what bullet for short line across the course

by Davon Mante 3 min read

I'd recommend the Hornady 75 gr HPBT at the short lines and the 75 gr A-max at 500-1000. They're great bullets at a good price. The A-Max may not stabilize well from a 1:8 on cold days; I use a 1:7.

Full Answer

What bullet should I start with in my barrel?

Apr 24, 2012 · I'd recommend the Hornady 75 gr HPBT at the short lines and the 75 gr A-max at 500-1000. They're great bullets at a good price. The A-Max may not stabilize well from a 1:8 on cold days; I use a 1:7. VV N-550 will give the maximum velocity at sane pressures for 800-1000,and works best with WSR primers.

What is the best bullet to use for self defense?

May 06, 2009 · The new 6.5mm 100-grainer was created in response to requests from High Power and Across-the-Course shooters for a lighter-recoiling, accurate boat-tail bullet for “short line” work. We predict this bullet may also work well for varmint and small-game hunters. This bullet features a short boat-tail and a “mildly secant” design which should work well either seated into …

What is the best grain bullet for hunting?

Jul 17, 2021 · The .243 is a great round for mule deer hunting. The high-speed flat shooting .243 is custom made for the wide expanses you’ll find in mule deer hunting. You can take mule deer at short ranges of 50 to 75 yards in heavy timber, but more …

What are the different types of bullets?

Depending on the course of fire, bullets from 52-53 grains to 80 grains will serve quite well. For across-the-course shooting, most competitors will use the 77 grain MatchKing at 200 and 300 yards, and the 80 grain MatchKing at the 600 yard line. The 80 grain MatchKings have also been used successfully at 1000 yards.

What are the 3 main types of bullets?

Ammunition: One or more loaded cartridges consisting of a primed case, propellant, and projectile(s). Three main types are rimfire, centerfire, and shotshell.

How far will a 9mm bullet travel in a straight line?

A 9 mm bullet can travel even farther because it's smaller. "A 9 mm can travel 2.5 to 3 miles, sometimes a little further depending on the shape of the bullet," he said.Apr 2, 2019

What is a short round bullet?

22 Short bullets are made of lead (usually coated with grease or wax, or copper) in round nose or hollow point styles. Bullets for use at shooting galleries were often made of compressed powdered metal that disintegrated on impact to avoid ricochets and over-penetration of backstops.

What is a SBT bullet?

SBT GameKing® – Spitzer Boat Tail bullets are designed for hunting at long range, where their extra margin of performance can make the critical difference. GameKing® bullets feature a boat tail design to bring hunters the ballistic advantage of match bullets.

HOW FAR CAN 5.56 bullet travel?

According to theUS Army Technical Manual, the 556 cartridge has a 547-yard range for individual or point targets with a carbine (area target range is up to 650 yards). When used in a rifle, the individual or point targets range is up to 602 yards, and the area target is up to 875 yards.

How fast is a 9mm bullet in mph?

102 miles per hourBullets from a 9mm handgun may max out at speeds as low as 102 miles per hour. And a . 30 caliber bullet, according to Mattoo's equation, might do so at only 85 miles per hour.Feb 15, 2017

Can you use 22 Short in a 22 LR?

The good news for the . 22 Short is that it can be safely used in any firearm chambered for . 22 LR. And since gun makers have chambered virtually every action in .Oct 12, 2021

Can you shoot 22 WMR in a 22 LR?

The answer is no. The . 22LR cartridge will fit into the . 22WMR chamber but, due to the difference in size, the fit is loose and, if fired, can damage the firearm or injure the shooter.

Are there different types of 22 ammo?

The . 22LR is by far the most popular today with bullet weights ranging from 20 to 60 grains and all kinds of styles — lead, copper plated, round nose, hollow points — and even shotshells for dispatching rats or snakes.

What is spire point ammo?

The spitzer bullet, also commonly referred to as a spire point (Spire Point is a proprietary term describing a spitzer style bullet), is primarily a small-arms ballistics development of the late 19th and early 20th century, driven by military desire for aerodynamic bullet designs that will give a higher degree of ...

What is a Norma Spitzer bullet?

The Norma Spitzer is world renowned for being an extremely versatile big game hunting bullet that expands at all practical ranges, and holds together for deep penetration.

