unwound future how to get course 10 round up

by Prof. Vicky Bailey 9 min read

What's new in Unwound Future?

Sep 29, 2010 · For Professor Layton and the Unwound Future on the DS, Walkthrough by Zurcamos07. ... +-----+ * You get the course Cash Roundup * If you finish all 9 courses, you'll get the final course. * Finish all 10 to unlock HOTELIER'S HOUSE. ... MAGENTA directly on top of LAYTON | | 10. PURPLE up to the edge | | 11. LAYTON right to the edge | | 12. ...

How to swap gears in the Unwound Future [walkep]?

Jul 24, 2018 · Puzzle Solutions. updated 7.24.18. Here you will find a list of every puzzle in Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. Our Wiki Guide also hosts solutions for the Puzzle Battles, the Toy Car ...

What is Professor Layton and the Unwound Future?

Oct 04, 2015 · For Professor Layton and the Unwound Future on the DS, Walkthrough by GiantStitch712.


Layton's challenges are the hardest puzzles in the game. They are found under the bonuses section. Each one has a different way of being unlocked.

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What is Future Luke's challenge to Layton?

After convincing the guard to let them in the Gilded 7 Casino, they finally meet Future Luke, who immediately challenges Layton to a Puzzle Battle to prove his identity.

Who is the evil professor in Future London?

The evil Professor Layton from the future is feared by many people, and he still wears his top hat as his main image. Therefore many people become very uncomfortable when passing by Professor Layton. He is also the leader of a group called the Family, a crime organization in Future London.

Who stops Professor Layton from going to Chinatown?

Professor Layton and company make their way back to Chinatown, but are again stopped by Ward. Ward informs them that future Layton has returned, but that only those who can solve his puzzle may go through the gate. After some quick puzzle solving by Professor Layton, they are granted access.

Who is the future Layton?

They climb the tower and finally meet future Layton. It turns out that Future Layton is actually Dr. Stahngun who is better known as Dimitri Allen. It is revealed that Dimitri posed as future Layton in order to lure the real Layton to future London.

What is the third game of Professor Layton?

Professor Layton and the Unwound Future, known as Professor Layton and the Lost Future in Europe and Australia, is the third game in the Professor Layton series by LEVEL-5. It is the final game in the original Layton trilogy, and chronologically speaking is the last game overall. It is being followed up by a prequel trilogy, ...


Try listing all the digits used in all of the room numbers (there are 18 in total). How often can each digit be used?

Professor Layton and the Unwound Future

The third game in the Professor Layton trilogy. As suggested by the name, the puzzle-solving professor's new exploits revolve around time travel as Layton and his young partner Luke travel forward to future London.

Halo 5 Skulls: All 13 Locations

Here's how to find all 13 skulls in Halo 5: Guardians. For more on Halo 5's collectibles, head over to the wiki at http://www.ign.com/wikis/halo-5-guardians


Try using the Memo function to chart it out. It's a lot easier to think about if you use a visual reference.

Professor Layton and the Unwound Future

The third game in the Professor Layton trilogy. As suggested by the name, the puzzle-solving professor's new exploits revolve around time travel as Layton and his young partner Luke travel forward to future London.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Teaser Trailer

Watch the title reveal video for Prime Video's The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.
