what is a local area network course hero

by Spencer Hauck III 7 min read

What is local area networks?

A local area network (LAN) is a group of computers and peripheral devices that share a common communications line or wireless link to a server within a distinct geographic area. A local area network may serve as few as two or three users in a home office or thousands of users in a corporation's central office.

What is local area network Wikipedia?

A local area network (LAN) is a computer network that interconnects computers within a limited area such as a residence, school, laboratory, university campus or office building.

What is a local area network GCSE?

A LAN is a network that is geographically confined to one building or site. Examples include networks employed by small businesses, small organisations, schools, colleges, universities and in homes.

What is local area network and how it works?

A local area network (LAN) is a group of computers and associated devices that share a common communications line or wireless link and typically share the resources of a single processor or server within a small geographic area (for example, within an office building).

What is LAN explain LAN architecture?

LAN architecture is the set of rules and design principles that define the LAN. A LAN is made up of three components: physical media, such as the cabling and network interfaces; the topology, such as a star or ring topology; and the protocols, or LAN technologies, such as Token Ring or Ethernet.

What are advantages of LAN?

Advantages of LANInexpensive transmission media.It can simplify the physical association of a device to the media.It is used to high data transmission rates.Network data transmission is independent of the connected devices rates, making it accessible for the one-speed device to send data to another speed device.More items...•

What is a LAN network BBC Bitesize?

Local area network (LAN) A local area network is when computers or devices are connected together over a small geographical area, such as within a home, a building or one site. A LAN can be created to share data or hardware such as a printer, or to share an internet connection.

What is LAN GCSE computer Science?

LAN : Local Area Network Benefits. A LAN covers a limited geographical area such as a single building, an University campus or school. The cables and network equipment is usually owned by the company or organsiation and they have staff responsible for maintaining it.

What does LAN mean in computer science?

Local Area Network - Cisco.

What is a local area network LAN quizlet?

A local area network (LAN) is a network that connects computers and other devices in a relatively small area, typically a single building or a group of buildings. Most LANs connect workstations and personal computers and enable users to access data and devices (e.g., printers and modems) anywhere on the network.

How LAN is different from WAN?

Difference between a LAN and WAN (WAN vs LAN) The full form of LAN is 'Local Area Network'. WAN stands for 'Wide Area Network'. Covers a small and limited area, such as home, school, office. Covers a large geographical area, such as cities or nations.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of local area network?

Comparison Table for Advantages & Disadvantages of LANAdvantageDisadvantageThe fundamental LAN setup is not outrageously costly.Because it is just so easy to gain access to other people's software components, security is a major problem. To restrict unwanted access, additional security tests are recommended.3 more rows•Jan 7, 2022

Lecture description

In this module, student will learn about Local Area Networks (LANs), Network Devices, and Data Transfer.

Learn more from the full course

This courses address Local Area Networks (LANs), network definition using the OSI model, wired and wireless networks, Internet Protocol (IP), TCP/IP in the command line, networking services, wide area networks (WANs), and much more
