You MUST submit a separate form for each course you wish to waitlist. The department begins giving overrides to non-AHS students once Open Registration starts, and will continue until classes begin. If approved for an override, you will receive a confirmation via UIC email with additional instructions
Full Answer
To attempt to get on this course’s waitlist, you must select “Waitlist” from the dropdown menu under “Action”. Next, click on the “Submit” button. If you were successful, you will see the Status for the course now show “Waitlist” in green-highlight.
You MUST submit a separate form for each course you wish to waitlist. The department begins giving overrides to non-AHS students once Open Registration starts, and will continue until classes begin. If approved for an override, you will receive a confirmation via UIC email with additional instructions
Contact the AHS Office of Student Affairs at [email protected] or 312-996-2079 for information on registration overrides, course permissions, waitlists and more. WAITLISTS: Some courses on campus have a waitlist option. The waitlist only becomes available once the …
You will need to scroll down to the page to access the “Courses other than KN 251/252” general waitlist and click on “Join the general waitlist.” Students interested in completing KN 253 or KN 254 at UIC should submit their name to the general waitlist. KN 253 and KN 254 are now being offered during Summer 2021 at UIC!
The course must be repeated within three terms of the receipt of the original grade, and it must be taken at UIC. Only one registration for the course counts toward the total number of semester hours required for graduation. Students are allowed grade point average recalculation in up to four repeated courses.
To register for the section listed above, log into, click on Banner XE Registration and register for the class. NOTE: If you do not claim your reserved seat within the time frame listed above you can add yourself back to the bottom of the waitlist.
To register for classes, students may use Students may register only during the time frame indicated on the Time Ticket. The Time Ticket can be viewed within XE Registration system (available via by clicking on the Prepare for Registration tab.
Courses with A or B grades may not be repeated. Normally, courses with a C grade may not be repeated. Courses with D or F grades may be repeated once without written permission. In all cases, the original grade for the course and the grade for each repeat will appear on the transcript.
iAdvise is UIC's integrated planning and advising system, which facilitates communication among advisors, integrates student success information, and incorporates Early Alerts to enhance advising and student success.
Students have the option to late drop individual courses by meeting with a LAS academic advisor starting the 3rd week of the term through the Friday of the 10th week of the term (Summer Session 1: First Thursday through second Wednesday, and Summer Session 2: Week 2 through Friday of week 5).
29,120 (2016)University of Illinois Chicago / Total enrollment
courses. Or you can click on “My Favorites” which is an orange box toward the right hand part of the screen. The second column on this screen “Notify Me” has a checkbox you can click to be notified via e-mail if someone drops the course and space opens up.Nov 27, 2017
Access your UIC EmailGo to will see a University of Illinois at Chicago log-in page.Enter your NetID and password and click “Log in”.
If you fail, it's usually smart to retake the class. Most colleges will allow you to retake a class one time and replace your new grade with the failed one. This looks better on transcripts and for financial aid purposes.Nov 9, 2021
UIC CollegeGrade Point Average (unweighted)SAT (ACT)College of Education3.0-3.7980-1150 (18-23)College of Engineering3.4-3.91210-1400 (25-31)College of Liberal Arts and Sciences3.3-3.91070-1290 (21-27)College of Urban Planning & Public Affairs3.0-3.61070-1270 (21-27)4 more rows
Applicants require above average high school grades to get into UIC. The average high school GPA of the admitted freshman class at University of Illinois at Chicago was 3.29 on the 4.0 scale indicating that primarily B students are accepted and ultimately attend.
Once the course is full, the waitlist option will automatically open up if there are any available seats on the waitlist. If this option does not appear, then there are no spots open on the waitlist.
If they do not register within the specific time period, they are removed from the waitlist. The next student on the list then is offered the seat. It may appear as if there are open seats in a course when students on the waitlist are in the process of being notified/registering.
Contact the AHS Office of Student Affairs at [email protected] or 312-996-2079 for information on registration overrides, course permissions, waitlists and more. WAITLISTS: Some courses on campus have a waitlist option. The waitlist only becomes available once the seats in a section have filled.
The waitlist for Fall 2021 will open March 29, 2021. Students who submit their name to the waitlist will be informed of their override status in by mid-June. Please be sure that you are submitting your name where it says Join the KN 251 waitlist as there are multiple waitlists on the same page.
Exception: A grade of CR in BIOS 110 will be accepted as having met the prerequisite in Spring 2020 only. A grade of C or higher is required in all other semesters. Scroll down for KN 251 and read the instructions/guidelines before submitting your name to the waitlist. The waitlist for Fall 2021 will open March 29, 2021.
For students planning to take one of these courses in Fall 2021, the override request form will open March 29, 2021 at 8:30am with a priority deadline of Friday, April 9, 2021 at 4pm.
If your decision is "Offered Wait List," we're offering you the wait list for your first-choice major. If your decision is "Offered Campus Wait List," we weren't able to place you on the wait list for your first-choice major.
