tell me about what you did in course

by Hollie Boyer I 9 min read

Describe a course you took in your college or university. You should say: what course it was when you took it what you learned from this course

Full Answer

How to answer “why Did you choose this course?

 · Rachelle's Manager Example Answer. "I received my Master's in Computer Engineering and Computer Science in 2009. Before that, my undergraduate degree was in computer science. These valuable educational experiences helped me build my career in an in-demand and competitive industry.

How can I make sure I'm interested in a course?

 · The interviewer would like to discuss the last time you took on a course to learn a work-related task. Once you are in your career, it certainly doesn't mean that you need to stop learning. There are many job-related courses available. Talk to the interviewer about the last time you took advantage of these open courses.

How to answer tell me about your education answer?

 · Here are some steps to follow to help you answer the question "Why did you choose this course?" in an interview: 1. Consider your interests. Think about your interests. Consider how your hobbies or other things you enjoy affect your decisions. Determine if there was a specific experience that led you to choose this course.

How did the labs help you understand what you were studying?

 · Tell me about a course or project that helped you succeed professionally. What types of extracurricular activities do/did you participate in? How do these relate to your career goals? Meet the author Dana Guterman. Dana Guterman is a content strategist, writer, and researcher, specializing in higher education and career development. Her clients ...

How do you answer what did you like about this course?

How to answer "Why did you choose this course?"Consider your interests. Think about your interests. ... Discuss your career goals. Discuss your career aspirations, and talk about how the course aligns with your career goals. ... Highlight your strengths. ... Focus on positive reasons. ... Be enthusiastic.

How do you describe your course?

How To Describe a Course (In an Interview)title and main takeaway point.textbook/s (if low undergrad) or readings (if high undergrad/grad) with brief explanation/justification.Broad organization of the course, with about 3 “landmarks”examples of innovative assignments.Conclusion.

How do you answer the question of what did you learn?

Start your answer with this: “Working in an environment where (specific detail), I learned (specific lesson) that will help me thrive in this future position because (specific reason).” Your answer should sound something like this: “Working in an environment of strict deadlines taught me how to be self-disciplined.

How do you answer course of study?

“Course of study” for college students and graduates If you have an undergraduate degree or you are currently a college student, this is pretty easy to answer. You would just put your major.

How do you describe an online course?

An online class is a course conducted over the Internet. They are generally conducted through a learning management system, in which students can view their course syllabus and academic progress, as well as communicate with fellow students and their course instructor.

What is your course content?

Any informational material that is required for participation or understanding content such as assigned readings, video recordings, exams, and any other material needed for learning. Copyright © 2022 UC Regents; all rights reserved.

What are the most important lessons you've learned in your career?

10 Important Career Lessons Most People Learn Too LateIt's Okay to Say “No” ... Get a Job You Enjoy. ... Don't Work Only for Money. ... Never Stop Learning. ... Be Productive Outside of Work. ... Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance. ... Be a Team Player. ... Look After Yourself.More items...

What do you learn from an experience?

According to experiential learning theory, we learn through a learning cycle. Our experience serves a basis for reflection. From reflections, we develop ideas about the world. We then test the ideas to see if they are true, and finally we have a new experience.

How do you answer what's the most important thing you learned in school?

If your school taught you responsibility, empathy, attention to detail, resilience, and other abilities, they may represent the most important thing you actually learned.

What should I write in course of study?

You can either leave it blank, write “N/A” or mention some of the courses you took in high school. You can also list the courses you liked the most! A hint of your favorite courses would be sufficient, but more importantly: don't sweat it.

What's a course of study?

noun. an extended period of organized study, often leading to a qualification.

What is the main course of study?

Also called core curriculum, core course of study refers to a series or selection of courses that all students are required to complete before they can move on to the next level in their education or earn a diploma.

Tips on talking about your education

Keep it relevant and recent. Highlight aspects of your education that relate to the job and company at hand. Likewise, recent events are more applicable, so stay away from anecdotes about high school.

Other interview questions about your educational background

Interviewers ask a variety of questions about your educational background. In addition to, “Tell me about your educational background,” here are seven of the most common ones.

How to answer questions about education?

Here are a few sample answers you can use to craft your own answer for questions about your educational background: 1 How has your education prepared you for this job? 2 Why did you attend the college you did, and what other schools did you consider? 3 Are your grades and GPA reflective of the quality of work you can produce?

What is your educational background?

Your educational background can include both your formal education and any informal or continuing education you have received throughout your lifetime. During an interview, it is common to focus on both your most recent and relevant educational experiences when answering questions about your education. For example, if you are applying ...

What to focus on in an interview?

During an interview, it is common to focus on both your most recent and relevant educational experiences when answering questions about your education. For example, if you are applying to be a middle school science teacher, you can discuss how your college education prepared you to teach middle school science specifically, ...

What do you need to know when preparing for an interview?

When preparing for an interview, you need to understand the responsibilities for the specific position you are applying to and the needs of the company. Knowing this information will help you craft your answer in a way that aligns your educational background with what the interviewer is looking for.

What do employers value in a candidate?

Employers value candidates who have an open mind and who appreciate continuous learning. Discuss what you do to continue your education. This may include continuing education courses, certification programs, attending conferences or working toward a higher degree.

Describe a course you took in your college or university

As a student of business administration, I needed to take many subjects to fulfil the requirements of my graduation.

Tips for answering this cue card

For this cue card you can talk about any course (be it academic or not) you took in your college or university. You should talk about a course that you actually enjoyed so that you can answer the questions fluently.

How to work on your skills?

Another way to work on your skills is by seeking out challenges or opportunities to solve. By experiencing new situations, you are more likely to be exposed to challenges to solve.

What to talk about after describing a situation?

After you describe the situation, talk about your specific responsibilities and what your role was. It’s important that the interviewer gets an understanding of your task during the specific situation that you discuss.

What are the skills needed to solve problems?

The ability to solve problems during your work is about using logic, creativity, and imagination to make sense of a challenging situation to come up with an intelligent solution. Problem-solving skills are related to several skills, such as: 1 Taking initiative 2 Communication 3 Resilience 4 Creative thinking 5 Decision making 6 Team-building 7 Research 8 Analysis 9 Active listening

Why do we need problem solving skills?

In order to effectively solve challenges or problems in your work, you need problem-solving skills. These are skills such as active listening, creative thinking, and communication.

What is the ability to solve problems?

The ability to solve problems during your work is about using logic, creativity, and imagination to make sense of a challenging situation to come up with an intelligent solution. Problem-solving skills are related to several skills, such as: Taking initiative. Communication. Resilience.

What are some examples of problem solving questions?

Other examples of hypothetical interview questions to assess your problem-solving skills are: 1 How would you deal with a conflict in your team? 2 How would you respond if a customer or client raised a complaint? 3 What would you do if you received negative feedback from a manager?
