teacher preperation course for tennessee what do i have to do

by Mr. Marty Klocko 8 min read

Tennessee Teacher Education Requirements In order to earn Tennessee teaching certification, a prospective teacher must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution of higher learning and complete a teacher preparation program approved by the Tennessee Department of Education.

To become a certified teacher in Tennessee, you must successfully complete the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators tests, in addition to any relevant Praxis tests for Specific Licensure Areas. You also need to complete the Principles of Learning and Teaching test.

Full Answer

What are the requirements to become a teacher in Tennessee?

Aspiring Tennessee educators must complete an approved educator preparation program. Approved preparation programs are available through a variety of levels, types, and pathways including undergraduate and post-baccalaureate, and with student teaching, internship, or job-embedded clinical practice. The requirements for educator preparation provider (EPP) …

How do you become a teacher in Tennessee?

Apr 28, 2020 · Tennessee Teacher Certification Programs. To earn your teaching credential you will have to complete the appropriate amount of undergraduate coursework and standardized tests, as well as an accredited certification program. A list of accredited teacher preparation programs in Tennessee can be found on the state Department of Education’s website.

How to become a teacher in TN?

Educator Preparation Programs/Providers. Tennessee educators must complete an educator preparation program. The sortable/searchable table below is a list of all approved preparation programs and endorsement programs in Tennessee. King University 6-12 Trevecca Nazarene University Special Education Comprehensive Middle Grades Science Psychology ...

What is teaching preparation program?

Is edTPA required in Tennessee?

Professional Assessments Required for Tennessee Licensure Individuals applying for initial teacher licensure in Tennessee must submit passing scores on the appropriate edTPA performance-based, subject specific assessment and Praxis content speciality area test(s) for all endorsements to be listed on the license.

Is there a teacher shortage in Tennessee?

And in Nashville, the state's second largest district currently has more than 80 full-time teacher vacancies. The leader of the Professional Educators of Tennessee called the shortage a “full-blown crisis.” “We're driving people out of the profession faster than we can replace them,” said Executive Director JC Bowman.Feb 15, 2022

How do I get teacher certification?

Traditional Teaching CertificationChoose a bachelor's degree and teacher preparation program. ... Complete a student teaching experience. ... Take your state's required exam(s) for educators. ... Apply for teacher certification. ... Choose an alternative route teacher preparation program. ... Apply for a provisional teaching certificate.More items...

How many professional development hours are required for teachers in Tennessee?

Teachers need 60 professional development points every (6) years to renew a teaching certificate.

Do you need a teaching degree in Tennessee?

Tennessee Teacher Education Requirements In order to earn Tennessee teaching certification, a prospective teacher must have a minimum of a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution of higher learning and complete a teacher preparation program approved by the Tennessee Department of Education.

What is grow your own teacher?

Grow-your-own (GYO) teacher programs recruit and train teachers from within communities to bring racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity and skills such as bilingualism into schools. These pro- grams are often partnerships between schools, districts, community organizations, and teacher preparation programs.

Can you be a teacher without a degree?

Public school systems in all 50 states require teachers to have at least a bachelor's degree to get a job at any grade level. While some private schools may allow you to become a teacher without a bachelor's degree, nearly all require one.Aug 12, 2021

How long does it take to get a teaching certificate?

You may follow one of two routes in becoming a teacher, namely: a four-year Bachelor of Education degree (B.Ed.); a three-or four-year Bachelor's degree, followed by a one-year Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE). Once completed, both routes lead to classification as a professionally qualified teacher.

What educational steps do I need to take in teacher?

The Bottom LineComplete your bachelor's degree.Complete student teaching (usually as your last semester of college)Pass the exam(s) required by your state.Obtain any required clearances, such as fingerprints or child abuse clearance.Apply for your certificate in the state you wish to teach.

How long is a Tennessee teaching license good for?

three to six yearsA teacher's license is up for renewal every three to six years depending on the type of license, but the expiration date is always August 31 of the designated year (Visit www.teateachers.org/License for a full explanation).

How long does a Tennessee teaching license last?

Once you receive your Professional License, it is valid for ten years. During that time, if you have a bachelor's degree, you must earn 90 renewal points. If you have a master's degree and five years of positive experience, no renewal points are required.