What is SPT bullet?

In rifles, this bullet is fully capable of producing 1/4 minute of angle accuracy at velocities that would destroy most other bullets. Each bullet has the Spitzer point shape and a flat base. These bullets are the choice of many accomplished varmint hunters.

How good is a 243 for deer hunting

There are two types of deer hunting in the continental United States, eastern whitetail hunting, and the wide, expansive long-range hunting of mule deer in the west. Not surprisingly to enthusiasts of the .243, this caliber works well in both styles of hunting.

What is the best 243 bullet for deer

Ask a dozen hunters what the best .243 bullet for deer is, and you’ll likely get a dozen different answers. While opinions may vary, ballistics do not.

Best grain 243 for deer

Conventional wisdom is often bad advice in many situations, but when it comes to selecting the best grain bullet in a .243 for deer hunting, the consensus among amateur and professional alike is the 100-grain bullet.

243 range for deer

There is more to hunting at long range than simply hitting the target. For generations, the standard for humanly killing a deer is to deliver a round with a minimum of 1000 foot-pounds of energy.

243 for mule deer

Mule deer are a completely different species than their animated, nervous cousin the whitetail. Mule deer hunting is a vastly different sport than whitetail as well.

Tips for choosing 243 bullets for deer

There are a few considerations in choosing the right .243 bullet for deer hunting.


The .243 is relatively late to the deer hunting party, but it has made its impact, becoming the caliber of choice for both whitetail and mule deer hunters across the vastness of the USA.

What does it mean when a rifle is out of battery?

An out-of-battery firing occurs when the bolt is not fully closed and locked. This is less of a problem in the M16/AR-15 series of rifles due to their bolt design, but it can easily happen with the M1 or M14/M1A rifles. Several safety features are built into these rifles specifically to prevent this from happening. However, these safeties can be defeated, and the condition needs to be understood.

What is a slam fire?

Slam fires. Slam-fires are an ever-present danger with Service Rifles (particularly with the M1 and M14 family ). A slam-fire occurs when a round discharges as the bolt is closed. This can result in an accidental discharge with no other damage, or it can virtually destroy the rifle and injure the shooter.

Why is case selection important?

Case selection is a common facet of almost any type of reloading but becomes especially important when loading for the Service Rifle. Aside from the normal considerations of the functions a case must fulfill, the violent nature of the Service Rifle’s cycling imposes some unusual requirements on the reloader. Steps and/or techniques that are unnecessary when loading for other action types can be beneficial, even required when dealing with a semi-auto Service Rifle.

What is a service rifle?

The Service Rifle category, as the name implies, is limited to the M1 Garand, the M14, the M16A2 or their commercial/civilian equivalents. In the past, Match Rifle usually meant a bolt-action, often a Model 70, modified for “over-the-course” usage.

Is case trimming necessary for reloading?

Case trimming, probably considered the most onerous chore in any reloading operation, is unfortunately a necessary task. There is nothing different about the operation itself or the reasons for doing it in either a bolt-action or a Service Rifle. That said, semi-autos have a tendency toward greater case stretching than most other action types, and trimming may be required more frequently. Because of the larger quantities of cases so often associated with reloading for Service Rifles, some thought should be given to ways of streamlining this operation. In our own use, we’ve found the motorized trimmers to be the best option. Two of the most popular among competitive shooters are those made by Doyle Gracey and the Dillon 1200B trimmers.

What is a floating firing pin?

Referred to as a floating firing pin, it will actually strike the primer lightly when the bolt is closed. This results in a slight dimple in the primer, which is plainly visible if the unfired round is extracted.

What is a cartridge case?

In bolt-action rifles, the cartridge case serves as little more than a gasket, sealing the chamber and keeping gases from going back through the action. Their feeding, extraction and ejection cycles are, by comparison, exceptionally gentle.

Where are bullet comments popular?

Bullet comments not only received success in Japan, but also in China. Internet Users in China enjoyed the virtual community created by bullet comments and the enjoyment of being a part of the bullet screen.

Where is Chauncey Jung?

Chauncey Jung works with a unicorn Internet firm based out of Beijing. His professional experience pays him off an insider perspective over China’s internet industry. Completed his bachelor and master education in Canada, Chauncey is obsessed with trending technologies and economic developments across Asia.
