what a ridiculous title for a ridiculous video. of course it's not historically accurate

by Miss Kirstin Carroll DDS 3 min read

Who is the showrunner for Invasion?

Invasion showrunner Simon Kinberg and the cast of the new Apple TV+ sci-fi series tease an entirely new kind of alien visitation.

Do musical references work in media?

3’s Koopalings — they only work if the reference is appropriate for the media or character .

Is boss fight scary?

Boss fights can be scary, but we've rounded up the scariest of them all!

Is there a greater mystery than the enduring popularity of the Nancy Drew games?

There's no greater mystery than the enduring popularity of the Nancy Drew games. Luckily, we're on the case.

Can video games tell a story?

They can tell virtually any kind of story and let the player do nearly anything. So, of course, games routinely go to extremely imaginative places and tell some pretty high-concept stories. However, an underappreciated aspect of videogames is how strange some of the titles are. With so many games being developed all over the world, ...

Who wrote the spoof of "Don't Be a Menace to South Central"?

A spoof written by the Wayans brothers needs a pretty wild title, and fortunately they found one in Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood.

Who said "I think this third wave of feminism is a bore. I think it paralyses men?

Pamela Anderson : 'I think that this third wave of feminism is a bore. I think it paralyses men'

How many sequels to Attack of the Killer Tomatoes?

This spoof of B-movies has a suitably ridiculous title: Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. Believe it or not, the film was such a success, it spawned three sequels.

Is Stop or My Mom Will Shoot a buddy cop movie?

The title of buddy cop film Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot is the least of its problems . Sylvester Stallone even said it was a film he regrets starring in.

Is Birdman's title a bracketed title?

The first part of Birdman's title is fine; it's the bracketed second part, The Unexpected Virtu e of Ignorance, which is completely unnecessary.

Is "Don't worry, we'll think of a title" funny?

Don't Worry, We'll Think of a Title is a title befitting of a parody, but sadly, it's just not that funny.

What is the class called "Getting Dressed"?

At yet another Ivy League school, students can explore the art of getting ready in the morning, courtesy of a course called " Getting Dressed ." This freshman seminar at Princeton University, taught by scholar and author Jenna Weissman Joselit, examines how what we wear—and why we wear it—shapes who we are, and vice versa. And when you want to streamline your own wardrobe, learn the 40 Best Tips For Dressing Well In Your 40s.

What is Lady Gaga's sociology course?

Little Monsters will fall hard for the University of South Carolina 's strange ode to Mother Monster herself, a course dubbed "Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame." After becoming enthralled with the singer and artist after seeing her on television, sociology professor Mathieu Deflem devised the course, explaining to The New York Times, "The central objective is to unravel some of the sociologically relevant dimensions of the fame of Lady Gaga." And for more surprising info on your favorite stars, check out these 50 Crazy Celebrity Facts You Won't Believe Are True.

Can college courses be rote?

Yes, it's no secret that some college courses can be rote and—dare we say—total snoozers. But the flip side is also true! Digging through the curriculum guides of American universities will reveal a treasure trove of fun, exciting, downright ridiculous-sounding courses.

Is the O.C. worthy of study?

While many of us were obsessed with Mischa Barton's beachy waves and the relationship drama between Summer and Seth, The O.C. hardly seemed worthy of academic study —until Duke University made the case otherwise, that is. For a period of time, the prestigious school allowed students to study the culture surrounding the hit show and the "California exceptionalism" it exemplified.

Funny titles for Stay at Home Mom

Here are 10 of the funniest job titles for a stay at home mom. They are some very cool titles, and oh so true!

Funny Titles for Manager

Here are 12 funniest job titles for a manager (aka job titles with the word manager in them).

Funny job titles Tinder users might have

These are funny job titles Tinder swipers might find during their search for love!

Other Funny Jobs & Funny Job Titles

Explorer in Chief (Experience Manager)…The Downtown Alliance in Manhattan (New York) used this title for hiring someone to document their experience discovering Lower Manhattan. The job includes a salary of $2,250 for every two weeks of work, with rent and some meals included.

Funny Job Descriptions

Want more funny stuff? We found some funny job descriptions on Linkedin, Indeed, Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, and Craigslist that are sure to give you a giggle.
