what classes do you take in p.a course

by Prof. Kenneth Torphy 9 min read

So the basic classes you will need for PA school are typically as follows:

  • Biology w/ lab - usually 2 semesters
  • General chemistry w/ lab - usually 2 semesters
  • Anatomy and Physiology w/ lab - usually 2 semesters of a combined course or one of each if they are separate
  • Statistics or Biostatistics - Some schools will only accept one of these so be sure to check the program's website and if you still are not clear, call the program ...

As a PA student, you'll receive classroom instruction in:
  • Anatomy.
  • Physiology.
  • Biochemistry.
  • Pharmacology.
  • Physical diagnosis.
  • Pathophysiology.
  • Microbiology.
  • Clinical laboratory science.

What classes do you take in PA school?

They include classroom instruction and clinical rotations. As a PA student, you’ll receive classroom instruction in: Anatomy. Physiology. Biochemistry. Pharmacology. Physical diagnosis. Pathophysiology.

What classes do I need to take at UC Berkeley?

UC Berkeley course sequence most students use to fulfill requirements. General (Inorganic) Chemistry & Organic Chemistry. Most schools require 2 semesters of general chemistry with lab while some schools require an additional 2 semesters of organic chemistry with lab. For 1 yr requirements:

Are PA classes open to all PA students?

PA classes are open to enrolled PA students only. All PA students must complete the entire PA curriculum to be considered eligible for graduation and completion of the program. The UF PA School Curriculum is a 24 month length of study.

Should I take anatomy and physician assistant (PA) classes?

Most medical schools don't even require anatomy or some of these other courses, but it's because they study anatomy for an entire year, while PA students typically do it in 1 semester! These are tough classes, so if you are able to spread them out, that may be in your favor if you are able to get better grades.

What do you study in PA school?

Once you complete the basic science classes, then you get into more practical topics. Subjects like cardiology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, etc. In each of these classes, you'll learn about specific diseases related to a body system, and how to treat them.

Are PA classes hard?

While PA school can become overwhelmingly difficult, it's only the beginning of a much more challenging profession ahead. Studying for exams is, in fact, the easy part.

What education is required to be a physician assistant?

Master's degreePhysician associates / Entry level education

How much sleep do you get in PA school?

7-8 hours on weekdays(didactic) usually but around 5 before a hard exam. I get 8-10 on the weekends.

How long is a typical PA program?

approximately 26 monthsLearn more about getting into a PA program: Full list of PA programs with requirements (healthcare experience hours, standardized exams, prerequisite coursework, GPA, etc.) Most programs are approximately 26 months (3 academic years) and award master's degrees. They include classroom instruction and clinical rotations.

What is a PA salary?

115,390 USD (2020)Physician associates / Median pay (annual)

How many years does it take to be a PA?

Currently you need 2-4 years of undergraduate study/university level coursework to apply to PA school. Each PA program is different when it comes to requirements.

How much do physician assistants make?

$112,260 per yearPhysician assistant average income and wage According to current data from the BLS, physician assistants in the U.S. earned an average of $112,260 per year or $53.97 in hourly wages in 2019.

What is the minimum GPA required for a bachelor's degree?

Students are expected to maintain a minimum grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 (“B”) in all course work. If the cumulative GPA falls below 3.0, students are placed on academic probation. Only two courses may be repeated in meeting the GPA of at least 3.0 (“B”) required for the degree. “Satisfactory” and “Unsatisfactory” grades are not included in the GPA.

What is the grade of a student on probation?

If a course grade is below “C,” students are placed on academic probation even if the GPA is above 3.0. Students must obtain a GPA of at least 3.0 (“B”) in each semester. If the GPA for any semester is below 3.0, students are placed on academic probation.

What is a clinical grade?

The clinical grade includes a review of the student’s clinical performance and professional conduct as determined by the preceptor at each site. A grade of at least “C” in each clinical rotation is required. If a student fails a rotation, repeating it is at the discretion of the preceptor and Program Director.

How long is Principles of Medicine?

Principles of Medicine 1. 4 Hours. Presents a systems approach to the principles of disease processes and includes such topics as physiology, pathophysiology, the natural history of disease, diagnostic procedures, and therapeutic measures.

How long do you have to take prerequisite classes for PA?

Many programs require that prerequisite courses be taken within 5 years of the application date. PA programs are generally fine with courses being completed ...

Is PA a community college?

PA programs are generally fine with courses being completed at a community college. An online list of PA programs by state, including admissions deadlines, entrance requirements, credentials awarded, fees etc. Following are some of the most common courses required and recommended. Course Subject. # Semesters.

How to get into PA school?

