what commonsense observation makes the theory of acquired characteristics unlikely? course hero

by Giles Schowalter 9 min read

What common-sense observation makes the theory of blending inheritance unlikely?

What common-sense observation makes the theory of blending inheritance unlikely? This theory states that genetic information is mixed in an offspring and never separated. Some traits, however, disappear from one generation to the next, only to reappear in a subsequent generation.

What is the inheritance of acquired characteristics?

The inheritance of acquired characteristics postulates that traits acquired in a person's lifetime alter the genetic material and can be transmitted to offspring. Our modern theory of heredity indicates that offspring inherit genes located on chromosomes passed from their parents.

What is preformationism simple observation?

Preformationism states that the egg or sperm carries a miniature adult, which would mean that all characteristics come from either the mother or father. Simple observation shows that offspring have traits from both parents. What common-sense observation makes the theory of acquired characteristics unlikely?

What traits of a species make it ideal as a model?

List some traits of a species that make it ideal as a genetic model organism. (1) Short generation time (2) Sufficient, but not excessive, numbers of progeny for study (3) Adaptability to a laboratory environment (4) Ability to be inexpensively housed and propagated (5) Small size

What common sense observation makes the theory of acquired characteristics unlikely?

What common-sense observation makes the theory of acquired characteristics unlikely? This theory states that characteristics acquired during one's lifetime are passed to offspring. However, anatomical changes, like the loss of a limb, or the removal of a mouse's tail, are not seen in offspring.

What other traits in humans do you think follow the characteristics of simple inherited traits?

Inherited Traits ExamplesTongue rolling.Earlobe attachment.Dimples.Curly hair.Freckles.Handedness.Hairline shape.Green/Red Colourblindness.More items...

Which characteristics Cannot be inherited?

Perms, tattoos, scars, and amputations are semi-permanent and highly visible. Applying makeup, nail polish, dying one's hair, applying henna to the skin, and tooth whitening are not examples of acquired traits. They change the appearance of a facet of an organism, but do not change the structure or functionality.

Which among the following are the traits that you Cannot inherit from any of your relatives?

Scarred eyebrow is an acquired trait which is never passed on to the offspring because scarring does not change the genes of the reproductive cells of the parent.

What are the traits of a species that make it ideal as a genetic model organism?

List some traits of a species that make it ideal as a genetic model organism. (1) Short generation time. (2) Sufficient , but not excessive, numbers of progeny for study. (3) Adaptability to a laboratory environment.

Which theory states that specific particles carry genetic information from all parts of the body to the reproductive organs?

Pangenesis postulates that specific particles (called gemmules) carry genetic information from all parts of the body to the reproductive organs, and then the genetic information is conveyed to the embryo where each unit directs the formation of its own specific part of the body.

How is the phenotype of an offspring determined?

Rather, the offspring's phenotype is determined by mRNA or protein factors in the oocyte. So while genes related to the trait are inherited from both parents (not so for the cytoplasmic inheritance), in a given generation, phenotype is determined exclusively by the mother's, not the offspring's, genotype.

What is the germplasm theory?

According to the germplasm theory, gamete-producing cells found within the reproductive organs contain a complete set of genetic information that is passed to the gametes. The two concepts are similar in that both propose that genetic information is contained in discrete units that are passed on to offspring.

Is Bob's mother heterozygous?

Bob's mother must be heterozygous X+Xc because she has normal color vision, and she must have inherited a color-blind X chromosome from her color-blind father. For Bob to inherit two color-blind X chromosomes from his mother, the egg must have arisen from a nondisjunction in meiosis II.