what are my expectations for this course

by Carlos Pfeffer I 9 min read

My expectations from this class are to learn from my instructor and work with my classmates so I can become a better writer. Over the next nine weeks I am expecting to learn the skills neccessary to become a better writer. I expect to have homework everyday, but I hope its just once a week.

Full Answer

What motivates you to succeed in this course?

What Can Motivate You to Succeed?

  • Living With Purpose. I am a firm believer that lasting motivation is driven, in large part, by your purpose. ...
  • Committing to Self-Mastery. Some people devote their entire life to self-mastery and the sense of accomplishment it brings. Self-mastery is a process of becoming.
  • Giving Back. Some people are motivated to give back to the world and help others. ...

What you should know before watching this course?

What You Need To Know Before Watching Shadow And Bone

  • Shadow and Bone draws from a couple of different book series. Like many fantasy TV series that have come before, Shadow and Bone is an adaptation. ...
  • Shadow and Bone is set in a fantasy land based on Imperial Russia. ...
  • In Shadow and Bone, you'll meet the Grisha. ...
  • Beware the Shadow Fold in Shadow and Bone. ...

What are your reasons for taking this course?

  • To learn to recognize better methods and architecture in solving design issues.
  • Professional development.
  • Interest in software engineering and software o-o analysis & design.
  • For code & architecture reuse.
  • Get a general knowledge of when diff. ...
  • I wanted to gain more knowledge in object oriented principles.

More items...

How to be successful with this course?

How to be Successful in this Course Establish a routine. Look through the syllabus, calendar, and module layout, and establish a routine. Take time to get familiar with the routine of the class, and schedule your own work time accordingly, ideally multiple times during the week.

How do you answer what do you expect from this course?

How to answer "Why did you choose this course?"Consider your interests. Think about your interests. ... Discuss your career goals. Discuss your career aspirations, and talk about how the course aligns with your career goals. ... Highlight your strengths. ... Focus on positive reasons. ... Be enthusiastic.

What expectations should you have for a course?

How and Where to Communicate ExpectationsProvide basic course information (e.g., title, number, credits).Describe the course in terms that get students excited about taking it.Establish a friendly, welcoming course climate.Identify your learning objectives.Identify prerequisite knowledge and skills.More items...•

What does course expectation mean?

The Syllabus: Course Policies / Expectations Describe your expectations for student behavior (e.g., respectful consideration of one another's perspectives, open-mindedness, creative risk-taking). Let students know what they can expect from you (e.g., your availability for meetings or e-mail communication).

What are student expectations?

Understanding Basic Expectations Follow classroom rules. Be on time. Be prepared for class. Be considerate and respectful. Show respect for school property and other students.

What are examples of expectations?

Expectation is defined as believing that something is going to happen or believing that something should be a certain way. An example of expectation is a belief that you will be getting promoted. An example of expectation is a belief that you should behave as a proper lady or gentleman.

What are your expectations in taking online class?

You can expect the same variety of work online as you would face-to-face. Online courses deliver a mix of quizzes, essays, assignments and group discussions. Depending on the course, you may work together with other students in groups, participate in peer review, or debate a variety of topics on the discussion boards.

What should a student expect from college education?

Students want to learn and explore everything in their college life. Similarly, they want to explore every subject too. The college should not limit them to choose one subject or stream. They should provide freedom to students to choose any subjects they want to study.

What are your expectations for English class?

Expectations in an English Language Arts ClassReading for understanding. ... Literary Devices. ... Writing is evaluated on content, organization, and style and language. ... Writing is technical. ... Evaluation of English Language Arts assignments is not subjective. ... Speaking is an evaluated competency.More items...•

What is your expectation from us?

Talking about such expectations with the interviewer in advance is important. ONE OF THE EXAMPLES COULD BE: I am looking for an opportunity where I get to use my skills and experience so that I can contribute to the company and also grow with this company professionally and personally.

What expectations do you have of yourself answer?

I expect myself to:Be kind and loving no matter the situation or how I have been treated.Treat my body with love and kindness by eating a healthy diet and exercising five times per week.Do my job with joy, enthusiasm, and energy.Bring the joy every moment of every day. – Be of service in any way possible.

What are the expectations of a student?

Students are expected to display tolerance and respect in all communication. Communicate with others the same way you would in a traditional classroom. Comments and language should be respectful and appropriate for a college community. All comments should also follow acceptable grammar and spelling.

How to use information effectively?

Evaluate information sources critically and incorporate selected information into one’s knowledge base. Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose. Understand many of the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information and accesses and uses information critically and legally.

Why is education important?

Having a good education is the key to become successful in life. Education is a very important aspect in our lives and one must go through many steps and hurdles to attain higher education. There are two levels of education I find very different; high school, and college.

What is composition class?

The composition class here at Dubuque Senior High School allows students to improve their writing skills and teaches them self-dependence. It's a great class which has improved my grammar skills but there are things that I would change about the course. First, I would change the in-class portion of the class. This class is very independent based and relies on students to do all the work themselves. Although for most students the time given during the day is a blessing and allows them to complete...

Is It A Good Policy?

effectively is not only a good policy; in some cases it is the law. Multiple links to websites and video presentations provide technology integration strategies that can be used in different content areas.

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