If the structure of your course file is correct, another issue that you might have is that you picked a song that happens to exist in multiple locations in your StepMania songs folder. In this case, StepMania doesn't know which song to pick -- you'll need to specify the song folder that it …
Jan 21, 2013 · Step 1:Open wordpad. Step 2:In the wordpad you can use this example to put on wordpad: #COURSE:Name of Course Here; #SONG:Name of song here; #SONG:Same as above; You can set difficulties,mods and other things. Step 3:Save the text as a CRS file. Step 4:Put the course in the Courses folder.
If a song in a course uses a wildcard to pick a song like #SONG:*:Medium:2x;, doing course:GetCourseEntry(i):GetSong(); (where course is the instance of your course and i is the index of the song) will return nil. Make sure you account for that and indicate that the song is random in the course screen. Course Typing Priority
Make sure you have StepMania in the first place! Now open up the StepMania Tools Main Menu that comes with StepMania, and click on the very last option that says "Create Song". Find the music file that you want to be your new dance song and select it! It should say "Success. Created song <file location>"
There is no Stepmania tools menu. Where on my computer can I locate this item?
Make an appropriate BPM for the music. Listed in the related wikiHows is an article that's a good way to calculate the BPM
wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 14 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 58,220 times.
Hey everyone! Like many of you, I was disappointed by the bar offerings for the LTEK pads, plus I had issues with the pads moving around on my concrete floor, so I wanted to build a stage for them. The goal was to have something to keep the pads in place and maintain their distance apart for doubles play, plus have a stable and usable bar.
Update #3: I have found someone who will make this song pack for me! Again, a MASSIVE thanks to everyone who offered or simply took the time to read this post!!