the course networking how to upload documents

by Katherine Johnson 3 min read

How to Upload Files

  • Navigate to your Blackboard Course Management Control Panel, and expand the Files section.
  • Choose the Course Code (e.g. AH0110) from the expanded options.
  • In the main Course Content Area: Select Upload to add a new file, or Create Folder to create a new folder such as "...
  • Select Upload to add a new file, or
  • Create Folder to create a new folder such as...

Full Answer

How to upload content to a course in Microsoft community training?

You can manually upload the required content to a course using New Lesson option on the course details page. On the Microsoft Community Training portal, login and switch to administrator view. Under Course tab, select the course under a category in the list to which you want to upload the content.

How do I upload a course publication?

In order to facilitate future versions, name Course Publication name should match the course title used in the Course Catalog. Select Choose File and select the appropriate .zip file for upload. Click Upload File, then click OK. If any errors are detected you will be able to review an error message for details.

Why can't students upload files to the course files?

Students cannot upload files to the Course Files, and their files are not saved in Course Files. When students are enrolled/participate in a course, they can only browse for and attach files from their computers.

How do I update my course files?

Course files can be updated using a replace or reversion. Replace publication files are used when the course structure has not changed. Reversion is used when the structure of the course has changed (please see the quick start guide on updating content for replacing or versioning course files).

What is a CN ePortfolio?

Does CN offer free courses?

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About CourseNetworking (CN Post) in Canvas

CourseNetworking (, also known as CN Post, is a social learning environment for students to exchange knowledge, resources, and ideas.With CN Post, students become members of a global academic network where they can connect with students and instructors in the same academic discipline from other institutions and countries in order to increase learning engagement and ...


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How big of a file can you upload to Mighty Pro?

If you're on our Mighty Pro or Business Plan, you can upload video directly to a Course Overview, Sections, or Lessons. The file must be 2gb or smaller .

What size file attachments are allowed?

File attachments can be PDFs, Word docs, slides, spreadsheets, and more. The only limit is that your file attachment must be 25mb or smaller . If you're on our Mighty Pro or Business Plan, you can upload video directly to a Course Overview, Sections, or Lessons. The file must be 2gb or smaller.

Permissions Level

The Microsoft Community Training management portal provides role-based administration and depending upon the type of access level admins can perform an action on the portal. Table below shows administrative role which are allowed to upload content to a course in the portal:

Option 1 Manually add content for each lesson in a course

You can manually upload the required content to a course using New Lesson option on the course details page.

Option 2 - Bulk Upload lessons

Similar to the Bulk Upload Courses, administrator can use the Bulk Upload Lessons feature to save time and add multiple lessons and upload content for a course at once.

What is a CN ePortfolio?

CN ePortfolio gives students a lifelong professional page to showcase their learning evidence, achievements, and work samples - to self-brand themselves for that dream job. People own their CN ePortfolios for life and take it with them through school, college, work, and beyond.

Does CN offer free courses?

CN offers free options for individuals, including a free lifelong ePortfolio and the ability to create free courses for personal use with the Classic LMS tool. Upgraded accounts are available for advanced features and the brand new Pathway LMS tool.


You may wish to upload single or multiple files, and/or folders to a centralised location (Course Files), and subsequently move them to other folders throughout your course, as needed.

How to Upload Files

To keep your Blackboard course files organised, you may choose to upload files to your course " Files " folder rather than through a Content Creator (e.g. You may prefer to keep all your image files under a folder called " Images ").

Overwriting Files

If required, you can overwrite the uploaded file from the Files area by:

What does uploading a document mean?

Uploading means sending data or a file from your computer to somewhere on the Internet. These terms describe activities you may have already learned how to do. If you've ever opened an example document in one of our tutorials, you've downloaded that file.

What does it mean when a site allows uploads?

If a site allows uploads, it will have an upload utility to help perform the file transfer. Each site handles this process differently, but we’ll give some common examples. Usually, the site will have help pages to walk you through the upload process.

What is the difference between downloading and uploading?

While exploring the Internet, you’ve probably encountered the terms downloading and uploading. Downloading means receiving data or a file from the Internet on your computer. Uploading means sending data or a file from your computer to somewhere on the Internet.

Enjoy Premium access while helping other students!

Do you want full premium access to StuDocu? Upload your study materials and become a Premium user!

Step 1 – Prepare the document

Once your document is uploaded to StuDocu, our system will automatically check whether it is unique and compliant with our guidelines. Get premium access faster by following these tips before you start uploading:

Step 2 – Select university and course

Go to and click the upload button on the top right corner, you will be redirected to the page below. Enter the name of your university and course, a dotted box with the text “Drag & Drop File” will appear immediately.

Step 3 – Upload the files

Select the document (s) you want to share by dragging them into the dotted area.

Step 4 – Describe your material

It’s crucial that you provide accurate information here, as other users will use it to find and access your documents.

Step 5 – Complete upload

Carefully read through the information you provided to make sure everything is correct. If everything is fine, click “Submit documents” to complete the process.

What is a CN ePortfolio?

CN ePortfolio gives students a lifelong professional page to showcase their learning evidence, achievements, and work samples - to self-brand themselves for that dream job. People own their CN ePortfolios for life and take it with them through school, college, work, and beyond.

Does CN offer free courses?

CN offers free options for individuals, including a free lifelong ePortfolio and the ability to create free courses for personal use with the Classic LMS tool. Upgraded accounts are available for advanced features and the brand new Pathway LMS tool.
