when it comes to project prioritization, senior management is responsible for course hero

by Cyrus Spinka III 9 min read

What Is Project Prioritization?

What Is Priority in Project Management?

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What Is Project Prioritization?

Project prioritization is the process of determining which potential and existing projects are the most urgent and important. This process involves evaluating the criteria that are most relevant to your business and applying them to all of your projects.

What Is Priority in Project Management?

In project management, priority refers to the urgency and importance of a task or project. Project managers use priority to determine who will take ownership of each task and when to expect results.

What is the most important criterion for project selection?

B. the project's fit to the organization strategy. C. compliance. D. nonfinancial. E. profit. The project's fit to the organization strategy is the most important criterion for project selection. This criterion should be consistent across all types of projects and carry a high priority relative to other criteria.

Who endorses and lends political support for the completion of a specific project?

One who endorses and lends political support for the completion of a specific project is known as the A. Project manager. B. CEO. C. Project sponsor. D. Project lead. E. Sacred cow. Project sponsors play a significant role in the selection and successful implementation of product innovation projects. Project sponsors are typically high­ranking managers who endorse and lend political support for the completion of a project.

What are the three types of projects in a portfolio?

Many organizations find they have three different kinds of projects in their portfolio: compliance and emergency (must do), operational, and strategic projects. AACSB: Reflective Thinking Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 2 Medium Learning Objective: 02­03 Understand the need for a project priority system. Topic: A Portfolio Management System

What are the criteria for selecting a project?

Project selection criteria are typically classified as A. Financial and nonfinancial. B. Short­term and long­term. C. Strategic and tactical. D. Required and optional. E. Cost and schedule. Although there are many criteria for selecting projects, selection criteria are typically identified as financial and nonfinancial.

How to formulate strategies that align with the mission?

In order to formulate strategies that align with the mission some of the activities the organization will need to perform are A. Assess internal strengths and weaknesses. B. Analyze competitors. C. Examine the external environment. D. Know their core competencies. E. All of these should be considered when formulating strategies. Strategy formulation includes assessment of the internal and external environments.

What happens if you don't integrate projects with your strategic plan?

Without integration of projects with the strategic plan, resources are poorly utilized . Conversely, organizations that have a link of projects to strategy have more cooperation across the organization, perform better on projects and tend to have fewer projects.

What is a project screening matrix?

A project screening matrix typically contains all of the following EXCEPT A. The list of available projects. B. Specific criteria. C. Weights assigned to specific criteria. D. Costs to complete each project. E. All of these are typically contained. Screening matrices should contain both financial and nonfinancial criteria that align with organization strategy. Weights are assigned to these criteria based on how well they align with strategy. Available projects are included in the matrix for comparison.


This course is a result of 25 years of project portfolio management experience, facilitation and participation in numerous project portfolio methodology implementation at various companies around the world.

Who this course is for

You are a senior executive who needs to prioritize your portfolio of projects and align them with available resources

What Is Project Prioritization?

Project prioritization is the process of determining which potential and existing projects are the most urgent and important. This process involves evaluating the criteria that are most relevant to your business and applying them to all of your projects.

What Is Priority in Project Management?

In project management, priority refers to the urgency and importance of a task or project. Project managers use priority to determine who will take ownership of each task and when to expect results.