Movement of material along a surface or surfaces of failure is a slide. 2.) The force opposing a slope’s shear strength is gravity. 3.) Which if the following is a factor influencing mass wasting? Weathering, Slope Angle, Water Content, Vegetation 4.) The downward movement of material along a curved surface of rupture is a slump. 5.)
7. Move objects on level surface when possible. Slides (rather than lift) objects on smooth surface when possible. Moving an object along a level surface requires less energy than moving an object up an inclined surface or lifting it against the force of gravity. 8. Hold objects close to body and stand close to objects to be moved.
Sep 29, 2019 · Surfaces like a wall or a table top can exert a force perpendicular to the surface called a normal force. ... downward on the block. Since we know that the block doesn’t move up or down as it sits at rest or slides along the table’s surface, the combined (net) ... Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. ...
A horizontal force of 25 X 10' dynes can just keep a mass of 40 kg in uniform motion along a horizontal surface. What is the coefficient of friction between the surface and the mass? At what angle must the plane be tilted for the mass to slide uniformly? 1 gram of force equals 980 dynes 2. A block weighing 165 lbs. rests on a plane surface.
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