using the term snail mail to describe postal mail is an example of which of these? course hero

by Zack Jacobi 9 min read

What is a snail mail?

Mar 18, 2020 · Question 11 4 out of 4 points Using the term snail mail to describe postal mail. ... Course Title PHIL 210 210; Uploaded By Code123456. Pages 9 Ratings 100% (1) 1 out of 1 people found this document helpful; This preview shows page 4 - 7 out of 9 pages. ...

What is the meaning of a postal system?

Mar 16, 2019 · Question 12 4 out of 4 points Using the term snail mail to describe postal mail from PHI210 210 at Strayer University. Study Resources. Main Menu; ... Question 12 4 out of 4 points Using the term "snail mail" to describe postal mail is an example of which of these? Selected Answer : a dysphemism Correct Answer : a dysphemism. ... Course Hero, Inc.

What is the meaning of mail?

The meaning of SNAIL MAIL is mail delivered by a postal system especially when contrasted with email : mail. How to use snail mail in a sentence.

What is the difference between'mail'and'post'?

snail mail. A term used to describe delivery of messages by the postal service. e-mail address. ... The feature in e-mail that allows you to save several e-mail addresses under one name. emoticons. Using keyboard letters and symbols to created facial expressions and gestures online.

Examples of snail mail in a Sentence

She still uses snail mail for paying bills. I can be contacted by e-mail and snail mail.

English Language Learners Definition of snail mail

What made you want to look up snail mail? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).

What is the meaning of "post"?

post. – mail. 1. 'post' and 'mail' as nouns. The public service by which letters and parcels are collected and delivered is usually called the post in British English and the mail in American English. Mail is also sometimes used in British English, for example in the name Royal Mail. Winners will be notified by post.

What is the meaning of "I will mail the letter for you"?

the letters and packages that are transported by the postal service; to send via the postal service: I will mail the letter for you.; flexible armor made of interlinked metal rings: T he knight wore mail into battle.

What does "arms and armor" mean?

n. 1. (Arms & Armour (excluding Firearms)) a type of flexible armour consisting of riveted metal rings or links. 2. (Zoology) the hard protective shell of such animals as the turtle and lobster. vb. (Arms & Armour (excluding Firearms)) ( tr) to clothe or arm with mail.

What is flexible armor?

Flexible armor composed of small overlapping metal rings, loops of chain, or scales. 2. The protective covering of certain animals, as the shell of a turtle. tr.v. mailed, mail·ing, mails. To cover or armor with mail. [Middle English maille, from Old French maile, from Latin macula, blemish, mesh of a net .]

When is the procedure of handling of inwards mail complete?

Actually the procedure of handling of inwards mail will be complete when necessary action on the respective piece of mail received has been taken. A letter has to be replied or acknowledged. An order has to be acknowledged and executed or refused.

What are the steps to handling inward mail?

This article throws light upon the top seven steps necessary for Handling of Incoming or Inwards Mail in an Office. The Steps are: 1. Receiving and Opening the Mail 2. Scrutiny of Contents 3. Date-Stamping 4. Recording 5. Sorting 6. Distributing 7. Keeping the Track.

What is composite letter?

A composite letter is that which affects more than one department or individual and must be circulated to each of such department or individual. A different kind of rubber stamp will be used having rooms for naming the departments or individuals through which the letter shall pass successively and it has to be initialed by the respective person.

What is a pigeon hole?

For the purpose of sorting trays or baskets meant for different depart­ments are laid on the table. In case the number of departments is big, a pigeon-hole (a box containing partitioned apartments like a pigeon­hole) is used. This is useful when for a large number of individual sorting is to be done.