Each year, around 2,000 students are placed on the wait list. Depending on space availability, we may offer wait-listed students admission. Some years we’re able to admit hundreds of students from the wait list, while some years we can’t admit any.
No, additional materials such as letters of recommendation and senior year grades won’t be considered. Only the application materials that were reviewed initially will be used in any wait-list decisions. Interviews aren’t part of our admissions process.
If you wish to be on our wait list, you need to accept your wait-list offer within myIllini by April 15. We’ll notify you of your admission decision by late June. If you’re admitted, you’ll then be sent a complete admissions packet.
UIUC values the residential college experience, and housing is guaranteed for all first-year students, including those selected for admission from the wait list. You’ll have a place to live in University Housing.
You should go ahead and file financial aid paperwork for the school you expect to attend. If you’re selected for admission and didn’t initially list UIUC as one of the schools to receive your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) report, you can then have it transferred to UIUC.
Yes, information about New Student Registration will be sent with your admissions packet, and information on placement testing will be available online.
If you are unable to obtain parking in a desired location, you may place your name on the wait list. You are allowed to be on the wait list for up to three lots only. The wait list date is based on the date you requested to be placed on the list.
Parkers who are on sabbatical or any other authorized leave will not lose their position on the wait list. A fee will be assessed for all transfer requests. If you make any change to lot selections, such as swapping or additions, your request date will be adjusted to reflect the current date.
The meeting time conflicts with the meeting time of the course you waitlisted. The total amount of units, including the waitlisted course, exceeds 20 units. If any of these situations occur, you are advised to remove yourself from the waitlisted course, before trying to add the new course.
If all discussions are full, no one will be allowed to enroll in or waitlist the lecture even if the lecture appears to have seats available. You may utilize the waitlist option through WebReg as long as your course does not require a three-way co-class enrollment (i.e. lecture, lab, and discussion).
International students who wish to register for less than 12 semester hours should speak with an advisor in the Office of International Services (OIS) prior to dropping courses or under-enrolling. In order to maintain immigration status, permission must be granted by OIS in advance of dropping below full time.
A University of Illinois System identification card (“ID”) is University of Illinois System (“System”) property. This ID is issued to help identify its valid holder, and it must be presented upon request.
For the purpose of determining eligibility to register, continuing students are defined as students whose enrollment at UIC has not been interrupted for two or more semesters in succession (summer session excluded). Students who lose continuing status are considered “former students.” Should they wish to reenroll after having lost continuing status, reapplication and readmission to the university are required.
A student who places into ENGL 161 via the Writing Placement Test and subsequently passes ENGL 161 with a grade of B or higher may receive academic proficiency credit for ENGL 160. If the student passes ENGL 161 with a grade lower than B, the ENGL 160 requirement will be waived, but proficiency credit will not be granted. To be eligible, students must enter UIC in Fall 2021 or later, place into ENGL 161 via the departmental placement test, and earn a B or higher in ENGL 161 .
Courses numbered 400–499 are intended for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Students will note that some 400-level courses listed in the catalog and Schedule of Classes have sections (CRNs) with differential credit (i.e., one CRN is offered for 3 semester hours for undergraduate students and one CRN is offered for 4 semester hours for graduate students). Undergraduate students who enroll in a 400-level course should enroll in the designated, lower-credit-level CRN. Graduate students should enroll in the designated, higher-credit-level CRN.
The First-Year Writing Program in the Department of English is responsible for administering waivers of ENGL 160 or ENGL 161 to eligible students. Please note that a waiver of the course will simply remove the degree requirement for the course, but will not grant a student three hours of passing credit for the course. Students should consult the First-Year Writing Program for more information on the writing portfolios described below.
The Illinois Department of Public Health mandates that all students in on-campus housing, born on or after January 1, 1957, entering a postsecondary institution are required to present documented proof of immunity against measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, and diphtheria as a prerequisite to registration. The On-Campus Housing Medical Immunization Form, required for student completion, is mailed with the student’s acceptance letter. In addition, students may request that their Illinois high school health record, the Certificate of Health Examination, be forwarded to the university at the time that the high school transmits the official high school academic record.
UPASS. If late dropping a course would cause you to fall below 12 credit hours (for the Fall or Spring terms), or 6 hours (for the Summer term), the U-PASS privileges on your Ventra card, unlimited rides on CTA buses and trains, will not be deactivated. Also, you continue to be responsible for the $140 U-PASS fee.
It is important that you maintain your registration requirements. Full-time enrollment is required during the fall and spring terms. Falling below 12 semester hours before consulting with the Office of International Services (OIS) will affect your immigration status.
You paid the CampusCare fee at the beginning of the term. You remain enrolled in an undergraduate program that is assessed Range Tuition and Fees, i.e., Range I (12 hours and over), Range II (6 to 11 hours), Range III (1 to 5 hours), etc. (Note: online programs have a different tuition and fee structure.)
If you were enrolled as a full-time student on the 10th day of the term and you paid tuition as a full-time student, then a subsequent late drop of individual course (s) will not impact your campus housing.