How many PDPs points do you need to renew your teaching license in Tennessee?

60 PDPsTo renew a professional license, educators must submit 60 PDPs during the validity period of the license.

How to become a teacher in Tennessee?

To become a certified teacher in Tennessee, you must successfully complete the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators tests, in addition to any relevant Praxis tests for Specific Licensure Areas. You also need to complete the Principles of Learning and Teaching test.

How to get a teaching credential in Tennessee?

To earn your Tennessee teaching credential you will have to complete the appropriate amount of undergraduate coursework and standardized tests, as well as an accredited certification program. To learn more about earning your Tennessee teaching credential, visit the state Department of Education. External link. .

What is the Tennessee Department of Education?

The Tennessee Department of Education directs educators looking for teaching jobs in Tennessee to Teachers-Teachers#N#External link#N#, an online database of postings for educational positions. Users can search by position, grade level, location, and other filters to narrow results. Troops-to-Teachers#N#External link#N#is another recruitment program for Tennessee teachers.

What is a teacher shortage in Tennessee?

A teacher shortage area is defined by the U.S. Department of Education#N#External link#N#as “an area of specific grade, subject matter or discipline classification, or a geographic area in which … there is an inadequate supply of elementary or secondary school teachers.” The Department allows states to identify their own teacher shortage areas, but encourages them to follow a prescribed methodology based on unfilled teaching positions, teaching positions filled by instructors with irregular certifications, and positions filled by teachers certified in other subject areas. Shortages in Tennessee for the 2020 to 2021 year include the following:

How much do teachers make in Tennessee?

According to 2019 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics#N#External link#N#, teachers in Tennessee make an average of around $50,660 per year. Specific salary schedules in Tennessee will vary by district. Learn more about teacher salaries on Teach.com.

What are the elements of a teacher education program?

Teacher education programs typically consist of two elements: curricula and fieldwork. Curricula generally includes instruction on fundamental skills, pedagogy (the science of teaching), and preparation for researching, designing and implementing learning experiences in a particular field of study. Fieldwork often includes field observations, ...

What degree do you need to be a certified teacher?

To teach in the United States, certified teachers must generally possess a bachelor’s degree, at the least. Some states require that specific credit hours be earned for instruction in various specialty areas.

What degree do I need to become a teacher in Tennessee?

Tennessee Teacher Education Requirements. In order to earn Tennessee teaching certification, a prospective teacher must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution of higher learning and complete a teacher preparation program approved by the Tennessee Department of Education. Note that if you began a teacher preparation ...

How to become a substitute teacher in Tennessee?

Answer: To become a substitute teacher in Tennessee, you must apply with individual districts. Each district sets its own requirements for substitutes. Generally, candidates must have professional references and at least 60 credit hours of education from an accredited college or university.

What is CAEP accreditation?

The Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) is the result of the merger of two former accreditation agencies, the Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC) and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). CAEP accreditation is held out as an indication of rigorous standards in ...

How many PDPs do I need to become a teacher?

While teaching with a Practitioner License, candidates must attend continuing education to earn Professional Development Points (PDPs). 30 PDPs and three years of teaching experience are required to advance to the next tier of licensure, the Professional license.

Who said "I love the enthusiasm and curiosity of second and third graders"?

Teacher Quote: “I love the enthusiasm and curiosity of second and third graders. Most of my students still believe they can do anything they want to do, so all I have to do is build on their certainty!” -Mary Pitner, Tennessee Second and Third Grade Teacher

What is the PLT exam?

The state of Tennessee requires that all applicants for initial instructional certification achieve passing scores on the Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) exam that correlates to the grade level (s) to be taught, as well as the Praxis content-area exams appropriate to the subject (s) and grade level (s) to be taught.

Can I get a teaching license in Tennessee?

Once all of the steps towards teaching certification in Tennessee are completed, the candidate is eligible for a license. Different from most other states, in Tennessee the teacher preparation program that a candidate attends applies for the appropriate teaching license on behalf of the candidate. Candidates should not submit their own applications unless specifically instructed. Visit the state’s Department of Education for further details on Tennessee teacher licensing.