Step 1: Get prerequisites and health care experience. Application to PA school is highly competitive. Look into PA programs you want to apply to as early as your freshman year in college. You’ll typically need to complete at least two years of college coursework in basic and behavioral sciences before applying to a PA program, ...

What are the prerequisites for a PA program?

The majority of PA programs have the following prerequisites: Chemistry. Physiology. Anatomy. Microbiology. Biology. Many PA programs also require prior health care experience with hands-on patient care. You can get health care experience by being a (not an exhaustive list): Medical assistant.

How many hours of CME do I need to become a physician assistant?

Step 5: Maintain your certification. To maintain national certification, you need to complete 100 hours of continuing medical education (CME) credits every two years and take a recertification exam (the Physician Assistant National Recertifying Exam, or PANRE) every 10 years. CME FAQs.

What classes do you need to be a PA?

Individuals aspiring to become a PA (physician assistant) must display an academic penchant for the sciences. Excellence in classes like chemistry and biology will be apparent during the high school years. Anyone who struggles with the physical sciences in middle and high school will need to choose an alternative career.

What is the PA program?

Becoming a PA is analogous to taking an accelerated and abbreviated program in medicine. In preparation for college programs, individuals should load up their high school curriculum with as many science classes as possible.

What majors are offered at Arizona State University?

in this major, at Arizona State University, offers classes in General Biology, General Chemistry, Statistics for Life Sciences, General Genetics, Organic Chemistry Lab, and English Composition. The latter course is a requirement for some schools’ admissions.

How many semesters do you need to be a Penn State student?

Depending on the college, the admission requirements may require applicants to have at least one semester in the following: The courses above refer to the PA program at Penn State College of Medicine in Hershey, Pennsylvania. These class requirements are indicative of most schools.

Is GCU a biology major?

Biology. Not all undergraduate programs in this major are devoted to biology. At Grand Canyon University (GCU), its pre-pharmacy B.S. in Biology has an array of courses that are advantageous to your PA studies. In addition to the standard biology and chemistry, GCU includes the following: Anatomy and Physiology.

Is GCU a pre-pharmacy school?

Not all undergraduate programs in this major are devoted to biology. At Grand Canyon University (GCU), its pre-pharmacy B.S. in Biology has an array of courses that are advantageous to your PA studies. In addition to the standard biology and chemistry, GCU includes the following:

What is philosophy course?

A philosophy course is a great way to use your mind in a new way to do critical thinking. You may even find a "critical thinking" philosophy course. (Not to mention, your ability to think critically is a concern among PA educators.)

What is nutrition training in PA?

While you will get some training on nutrition in PA school, it will mostly be centered on nutrition in particular diseases rather than general nutrition. In the real world, your patients will have questions about nutrition, be following fad diets, and need advice on adopting healthier habits.

What are some counseling skills?

Some basic counseling skills can help you to be a haven for a victim of abuse, manage a bickering couple as you try to perform an exam, or conduct an interview that balances the input of both a patient and a caregiver.

Do PA programs have pharmacology?

Most PA programs do have a stand-alone pharmacology course. The uses, effects, and modes of action of drugs are crucial to anyone who will one day work in medicine, and teaching these fundamentals is essential to PA programs. But, pharmacology is a vast topic. There is a lot to absorb, and things move quickly.

How many semesters are there in PA?

So the basic classes you will need for PA school are typically as follows: Biology w/ lab - usually 2 semesters. General chemistry w/ lab - usually 2 semesters. Anatomy and Physiology w/ lab - usually 2 semesters of a combined course or one of each if they are separate.

Do you need anatomy for medical school?

Most medical schools don't even require anatomy or some of these other courses, but it's because they study anatomy for an entire year, while PA students typically do it in 1 semester! These are tough classes, so if you are able to spread them out, that may be in your favor if you are able to get better grades.


Pathobiology. that and A+P were the best courses I took as an undergrad.


An undergrad class that has been surprisingly helpful (and interesting) was embryology. I would recommend that along with micro, biochem, bio, anatomy etc. (the usual suspects). Gen chem, organic chem while required prereqs have been just about useless to me


I would really continue to study anatomy. You can never know too much. If they offer a pathophysiology course I would also take that.


Pathophysiology without a doubt. It will give you a background on much you will study in way more detail during your didactic year.


Thank you all for your responses! Unfortunately, there is no pathophysiology undergraduate course offered at my school. However, there are Virology and Parasitology courses.


I thought cell biology / molecular biology was helpful, but not overwhelmingly so. Would not risk the GPA if it's a known GPA killer.


agreed with everybody else who recommends pathophys as the number 1 most important. make sure you have a solid foundation in anat and phys because they speed through that in PA school; even if you finished the class already, it would be worth it to revisit the respective anat/phys as a preview to each body system you talk about in pathophys.
