the science of learning--what every teacher should know resume course

by Garnett O'Connell 9 min read

The science of learning draws on cognitive research to help teachers implement practical teaching strategies that will improve student outcomes. What Every Teacher Should Know About the Science of Learning The human brain has a remarkable and often unexpected way of making, storing, and retrieving memories.

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What is the science of learning?

Supporting teachers in the quest to help students learn as effectively and efficiently as possible, The Science of Learning translates 99 of the most important and influential studies on the topic of learning into accessible and easily digestible overviews.

What are the practical implications of cognitive science for classroom teaching?

Along the way you will explore the practical implications of cognitive science for classroom teaching in terms of choosing effective instructional strategies, developing useful assessments, motivating student effort, and designing learner-centered curricular units. This course is aimed to enhance the practice of K-12 teachers.

How can teachers maximize student learning?

Teaching strategies and assessment techniques that maximize student learning. Week 1: How the brain makes, stores, and retrieves memories. Week 2: How student mindsets influence learning. Week 3: How to help students become self-regulated learners. Week 4: Teaching strategies based on cognitive science to maximize learning for all students.

What every teacher should know?

10 Things Every New Teacher Should KnowClassroom Management Is Key. ... Build a Classroom Community. ... More to Math than Measurements. ... Flexibility is Critical. ... There's No Manual. ... The Common Core Isn't Everything. ... Mentors (and Summers) Are Integral. ... Literacy Affects Everything.More items...

What are the 7 domains of knowledge that are important to teachers?

According to Shulman (1986) there are seven interrelated domains of teacher knowledge that are necessary to understand in order to teach: general pedagogical knowledge, a knowledge of students and how they learn, knowledge of the subject matter, pedagogical content knowledge, knowledge of other content, knowledge of ...

What is the Science of Learning called?

Learning sciences (LS) is an interdisciplinary field that works to further scientific, humanistic, and critical theoretical understanding of learning as well as to engage in the design and implementation of learning innovations, and the improvement of instructional methodologies.

What is the science behind teaching?

Teaching is a meta-cognitive process. It's not only that teachers are effective in their interactions with students, but they are aware of their interactions. So, how teachers interact with students is important, AND equally important is the awareness of how those interactions take place.

What are the 3 types of teachers knowledge?

In drawing attention to the need for more attention to the role of content knowledge in teaching, Shulman in 1986 distinguished three kinds of content knowledge: subject matter content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and curricular knowledge.

What skills do teachers need?

25 Essential Skills and Qualities Every Teacher NeedsEnthusiasm. A great teacher is enthusiastic about their job and lesson, and encourages students to share the same passion as they do. ... Leadership. ... Organisation. ... Respectfulness. ... Multitasking. ... Teamwork. ... Ability to teach. ... Communication.More items...•

What is Science of Learning in education?

The Science of Learning summarizes existing cognitive-science research on how students learn, and connects it to practical implications for teaching. The report is a resource for teacher-educators, new teachers, and anyone in the education profession who is interested in how learning takes place.

Why are Learning Sciences important?

Beyond the potential scientific breakthroughs, there are individual benefits to learning science, such as developing our ability to ask questions, collect information, organize and test our ideas, solve problems, and apply what we learn.

What are the principle of learning science?

The principles of learning science are drawn from the body of research from cognitive science on how students learn. For example, here are some of the cognitive principles that Deans for Impact thinks teacher-candidates should know : Students learn new ideas by building on their prior knowledge—ideas they already know.

What teachers should know about the science of teaching reading?

Vocabulary is the understanding of individual word meanings in a text. Teachers should develop student's vocabulary knowledge through direct and indirect methods of teaching and students should be exposed to vocabulary both orally and through reading.

Why is it important for all teachers to understand the science behind teaching reading?

In the field of education and teacher preparation, the science of reading is important because understanding the cognitive processes that are imperative for successful reading acquisition has the potential to translate into reading instructional practices.

What did you learn about science when it comes to teaching reading?

The science of reading also incorporates phoneme awareness, or the awareness of sounds that make up spoken words. Improving phoneme awareness is crucial to connecting phonics and spelling instruction, making it possible for students to decode in order to read and spell unknown words.

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What is the science of learning?

Cognitive scientists have conducted research on what’s called the “science of learning”—how we learn stories, names, facts, important events, unimportant events, and more. Research on the science of learning dates back more than 100 years.

4 Teaching Strategies Based on the Science of Learning

By drawing on empirical research by fellow cognitive scientists and practical strategies from educators around the world, let’s focus on four powerful teaching strategies based on the science of learning: retrieval practice, spaced practice, interleaving, and feedback-driven metacognition.

Learn more about incorporating these researched-based strategies into your own teaching

POOJA K. AGARWAL, Ph.D., is a cognitive scientist, conducting research on how students learn since 2005. She is an Assistant Professor at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, teaching psychological science to exceptional undergraduate musicians.

What is the science of learning?

Supporting teachers in the quest to help students learn as effectively and efficiently as possible, The Science of Learning translates 99 of the most important and influential studies on the topic of learning into accessible and easily digestible overviews. Building on the bestselling original book, this second edition delves deeper into the world of research into what helps students learn, with 22 new studies covering key issues including cognitive-load theory, well-being and performing well under exam pressure.

What are the three things that students need to know about memory?

Memory: increasing how much students remember. Mindset, motivation and resilience: improving persistence, effort and attitude. Self-regulation and metacognition: helping students to think clearly and consistently. Student behaviours : encouraging positive student habits and processes.

How many studies are there in Busch and Watson?

Fortunately, Busch and Watson have the solution in this instantly-accessible summary of 77 vital research studies that every teacher should know. The vibrant, infographic-style presentation leaps off the page, and the structure of the book lends itself to browsing and dipping in-and-out rather than cover-to-cover reading. You can digest the key findings from an important study in just a few minutes – ideal for a busy teacher, whether in training, in the first few years of their career or wearing the badge of experience.

How does the book Psychological Research help teachers?

Demystifying key concepts and translating research into practical advice for the classroom, this unique resource will increase teachers’ understanding of crucial psychological research so they can help students improve how they think, feel and behave in school. From large- to small-scale studies, from the quirky to the iconic, the book breaks down complicated research to provide teachers with the need-to-know facts and implications of each study. Each overview combines graphics and text, asks key questions, describes related research and considers implications for practice. Highly accessible, each overview is attributed to one of seven key categories:

What are student behaviours?

Student behaviours: encouraging positive student habits and processes. Teacher attitudes, expectations and behaviours: adopting positive classroom practices. Parents: how parents’ choices and behaviours impact their childrens’ learning. Thinking biases: avoiding faulty thinking habits that get in the way of learning.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

I completed a course of study offered by Teachers College X, an online learning initiative of Teachers College, Columbia University through edX. The course is about The Science of Learning-What Every Teacher Should Know. The duration of the course is 20 hours of professional learning.

The Science of Learning-What Every Teacher Should Know

I completed a course of study offered by Teachers College X, an online learning initiative of Teachers College, Columbia University through edX. The course is about The Science of Learning-What Every Teacher Should Know. The duration of the course is 20 hours of professional learning.