this course helped me to figure out what i want to do with my life

by Mr. Josh Wiegand IV 4 min read

How do you answer the question 'what should I do?

How you can answer "What should I do with my life?" Determine what to do with your life by looking closely at things that: Ask yourself questions that will help you discover what you love and have the skills for. Doing so can provide you with career ideas, narrow down your options and give you more certainty about your decision.

Do something with your life other than your career?

Additionally, if “doing something” with your life only relates to a career, a large group of people is being left out. Due to old age, retirement, disability, or other circumstances, not everyone can work. Additionally, many people do plenty of work but aren’t paid for it. These include volunteers, stay-at-home parents, and caregivers.

What do you value most in your career?

Understanding what you value most in your career can help you choose between jobs. You might choose a decent job that offers a flexible schedule over an ideal job with long hours and overtime. You might choose a startup job that pays less than you want but allows you freedom and responsibility. Decide what's most important to you.

How can I figure out what I want to do with my life?

Figure out what to do next with your lifeExamine your purpose in life. Find your purpose. ... Evaluate your life values. ... Analyze your strengths. ... Examine your career choices and designation. ... Assess your opportunities. ... Explore your hobbies and passions. ... Take field trips and observe other people. ... Read, learn, and get inspired.More items...•

How do I decide what I want to do in the future?

Here are some steps to help you choose a career if you're undecided:Ask Yourself.Decide Where You're Going to Start.Make a list of Job Opportunities. After assessing yourself, come up with a list of potential career options. ... Ask Around. ... Make a Decision. ... Mark Your Goals. ... Draft your Action Plan.

What is my purpose in this life?

Your life purpose consists of the central motivating aims of your life—the reasons you get up in the morning. Purpose can guide life decisions, influence behavior, shape goals, offer a sense of direction, and create meaning. For some people, purpose is connected to vocation—meaningful, satisfying work.

Why did you choose this career?

'I see the role as a way of developing my career in a forward-thinking/well-established company/industry as…' 'I feel I will succeed in the role because I have experience in/softs skills that demonstrate/ I've taken this course…' 'I believe my skills are well-suited to this job because…”

Where do you see yourself in future?

How to answer 'where do you see yourself in five years? ' in an interviewGet clear about your career goals. Take some time to brainstorm what your career goals are for the next five years. ... Find connections between your goals and the job description. ... Ask yourself if the company can prepare you for your career goals.

How do I find my life path?

14 Ways to Get on a New Path When You're Feeling Lost#1 Try Out New Hobbies.#2 Talk To Your Loved Ones.#3 Journal.#4 Work Out.#5 Relax.#6 Set Goals.#7 Read Books.#8 Get Dressed Up.More items...•

What are the 3 things you need in life?

The Three Things We All Need for a Happy LifeSomeone to love.Something to do.Something to look forward to.

How do I find my destiny?

To find your Destiny Number, calculate the root number of your full name (first, middle, last) by reducing each name to a single digit, and adding up the total.

What to do if I don't know what to do in the future?

8 Things to Remember When You Don't Know What to Do with Your...It's Okay You Can't Figure out the Whole Future. ... Try to Be Comfortable with Discomfort. ... Life Is Uncertain, Go with It. ... Overcome Distractions and Stop Procrastinating. ... Ask Yourself Questions. ... Volunteer or Shadow Someone. ... Save Up. ... Answer the Door.

What is one goal you have set for the future?

1. Read a New Book Every Month. The first on this list of future goals examples is reading a new book every month.

What is future decision making?

Futures decision making is necessarily an interdisciplinary endeavor, as it should draw upon philosophy, decision analysis, social science, systems analysis, and environmental science, among many disciplines. A motto for futures decision making could be “do not leave the future to chance.”

1. How did I get to where I am today?

Ask this question to determine what you like to do and what you care about. Consider influential events and decisions such as:

2. What did I always think I would do professionally?

Answer this question to determine why you are on your current path and if it's the right one. For example, your family might have wanted you to become a doctor, or maybe you assumed you would go to law school like your siblings. Find out if certain expectations have affected your career path and why.

3. What do I like to do that I'm also good at?

Answer this question to determine your passions and skills (current or desired). Consider:

4. What do I want?

Answer this question to figure out what you value and what you need to be happy. Make a list that includes:

5. What do I value in a job?

Answer this question to determine the type of company culture you want to work in. Make a list of the things you value in descending order from the most important to the least important. It might include:

6. What types of people do I enjoy most?

Answer this question to determine the types of people you might work best with as well as those you want to avoid working with. Make a list of people you have spent significant time with, including friends, classmates, teachers, coworkers, coaches and managers. Identify the ones who motivate you most and why.

7. What do I want to accomplish by the end of my life?

Answer this question to find out what you would have to do to lead a fulfilling life. Make a long list of everything you want to do before you die. Then split the list into three sections:

2. Write down a list of important life stories

Before you meet with your conversation partner, jot down a list of five to 10 personal stories. Some of them should illustrate the “peaks” of your life, or times when you felt incredibly happy and fulfilled. Others should explore the “valleys,” or times when you felt lost.

3. Share your stories and identify themes you hear

Take turns sharing your three stories. When the other person is talking, pay attention, take notes and ask follow-up questions such as, “How did that make you feel?” or “What was the lesson from that experience that you still carry with you today?”

4. Define what motivates you

After your conversation partner identifies the themes they heard in the stories you shared, try writing in one sentence what you want to do in your life and career.

How To Figure Out Your Purpose.

If you clicked on this article, chances are you feel a little lost right now.

Step 1: Forget Money And Forget Reason

When I got out of college I was in a hurry to become a contributing member of society.

Step 3: Honestly Believe That You Can Do This

Facing fears is hard, but it does something really really awesome to you..

Step 4: Work Hard As Fudge

After I got back from my 5-month road trip I started writing on Medium. I had big plans to travel to Europe the following year and continue traveling. I had so many plans..

How To Figure Out What To Do With Your Life

So, do you know what you want to do with your life now? If not, let’s quickly summarize everything we just went over.

What The Fuck Should I Do With My Life? (A Step-by-Step Process)

I’m not here to tell you, “It’s ok, you’ll figure it out one day,” or “where you are is exactly where you’re meant to be” or “trust the process.”

Step 1: Check your mindset

From 7+ years of working with hundreds of people to help them figure out WTF to do with their life, the biggest thing I’ve learned is this:

Step 2: Get clear on who you are and what you believe in

To live a fulfilled life is to live a coherent life, where who you are, what you believe in, and how you spend your time all align.

Step 3: Get out and make stuff happen

Fun fact: People who create the life and career they want aren’t there because they have 100% clarity all the time, or because they have no fear.

What to say at the end of your life?

When you’re at the end of your life: 1 How do you want to have lived it? 2 What are the things you want to have done? To have accomplished? 3 What legacy would you like to leave? 4 What will people say about you when you’re gone? (hint: probably not that you had the newest car or the shiniest shoes or the trendiest clothes or that you ate at the best restaurants).

What is dream bio?

A dream bio is a bio of yourself as you’d like to be. A bio of what you hope to accomplish. But don’t write it in the future tense, write it as though you are actually doing these things now. Put down everything that you want to be doing and everything that matters to you.

Can you start working on your dream bio?

Some elements of your dream bio might not be realized for years or decades, but you can start working toward these goals today. Once you know what you want to do with your life, there’s no point in waiting to get started.
