course numbering at iub kelley: what is bus-d

by Reva Harber 4 min read

Why the Kelley School of business?

BUS-X 272: Global Business Immersion (3 credits) P: BUS-D 270 with grade of C or higher; a n application is required to be a part of this course. Students may choose any course from a Kelley School of Business department (BUS) that ends in 272 (e.g., BUS-G 272, L272). An application is required to be a part of this course.

What is the reputation of Kelley University in Indiana?

BUS-D271 Global Business Analysis - International Business Management: Doing Business in China. 8 weeks; 1.5 credits; Prerequisite(s): BUS-D270 with a grade of C or higher This course will enable you to gain an understanding of, and appreciation for, the unique business environment in China and its impact on business activities.

Why the JLLC at IU?

may not receive credit for both A303 and BUS (C301 or X301). This course is taught by the CPCS department. • BUS–A 310 Management Decisions and Financial Reporting (3 cr.) P: BUS-A 201 or BUS-A 205 and BUS-A 202 or BUS-A 207, each course with a grade of C or higher. Accounting majors must take A311 and A312 (not A310). Provides students

Are there classes and operations at Kelley School?

Online Kelley/edX Programs. Earn an online Master of Science in Accounting or Information Technology Management from the Kelley School of Business via the edX platform. You can also earn the Personal Finance Professional Certificate, which includes an option to audit the courses for free. MS in Accounting. MS in IT Management.

How hard is standard admission to Kelley?

Standard admission requirements are rigorous. The required courses are often challenging for our most talented, hardworking students. With discipline and guidance, you can earn the A's and B's you need to succeed. The Kelley Admission team is here to support you.

How do I get direct admit to Kelley?

Fill out a petition to be considered for Kelley direct admission. The petition will autofill your GPA and test score (if applicable), and allow Kelley to access your transcripts.

How many students get direct admit to Kelley School of Business?

Kelley enrolls approximately 70% of its students through its Direct Admit program. Students not admitted into Kelley as freshmen may apply for internal transfer. Click here for requirements. Students not initially admitted into Farmer may enroll after completing 30 credits and if they earn a 3.5 GPA or above.

What is Camp Kelley at IU?

Camp Kelley is an immersive experience exclusively for Kelley Direct Admits that is designed to help you ease into college life. You'll make connections with fellow incoming Kelleys and K-Team leaders, discover resources available at Kelley and IU, and spark friendships that will last long after Camp Kelley ends.

What is the Kelley School of Business ranked?

Undergraduate Program—Bloomington
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What GPA do you need for Kelley School of Business?

IU Kelley School of Business

3.2 cumulative GPA with a 1170 SAT (including a minimum of 530 on the math component) or a 24 ACT (with a minimum of 21 or higher on the math component).

What is the average SAT score for Kelley School of Business?

Application PortalIndiana University Online Portal; Common Application; Coalition Application
Campus AreaUrban Area
Average ACT Score25-31
Average SAT Score1180-1370
Academic CalendarSemester based
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Is Kelley a top 10 business school?

The Kelley School of Business is ranked 10th overall for its Undergraduate Business Program according to US News & World Report.

What is Tulane's acceptance rate?

Tulane University admissions is most selective with an acceptance rate of 11% and an early acceptance rate of 15%. Half the applicants admitted to Tulane University have an SAT score between 1340 and 1500 or an ACT score of 30 and 33.

What is the best dorm at Indiana University Bloomington?

Top 10 Residences at Indiana University - Bloomington
  • Collins. ...
  • Foster. ...
  • Hillcrest. ...
  • Ashton. ...
  • Eigenmann. 1900 East 10th St. ...
  • Teter. 501 N Sunrise Dr, Bloomington, IN 47406 This building is situated at a great location on campus. ...
  • Wright. 501 North Jordan Ave. ...
  • Union Street Center. 445 North Union St.
Sep 21, 2018

Which IU dorms have private bathrooms?

McNutt. McNutt is the largest residence center at IU Bloomington, and after receiving comprehensive renovations in 2019, it's ready to offer residents an unbeatable residential experience. McNutt features private bathrooms on each floor with enclosed sink, shower, and toilet facilities.

What lake is Camp Crosley on?

Lake Tippecanoe
Located on the shores of Lake Tippecanoe in Northern Indiana, we serve the communities of Muncie, Chicago, Carmel, Fishers, Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, Valparaiso, and more. Our caring staff want to invite you to experience all that we have to offer.

What is BUS-D 270?

BUS–D 270 The Global Business Environment(1.5 cr., 8 wks) P: Sophomore standing. Thiscourse is part of the sophomore Global FoundationsCore and an I-Core prerequisite. The objectiveof this course is to familiarize students with theenvironments facing managers and corporationswho are operating in the global economy. Thus,participants should acquire awareness of, and anappreciation for, the diversity and complexity of theglobal environment. More specifically, the successfulcompletion of this course should enable participantsto understand and analyze how global forces shapecorporate strategy. This course should be of interestto all business students; as citizens, consumers,workers, and as future business leaders they musttake account of domestic and global dimensionswhen making decisions.

