns a grade of C- or below, the grade will be recorded as a Not Pass, and no unit credit will be received for the course.

Can you have two minors at UCI?

You can overlap a maximum of 2 classes between your major and your minor. You cannot overlap classes between two minors....Breadcrumb.Current Minors (and Link to Site)Link to UCI CatalogueArchaeology[catalogueArmenian Studies[catalogueArt History[catalogueAsian American Studies[catalogue35 more rows

How do I double major at UCI?

A request for a double major requires the online approval of both schools or programs offering the majors for any major change to occur. If your petition is approved by your academic advising office, StudentAccess will reflect the change to your academic record immediately.

How many times can I retake a course UCI?

16 unitsYou may repeat courses, up to a maximum of 16 units, in which you receive grades of C- or below (or NP). If the course was originally taken on a letter grade basis, it must be repeated on a letter grade basis.

Is a C passing at UCI?

A "C" grade or higher is needed to "Pass" and receive credit. If a course is taken for a Letter Grade, you only need a "D-" to receive credit (with the exception of Writing courses, which require at least a "C" to fulfill the requirement).

Does pass no pass affect GPA UCI?

General FAQ's. How do P/NP courses affect my GPA? Pass and No Pass grade do not carry any grade points; they have no impact on your GPA.

Is a/d still passing?

D - this is still a passing grade, and it's between 59% and 69% F - this is a failing grade.Jan 10, 2022

What is the average GPA for UCI?

4Average GPA: 4 The average GPA at UC Irvine is 4. This makes UC Irvine Extremely Competitive for GPAs. With a GPA of 4, UC Irvine requires you to be at the top of your class. You'll need nearly straight A's in all your classes to compete with other applicants.

Is D minus passing?

A passing grade grants students credit for an academic course. Students who do not earn a passing grade do not receive credit on their transcript for that class. Each college sets its own minimum passing grade. At some schools, a D-minus is the lowest passing grade.Aug 4, 2021

Advanced Placement

  1. A. My AP scores are missing from my academic record. What should I do?
  2. B. How do I correct discrepancies to the Advanced Placement (AP) scores on my academic record?
See more on reg.uci.edu


  1. A. How may I get a course description of a particular course offered during the current academic year?
  2. B. How can I find classes in the Schedule of Classes?
  3. C. Can I audit a class?
  4. D. The course I would like to enroll in has a restriction. What does this mean?
See more on reg.uci.edu


  1. A. When will my degree post to my academic transcript?
  2. B. Who certifies my degree?
  3. C. How can an employer verify my degree?
See more on reg.uci.edu


  1. A. I completed IGETC (Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum) prior to transferring to UC Irvine, but it is not checked off on my degree audit. How do I correct this?
  2. B. The transfer course work I completed outside of UC Irvine (e.g., community college) was sent to Admissions, but the courses are not visible on my degree audit. How do I correct this?
  3. C. Transfer course work that should fulfill my degree requirements appears in the Electives s…
  1. A. I completed IGETC (Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum) prior to transferring to UC Irvine, but it is not checked off on my degree audit. How do I correct this?
  2. B. The transfer course work I completed outside of UC Irvine (e.g., community college) was sent to Admissions, but the courses are not visible on my degree audit. How do I correct this?
  3. C. Transfer course work that should fulfill my degree requirements appears in the Electives section of my degree audit. How do I correct this?
  4. D. Why is my degree audit not updated with the course(s) I completed to fulfill my General Education requirements?


  1. A.When will my diploma be available?
  2. B. My minor is not noted on my diploma. Is this a mistake?
  3. C. I have a double major. Will I receive two diplomas?
  4. D. Can I get a copy of my diploma?
See more on reg.uci.edu


  1. A. When can I view my enrollment window?
  2. B. How was my window assigned?
  3. C. When can I use WebReg to enroll in courses?
  4. D. WebReg is no longer available. How do I modify my class schedule (add, drop, or change)?
See more on reg.uci.edu

Enrollment Exceptions

  1. A. When may I submit an Enrollment Exception request?
  2. B. Can I request an Enrollment Exception to drop at 5:01 p.m. Friday of the 2nd week of instruction?
  3. C. Where should I go to make an Enrollment Exception request?
  4. D. Who approves or denies my Enrollment Exception request?
See more on reg.uci.edu

General Education/Breadth

  • A. Can you provide something in writing stating that I have completed my General Education/Breadth requirements?
See more on reg.uci.edu


  1. A. Why did I receive a grade of NR for the class I took?
  2. B. What is needed to make the dean's honor list?
See more on reg.uci.edu

Other Institutions

  1. A. I'm taking courses at another institution. Can you tell me if my courses will fulfill my General Education/Breadth requirements at UCI?
  2. B. I took a class at another college. Where should I send my transcript?
  3. C. Another institution sent my transcript to UCI, when will the coursework be reflected on my UCI academic record?
  1. A. I'm taking courses at another institution. Can you tell me if my courses will fulfill my General Education/Breadth requirements at UCI?
  2. B. I took a class at another college. Where should I send my transcript?
  3. C. Another institution sent my transcript to UCI, when will the coursework be reflected on my UCI academic record?
  4. D. I am applying to a school that requires semester hours on their application. How many quarter units equal a semester unit?