What is Kelley School of Business Honors?

The Kelley School of Business Honors Program is a highlyselective academic experience that provides students withincreased challenges and innovative learning experiences.The program facilitates students attaining their potentialboth inside and outside the classroom through specialcurricula, leadership opportunities, mentoring, increasednetworking opportunities, and the individual student/faculty interaction that is necessary to fully develop thosestudents who possess the capacity and motivation toexcel.

What is a BUS C 104 presentation?

BUS–C 104 Business Presentations (3 cr.) P:Successful completion of all SLST courses forInternational students, based on the performanceon the IAET. Students are introduced to oralcommunication in business contexts. The coursefocus is on theory-based skill development thatwill enable students to deliver audience-centeredmessages, work in teams, and analyze and developoral arguments. Students may not receive credit forboth BUS-C 104 and (X104, C106, or X106). NOTE:Students, who are required to take SLST-T 101courses, must complete those courses before taking

How is cumulative GPA calculated?

The cumulative grade point average (GPA) is computedby dividing the total number of grade points earned by thetotal number of credit hours completed in which gradesof A through F are earned. More information on GPAcalculation can be found on the Office of the Registrar

Does Kelley School accept self-acquired competency?

The Kelley School does not award academic credit on thebasis of self-acquired competency. Specifically, the KelleySchool will not accept self-acquired competency credit,for any business coursework, even if it was awarded byany other division/school of Indiana University or by otherinstitutions.

Does Delta Sigma Pi have a scholarship key?

Since 1912, Delta Sigma Pi has annually awarded theScholarship Key at each college or university where theFraternity maintains an active chapter. The ScholarshipKey is presented to the graduating student with thehighest cumulative academic average toward a degree inbusiness administration, regardless of whether the personis or is not a member of Delta Sigma Pi. In cases wheretwo or more students exactly tie for the highest academicaverage,additional Scholarship Keys are awarded.

When was the Rawles Key awarded?

Originating in 1939 , the Rawles Key is awarded annuallyto a single senior student who is ranked in the top 1%of the senior class and who represents the highestachievement in both academic and extracurricularactivities. Senior Scholastic Award recipients are invited toapply for this monetary award.

Is Bloomington N Kelley a full time MBA?

Bloomington#N#Kelley's residential Full-Time MBA Program guides you toward your professional goals in a culture of collaboration—it's in every step of our curriculum and experience and just one of the advantages a Kelley MBA offers.

How many credit hours does Indianapolis N have?

Indianapolis#N#Boost your career opportunities and competitive position. A concentrated 21- credit hour online program that covers the foundations of business knowledge. Flexible to meet the demands of students with work and family commitments.

What is an MSIS degree?

Bloomington#N#With an MS in Information Systems (MSIS) degree, you’ll gain a valuable skill set that combines technical, business, and managerial expertise. MSIS graduates are in high demand in the job market.

How long is an evening MBA?

Choose a general administration degree or specialize with one of four majors. The Evening MBA is a 24-month part-time program and is designed to be completed while you work full-time. You can also customize your education to meet your specific career needs with our dual degree option. Evening MBA Program.

What is executive education?

Executive Education delivers customized non-degree executive education programs, open enrollment certificates, and executive coaching designed to improve corporate leadership and performance. Offered both online and on campus, programs are designed to be flexible, customizable, and accessible for working professionals.

Freshmen today. Business leaders tomorrow

The Brian D. Jellison Living Learning Center (JLLC), formerly the Kelley Living Learning Center, is a diverse community of motivated first-year business students, as well as IU freshmen interested in business, who participate in a residential program that focuses on personal, academic, and professional development.

What is the JLLC application process?

The IU housing application opens in early February and the JLLC priority deadline for submission is May 10. Any updates to the application made after this date may or may not be considered during assignment. We strongly encourage students to apply before May 10.

When should I apply?

IU Residential Programs and Services (RPS) strongly considers both the date of housing application and date of fee payment when processing housing assignments for incoming IU students. Please complete your housing application and pay your housing fee as soon as possible.

When will I hear back about my application?

Our team reviews each application throughout the spring semester. You should receive an Advanced Review communication between March and May to let you know that your application has been received and is being actively considered by the selection committee. (Note: This does not mean that you’ve been selected to live at the JLLC.)

What are the requirements to join?

The JLLC requires its residents to be motivated to participate in a business-centered community focused on personal, academic, and professional development. You do not have to be a Direct Admit to the Kelley School of Business to apply.

What are the costs associated with living in the JLLC?

A $200 fee ($100 per semester) is required for all members of the JLLC. This fee covers some of our events and programs, which support your personal, academic, and professional development.

What are the JLLC application essay questions?

We encourage you to give thoughtful consideration to each question before organizing and forming your response (150–200 words per question). All essay responses must be submitted via the IU Housing Application.